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Benzos (thienodiazepine) Etizolam Megathread V2

Don't see why anyone would wanna take benzos for fun, they don't have any recreational purposes for me and are only good dumbing down stim high and helping get to sleep after a sesh.
Don't see why anyone would wanna take benzos for fun, they don't have any recreational purposes for me and are only good dumbing down stim high and helping get to sleep after a sesh.

Ah, don't start this again, there is no point. Some people find the effects of benzos enjoyable while other don't. You're one of those that don't and that's that.
1mg of etizolam in my body provides excellent skeletal muscle relaxant properties (great if you have certain types of chronic spine pain), and relief from extreme anxiety. It is an effective treatment for full blown panic disorder. In comparison to alprazolam, I find that there is much less sedation - actually I find that it is somewhat mentally stimulating, but physically calming. I prefer etizolam by a long shot because it's less sedating, seems more agreeable with low doses of opioids, and has more uplifting effects in general.

It can provide a sense of serenity, euphoria and inner peace. It also provides relief from social anxiety leading to improved sociability. I consider it an excellent drug: my heart will be pounding out of my chest during one of my daily panic attacks, I will be physically sick with crippling anxiety, I will have excruciating pain in my spine from my chronic pain condition... take 1mg and after a brief period of continued anxious pacing I'll be up and about, busy as a bee and happy as a clam for 3 hours, feeling quite pleasant and relaxed.

I don't know what high doses are like. I never plan on finding out for myself because as a daily medicinal user my goal is to keep as low a tolerance as possible. Plus I do think that this is a "less is more" type drug to an extent - with higher doses you might get really sedated or black out and lose control of yourself. I would consider that a waste when low doses are so chill.

It does not seem to be addictive in the sense that I don't get cravings or think about it much at all. If I have a beer I find it hard not to have more than I intended, but this is NOT like that at all for me (I quit drinking though). I've never once lost control of myself on etizolam. Obviously I would be weary of physical dependency, but for some of us hardcore panic freaks the options are limited. I don't know what I would do without it, but that's where I was at in life before I even knew what etizolam was. I have since found my way.

I'd be very attentive while working with the raw form.
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Etizolam is a great medicine. I only take it intermittently and have learned, only because of my personality, that I can only take it here and there and only in small doses. One thing I love about this drug is that if you take too much, I will feel like shit for days. Benzos never did that to me which I also used intermittently. That's a great thing for me because it makes sure I don't ruin what is a very helpful tool.

Anyway, it's great for times when things are especially anxiety inducing to help get you through. I'm about to go through a pretty high anxiety time and am glad I have something to rely on in the short term.
There is little cross tolerance between etizolam and alprazolam in my experience.

If you thought running out of weed is bad (which it really is hell for me to)....then wait till you get a little benzo habit going.

EDIT: My review of etiz was a bit harsh. I was just expecting something more potent is all. But I would probably say that if you gave me thorazine. Some people say its like 10 mg of diaz. More like 4 or 5 atleast in terms of impairment.

It feels most like ativan but with a much shorter duration. Very clear headed benzo targeting mainly anxiety. Good head buzz from the rapid onset. I think these would be great for panic attacks. I'm not so sure about the recreational potential but hey its a benzo.

Oh also apparently while almost but not blacked out on etizolam and booze I was apparently really fucked up. I can mix booze and benzos like a champ. So you've been warned. I won't do it again.
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>Some people say its like 10 mg of diaz.
You're not the only one to disagree with this, I'd also put it lower... somewhere between 5 and 7.5 mg + some literature also uses lower numbers.
But benzo equivalence tables are always going to be problematic because different ones have different affinities for the various GABAa receptor subtypes. For example, pyrazolam is very potent as an anxiolytic but almost worthless for other benzo effects. So what number do you put in the table? The tables are a good starting point for switching patients between benzos without sending them to WD, but taking 5 mg pyrazolam or an equivalent dose of triazolam (or any other vastly different pair) isn't going to feel the same.
It depends on the quality that you had, but in my experience, etizolam is 10-15x the potency of diazepam.
I've been a good boy, it's been a month since my last etiz. although seeing this thread has tempted me in to placing another order. I keep saying that 'I'll just keep it around for when I REALLY need it', however once I have it it seems I always need it. The first dose I take after a break is ALWAYS very euphoric, I can definitely feel a downstream dopaminergic surge from GABA agonsim. Unfortuantely after a week on 10mg/day etiz I start to become emotionless much like opioid-induced apathy. Just some thoughts in case anyone can relate.
You can take 10 mg per day without significant side effects? From 4 mg, I have some sleep paralysis.
Right off the bat, no, I would've been a mess. Once you work your way up to that level there is little difference between 5mg and 15mg - it's all relative.
LilyMilošević;12459739 said:
It depends on the quality that you had, but in my experience, etizolam is 10-15x the potency of diazepam.
Everything from branded pharm etilaam (in the original package), to quality vendor pressed to powder. But for me it's just not that potent.
This question comes up quite often it seems we now have a definitive answer for it: Etizolam is illegal in the USA and as a Scheduled I Dangerous Drug. (apparently).

The syringe seized from Briggs' backpack was then sent to the Montana State Forensic Science Division for analysis. On March 24, a chemist reported that Etizolam, a schedule I dangerous drug, was found in the syringe.


This is the first charge I'm come across for Etizolam possession.
Etizolam is not illegal in the US. The use of etizolam for human consumption is a grey area. Since the guy had it in a hypodermic needle it is safe to assume he was intending to use it for human consumption.
It specifically says it's a a schedule I dangerous drug. Human consumption doesn't come into it. He is being charged for possession.
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This question comes up quite often it seems we now have a definitive answer for it: Etizolam is illegal in the USA and as a Scheduled I Dangerous Drug. (apparently).


This is the first charge I'm come across for Etizolam possession.
Have they really scheduled etizolam?

If not, wouldn't it be more accurate to say that what the court says will be a definitive answer?

Like that case with someone with AET being charged for possession of a controlled substance (DMT/DET) analogue? Court said nope.
Have they really scheduled etizolam?

If not, wouldn't it be more accurate to say that what the court says will be a definitive answer?

Like that case with someone with AET being charged for possession of a controlled substance (DMT/DET) analogue? Court said nope.

Maybe the American members can keep an eye on the case. The dude sounds a nasty piece of work so they are obviously trying to put what they can on him. I can only go on what the article says, that it's a scheduled Scheduled I Dangerous Drug. Why bring the charge if they didn't have a chance of a conviction? No point people burying their head in the sands over this. Basically if it's not authorised by the DEA you're on dodgy ground, it's the fact that it's Class I which surprised me (same as heroin and coke etc!).
I got caught with phenazepam years ago and got arrested but they didn't file charges on the possession of that after I told them "i am familiar with the analog act and it doesn't cover this substance". After a little talking between courts and prosecutors they only charged me with Criminal Mischief for driving with it in my car (i wasn't driving under the influence and the test proved only my RX's were in my system)..

Maybe I got off easy? But than again i am a felon, and this happened 6 years after my felony so i dont think that same court would wanna "take it easy on me".

Maybe the American members can keep an eye on the case. The dude sounds a nasty piece of work so they are obviously trying to put what they can on him. I can only go on what the article says, that it's a scheduled Scheduled I Dangerous Drug. Why bring the charge if they didn't have a chance of a conviction? No point people burying their head in the sands over this. Basically if it's not authorised by the DEA you're on dodgy ground, it's the fact that it's Class I which surprised me (same as heroin and coke etc!).

I'm not defending him, just want to be clear on something - is etizolam schedule I or not? In the entire USA or some states? Links to confirm it?
Flunitrazepam is schedule 1 in the US so technically any analogue of it is illegal (which they could argue covers all benzo derivatives), whether the prosecution uses this as proof of it's illegality I don't know.

*Having skimmed the article it seems that it's another newspaper clueless about drugs, so really there's not a lot we know atm.