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they would be SOOO lucky to find you... (merged)

Well, I...

Look hot

Am a damn good cook

Am amazing in bed

Love experimenting with the fun things life has to offer

Never hold grudges

Like improving my mind

Give great head

Can find the "spot" on anyone!

Think sharing is more fun than being stingy

Know how and when to fight

Can dance better then anyone I know

Have never EVER lost a friend over a disagreement.

That, and I'm modest...=D
I'm cute.
I work out.
I can dress.
Well traveled.
I get people off.
I have good credit.
I make people laugh.
I have a lot of stories.
I look much younger than I am.
Genetically, I have a very athletic, well proportioned build.
Enjoy perks of wealthy family.
I have financial assets.
Adequately endowed.
Able to handle myself.
I'm adventurous.
Well educated.
I'm charming.
I can dance.
Easy going.
I'm honest.
Blue Lava said:
I'm cute.
I work out.
I can dress.
Well traveled.
I get people off.
I have good credit.
I make people laugh.
I have a lot of stories.
I look much younger than I am.
Genetically, I have a very athletic, well proportioned build.
Enjoy perks of wealthy family.
I have financial assets.
Adequately endowed.
Able to handle myself.
I'm adventurous.
Well educated.
I'm charming.
I can dance.
Easy going.
I'm honest.

for real .. i'm on one knee right now .. will you marry me ??
not only do you have all those amazingly good qualities .. but you were able to organize them into a graphicaly appealing format. and you said you're honest .. *swoon * .. if only you were a real person and not just a representation of 1's and 0's on my computer, ,,

i've got a 4 carat wedding band in my hand for your finger .
oddjob said:
for real .. i'm on one knee right now .. will you marry me ??
not only do you have all those amazingly good qualities .. but you were able to organize them into a graphicaly appealing format. and you said you're honest .. *swoon * .. if only you were a real person and not just a representation of 1's and 0's on my computer, ,,

i've got a 4 carat wedding band in my hand for your finger .

lol ..
i'm just banking on the fact that you are a female close to my age
yeah, but at least I won't be that huge bitch in the pile of women trying to catch the bouqet.

mariposa's ego boost for today :)

  • I have extremely high standards, so whoever ends up with me should first and foremost give himself a nice pat on the back. :D
  • I blush bright red when someone says something that makes me shy, and I have been told my blushing is extremely attractive.
  • I almost always put the needs of my partner ahead of my own.
  • I won't back down from arguing with you if I truly believe I am right, but at the same time I am a diplomat and I do my best to consider the feelings of my partner.
  • I'm also a damn fine cook (those of us in the thread who cook should have a potluck meetup!) and there is nothing I would rather do on a Sunday evening than to cook my man whatever he is craving.
  • I would serve that meal naked with a side of me. ;)
  • I'm a sensitive and receptive listener.
  • I learned how to give blowjobs on a pickle from a gay man in high school, and the techniques he taught me are excellent (or so I have been told).
  • I am open minded sexually and there is really nothing I would not try once; but there is a lot I haven't tried yet but want to.
  • I have a fabulous relationship with two tireless sexual toys. ;)
  • I have a firm and perky 34C all natural rack and on the rare occasions I flash it, I do it tastefully. ;)
  • I have highly symmetrical features and the women in my family age quite gracefully.
  • I'm a leggy blonde and have very soft skin and silky hair, both of which I take excellent care of.
  • People who take me at face value think I am high maintenance, but I'm really quite laid-back; I just love fashion and accessories.
  • I'll most likely drink and smoke you under the table, but if I don't, we'll definitely have fun trying.
  • I get off big time on giving. Nothing pleases me more than to look into my partner's eyes and seeing how much he is enjoying what I am doing, even if it's rubbing his back or his feet.
  • I am college educated, well-traveled and well read.
  • I am intellectually and emotionally intelligent and at the same time kind of a geek and a sap, but I play it cool most of the time.
  • Parents love me and think I am God's gift, and most of the time I get along with them well.
  • I enjoy children and hope to have my own with someone special when the time is right. I anticipate I will be a good parent.
  • I am independent and am proud that I have never had to depend on a man for my well-being.
    [*]I will support my partner in all his dreams, business, family and romantic, and will do everything in my power to make him happy and self-actualized.

Yay for all of us wonderful people!

have to say this.

I'm so good, people around me become better at everything!

On a serious note, I'm...

Not afraid to be emberassed
Learn very quickly
I prefer to make things easier for other people by making things more difficult for myself.

that's the short list.
loyal - I'll always back up my friends
funny (GSOH, OMG LOL ;) )
I'm finding this harder than I though
I can cook
I guess it's true that I don't like talking about myself
Oh well, this will be good therapy
I can multitask - I can work really hard and still be surfing BL at the same time
I can cook
I have no short-term memory though
I like sports (well, if it works for women to say it, why not me?)
I use one word sentences a lot
Aware of faults and working on correcting them
like giving head
know shitloads about drugs
tend to wander off the subject and randomly interject irrelevant but amusing comments into any thread of conversation
My internet penis is huge.

Ooh - just noticed that BL typed 'adequately endowed' and Oddjob is still wondering what gender BL is :)
~I'm easygoing and accepting of people.
~I'm not your typical jealous bitch.
~There are very few people I don't get along with.
~I can kiss like no other.
~I come across as being the sweetest, most innocent girl you'll ever meet...until you get me behind closed doors.
~The one thing that gets me off the most is knowing I'm driving you crazy with pleasure.
~I have nice facial features, and I'm not skinny but I have a curvy hourglass shape, which I guess is good if that's what you're into.
~I seem really girly, but I also love a nice cold beer and a good football game.
~I like to look my best, so I take good care of my hair, skin, nails, etc.
~I'm fun loving.
~I like to cook.
~I like to do nice things for people and would do anything for the people I care about.
~I make a loving, caring, and devoted gf.
~I love to joke around and be goofy.
~I'm faithful...I have never cheated on anyone and never, ever will.
~I don't care how much money you make or how much you spend on me.
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Detrimental effect, how true... im starring at the list and i really have nothing to put down.

just another bland fish in the sea
Wow, this is a great idea... :)

I spend all my Sundays during football season glued to the couch, drinking beer and shooting the shit. I've been known to growl at people who try to change the channel.

I own a Playstation and have been known to miss class and sleep because I'm playing GTA.

I'm in awesome shape right now, and I can finally actually see the shapes of my abs.

I'm crazy about sex and like to be tied up and forced to give head.

I have sexy long red hair.

I'm rediculously loyal and rediculously forgiving.

I really would rather not celebrate little anniversaries, because I forget them. And if you forget my birthday, I've probably already forgotten yours three times. No biggie.

Unless you're a football player, I can probably keep up with you when you drink.

I'm a computer science major.

I can't remember the last time I had an urge to see a romantic comedy at the theatre. I went opening night to X2, LOTR, and Pirates.

I'm a really good cook when I bother to get off my ass and do it.

I don't really yell when I fight, I don't fight about trivial things.

I don't need to be waited on hand and foot or stayed with at a party.

I will make you want me when I dance. I'm not trying, but I will.

I will check out women with you.

((gives self a hug)) wow, I should really sit down and do that more often.
I'm Educated,witty,intense,focused,assertive,intelligent,outgoing and adventurous.

I know what I want.I CAN dance!

I have goals,ambitions and ideals.Lust for power in every way.

Understand that compromise is key in any worthy relationship.

Do the three C's when necessary(cook,clean,cuddle).ya ya shut up about the cuddling or I'll kick your @$$

I could outshoot John Wayne.I'm tan,built and blue-eyed.Confident not arrogant.

worldy-wise and street smart.Have a deep appreciation for what I've had,have and will obtain.
I'm great in bed.

Beleive in better living through Chemistry.

Learned from the bad,cherished the good and see all of life as shades of grey.=D
um, i'm a humble person- i'll try to ignore that to be honest here
i'm the best boyfriend-material in the world because:

-i'm humble, i'm honest :)
-i don't lie, ever
-i don't cheat, ever
-i can talk about it, whatever IT is i'm not afraid
-i'm not afraid of anything, bring it on- i'll even kill spiders for you
-i'll only be judgemental if there's no rational explanation
-i have no taste in music, i find something good in every style
-i love to dance, maybe not very well to certain styles of music, but i can dance and i'm learning ballroom
-i am very thoughtful and considerate, even if you don't like presents you "may" wake up to an entire living room filled with christmas gifts/flowers just because i think you deserve them
-i'm tall (6'4"), dark, and handsome... i'm very strong even though i'm not ripped.
-my cock has been called "more than enough for a pussy, but not too much for an ass" by an ex, she liked the thickness most.
-i love eating pussy, but i also understand that foreplay begins with the date and a woman's whole body deserves stimulation...
-i'll never make demands, but i will always communicate what is important to me
-i love kids, plan to have a noisy family one day
-i'm going to be an excellent teacher, father, grandfather and husband
-i don't ever want to be rich, but i value financial stability
-i am very well-mannered, parents love me until they play board games with me, i take scrabble seriously
-i am very smart, but i don't impose it on others too often
-i can't stand racism, oppression, harassment.
-my hazel eyes (brown/green) change colors day to day, so you always have something to stare deeply into.
-i have dimples and chubby baby cheeks regardless of how thin i get you'll always be able to squeeze them even though i hate it.
-there are some times that i have to fight, though i'm usually non-violent. some things are worth it.
-i have great friends, i'd love to share my friends with someone. i have friends all over north america- so no matter where i go there someone fantastic to hang out with.
-i like to cook, i love animals- but i'm mildly allergic to cats
-my sense of humor goes from beyond strange to cheesy- but i love to laugh even though i seem serious a lot.
-there is nothing you can't talk to me about, i won't get mad- even when i'm upset i don't get mad.
-once the bedroom doors are closed anything that you want to do is fine- what happens in the bedroom stays in the bedroom.

and that's just the short list yo.
Love this thread ... an opportunity to brag about oneself and not feel guilty ...

A few of the many reasons I'm a great catch ---

- wealthy (self made)
- love football and know more about the game that many guys (and can even play)
- totally unleashed in bed - enjoy sex very much
- can explore a man's body for hours ... and give pleasures that he's never experienced.
- successful ... made it to the top of company
- very smart - beauty with brains
- am a wonderful mom - love my kids
- well traveled
- athletic - can do almost every sport, and will try every one
- fit - keep myself in great shape ... size 4 with a 34C
- i'm a giver --- love to give, but not very good at receiving
- I do not rely on men for support, I'm willing to support them (would love a housedad!!)
- love to golf and smoke cigars with the guys
- i'm not smothering in a relationship - think both should have their own space and friends

that was fun.....
Rather than focus on our relationship I focus on myself which will give someone the space they need and lessen the chances of selfish drama. I love sex and love induldging. I'm friendly and my heart is and wants to be full of love. I'm not competitive with other people and try to see the good sides to everyone. I'm open minded and fun-gentle and strong.