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Television The Wire

^I have seasons 1 & 2 on DVD anyway so one of these days I'll give it another shot :D
Goodnight, moon. Good night, popo. Good night, fiends. Good night, hoppers. Good night, hustlers. Good night, scammers. And goodnight to everybody. Goodnight to one and all.
Last episode = AWESOME.

Wow. No spoilers here, wasn't completely surprised about how it all turned out. I liked the theme of the endless cycle of society/institutions. Some of the newer characters became the new versions of the older characters. Don't want to give it away for those who haven't seen it but it's funny to see the younger versions of McNulty, Bubbles and Omar take their places.

I highly recommend you check it out sooner rather than later. When I look back at the whole series from start to finish as a whole I think this has to be the greatest television series I've ever seen in my life. Period.
Yes it was very fucking good. I was not disappointed at all.
TALLY said:
Yes it was very fucking good. I was not disappointed at all.

In contrast to the bullshit nonendings of: Carnivale, Deadwood, Rome and of course the Sopranos.... the Wire ended at a logical point in the story with a sense of finality while at the same time perpetuating the world and characters that had been created. You see that life will go on for (most of) them, but you still get some resolution.
JerryBlunted said:
In contrast to the bullshit nonendings of: Carnivale, Deadwood, Rome and of course the Sopranos.... the Wire ended at a logical point in the story with a sense of finality while at the same time perpetuating the world and characters that had been created. You see that life will go on for (most of) them, but you still get some resolution.

Yeah man, I agree with that 10000%. I was really happy that they didnt do us dirty like they did with all those other shows.
This was easily the best television series I have ever seen. I am very sad to see it go.
Television: The Wire

Actually I'm pretty surprised there isn't already a thread about this show (if I'm wrong about that, feel free to delete, didn't find anything in the search).

Some critics are calling it one of the best (if not the best) TV spots of all time. I'm pretty blown away by the acting myself. (3 1/2 seasons deep right now)

What do y'all think?
This show has been on my "to do" list for about two an a half years now. People I know swear that its better than the Sopranos.

I need to reactivate my netflix acount.
three threads merged

i'm borrowing the first season soon
EA-1475 said:
People I know swear that its better than the Sopranos.

I need to reactivate my netflix acount.
You don't know me and ** I ** swear it is too.

You don't have HBO? It's "On Demand" all the time.
love the show! i have the first 3 seasons on DVD, watched them all at least twice. just finished season 4 on netflix...awesome. and got season 5 hitting DVD in August! looking forward to it!
I do Comcast work in the Baltimore area, mostly dispatching and tech support. I was scanning a map to get my tech to his next job on time, when I casually grazed past N. Warwick Ave and remembered the scene where Officer Gregs get's shot by Fat man and Wee Bay. OOOOh what a classic! What was best is when I remember that they had crossed the train tracks to get to their Mercedes get away, and what do ya know...Right on the map there are train tracks, another great reason the Wire is the best. It's so accurate, and it amazes me how people can watch realty T.V
I'm watching The Wire from the beginning. I'm on Season 3 right now. Love it. :)
i've only seen the first season. about the start the second. good so far. does it get better?
This show should be of particular interest to BLers because it's really ultimately about the Drug War. Best show in TV history IMO.
I've heard a lot of say they felt season 2 was slow but I thought almost the opposite. I think I loved Season 2 the most out of all of them (I have 2 discs left of season 5) .