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  • Film & TV Moderators: ghostfreak

Television The Wire

i like it enough to be onto the 4th season now. far from the best show ever, but nice drama nonetheless.
Guys, dvds of the Wire season 1 and 2 are still in my drawer....I've been meaning to watch it for the longest time but I always procrastinate! arrrgh! Anyway reading all the comments from the posters here with excellent taste has made me more determined to do so... ;)
Spoilers contained below, as well as thoughts about The Wire (aka the best show on earth) as I have just finished all seasons.

"My name is my name!" -Marlo (in jail), hehe

I really liked how the show progressed and how it gave everyone a brutal reality check. On many of the forums that I have been reading today, Wire fans (including myself) had a lot of hope for Omar, Bodie and other characters that ultimately met a bloody end. For instance, hoping that Omar wouldn't get killed just because we liked him was like hoping that Michael or Dukie would be able to get out of the drug cycle. We forgot that justice and ideals aren't always going to win on The Wire, as in real life - Carcetti wasn't any different than any other self-serving politician, McNulty is still a conflicted alcoholic and a great detective, Templeton got a Pulitzer, Levy is still a slimebag lawyer, Dukie is hooked on heroin, Michael is the next Omar, Marlo will always be a player, etc.

In many ways, I think that our hopes for the characters in the Wire can be compared to our hopes for Obama as a president. We're so hopeful, as Carcetti supporters (and Carcetti himself) were before he got into office. Is Obama seriously capable of turning America around and for the better?

But then there are the realized (or near-realized) struggles: Bubs.....and Cutty....and Namond......and Greggs + the baby :).... and life goes on.
Just finished watching all 5 seasons, in about a month. Great fucking show. Im glad they closed alot of the ends in the last episodes. I wish they would have shown Levy getting with Slim Charles or something.
Just finished watching this series as well. I really enjoyed it. Could really relate to some of the characters. Epic series was epic.
I really like how The Wire was able to rap everything up in the end, unlike the Sopranos. Sopranos is my fav show all time, then the wire. There arent really many story lines left unanswered. personally, seasons 1 & 3 are my fav,i def prefered the Barksdale crew way more than marlos.
The newly elected mayor of Reykjavik, Iceland, Jón Gnarr made a press release saying that he will only work with city officials who have watched every episode of The Wire.

Here he is seen giving another elected city official the first season of The Wire.

In late 2009 he formed the Best Party, a satirical political party that parodied Icelandic politics. The Best Party managed to win the 2010 municipal elections in Reykjavik,[2] with the party gaining 6 out of 15 seats on the City Council.

this guys swag is phenomenal
Iunno the whole hype about this show. then again Im the first to say I aint seen it, but I aint seen it cuz I aint interested. I been a dope feen for how long. Been on the streets and in the hood, in the game as a buyer and a seller, and damn, Im tired of this shit. This life gets old quick when you live it, and happy as I am to be outside of the dope game now, i aint tryna re live all that shit when I just want to sit down and watch some TV. And with all these cops and investigations and phone taps and surveillance and shit, damn, that shit makes me fuckin nervous. I cant stand watchin busts on shows like DEA, etc, to this very day. Once you been hit by the jump out boys and suddenly your nightmare turned to reality and hit with these distributing charges, etc, you dont want no reminder of that shit, to re live how it felt when you watch it go down on the screen. The tension, of knowin people is gettin watched, all that TNT taskforce shit with the feds and all that, it just puts this feeling in me whenever i see it in another show or movie, and from the things i hear i know the Wire is full of that type shit, so it aint number one on my list of shit i wanna see.

Just like prison shows was the last fuckin thing I wanted to watch back when I had been told that I was headin for edna mahan womens correctional , before my lawyer caught the illegal wiretap they did on me and i copped out, I really did not want to watch that shit. To somebody outside the life, its interesting, to somebody who is dealing with that shit, its the last shit you wanna see on your tv when you just tryna relax.

Im good on the wire. Iunno, I aint saying that I wouldnt watch if i had to or w/ever, but I just feel like the idea, the content, aint that appealing to me. If I want to see that shit I can just close my eyes and rewind....

Also, I got some beef with shows like this. I posted this in NSADD the other day but i wanted to put it here where more ppl could share their reply to it:

you know wats funny to me

that so many people who is all upper class, suburb type , 'normal' folks..not even drug users, but ppl who would never consider doin a drug, who would call the cops if they found a junkie shooting up in a stall in the bathroom and accidently opened the door, will watch the wire and think its so great

the concept is "great", its so dramatic and "real" and its such a good show but yet the real life of all that is somethin they would want "out of my neighborhood!" if they found out there was some drug dealer from the hood moving in to their suburb....They identify with the characters and think oh so and so is so great, awesome character, all that but yet in real life they scorn the drug dealer without a ged or the corner hustler or the junkie who uses it....I dont get it.

when u bring certain ideas to the public it makes them think they so 'down' and cool with it, but they only like the fantasy version...its so pathetic seeing people who watch it and think its so amazing but they would look down on all the people and situations tht the show portrays, if it was there in their real life....it creates hypocrites
I agree in part that The Wire appeals to suburban middle class folks in a fantasy sense, as something so far removed from their own lives that it seems alien but don't think that this makes their enjoyment of it any less legitimate. Being able to empathise with a character so different to yourself just speaks of the quality writing in the show. People may empathise with the title character in Dexter while still not wanting a serial killer living in their neighbourhood (not comparing drug addicts to serial killers here obviously just showing that it is possible to empathise with someone and still not agree with the way they live, it's just part of fiction writing). I can also definitely see why you'd not want to watch a TV show about "the game" while living in it. The thing is though, the scope of the show is so much wider than that, it crosses many genre/thematic boundaries. While the focus of the show may be "the game" it is just lovingly examined from every angle without any particular element being favoured. It is at times in equal parts:
  • a drama about the day to day lives of drug addicts, it goes from funny to incredibly sad all handled excellently
  • a show about the structure of gangs and the drug trade as a whole; from importation to street level dealing
  • a police procedural show, it shows how a police department functions, how it works with and against other police departments and other government agencies
  • a show about children and the education/child protection industries with some of bthe finest child acting i have ever seen
  • a show about working class troubles, the decline in primary industry and the role of the trade unions
  • a political drama, it's really in depth showing the duties and influence of positions from councillor to senator from mundane day to day stuff to high up corruption.
  • a drama about the workings of a city newspaper

I'm sure there's parts I have missed out as well! So while you may have lived part of the show, there are parts of it that will be as alien to you as the corner boys are to a privileged suburbanite. Add to this the fact that it is just THAT DAMN GOOD and it's a surefire winner. The dialogue is excellent, still believable but a lot more witty and entertaining than I imagine some of the real life counterpoints would be. although if I hadn't seen it already I may be put off by the "oh my god it's the best show ever" crowd, sometimes everyone telling you you should like something is the biggest turn off ever (for me anyway). I'm not saying you should watch it or even that you would like it if you did just that you are judging it one one part of a huuuuge picture.
Iunno the whole hype about this show. then again Im the first to say I aint seen it, but I aint seen it cuz I aint interested. I been a dope feen for how long. Been on the streets and in the hood, in the game as a buyer and a seller, and damn, Im tired of this shit. This life gets old quick when you live it, and happy as I am to be outside of the dope game now, i aint tryna re live all that shit when I just want to sit down and watch some TV. And with all these cops and investigations and phone taps and surveillance and shit, damn, that shit makes me fuckin nervous. I cant stand watchin busts on shows like DEA, etc, to this very day. Once you been hit by the jump out boys and suddenly your nightmare turned to reality and hit with these distributing charges, etc, you dont want no reminder of that shit, to re live how it felt when you watch it go down on the screen. The tension, of knowin people is gettin watched, all that TNT taskforce shit with the feds and all that, it just puts this feeling in me whenever i see it in another show or movie, and from the things i hear i know the Wire is full of that type shit, so it aint number one on my list of shit i wanna see.

Just like prison shows was the last fuckin thing I wanted to watch back when I had been told that I was headin for edna mahan womens correctional , before my lawyer caught the illegal wiretap they did on me and i copped out, I really did not want to watch that shit. To somebody outside the life, its interesting, to somebody who is dealing with that shit, its the last shit you wanna see on your tv when you just tryna relax.

Im good on the wire. Iunno, I aint saying that I wouldnt watch if i had to or w/ever, but I just feel like the idea, the content, aint that appealing to me. If I want to see that shit I can just close my eyes and rewind....

Also, I got some beef with shows like this. I posted this in NSADD the other day but i wanted to put it here where more ppl could share their reply to it:

you know wats funny to me

that so many people who is all upper class, suburb type , 'normal' folks..not even drug users, but ppl who would never consider doin a drug, who would call the cops if they found a junkie shooting up in a stall in the bathroom and accidently opened the door, will watch the wire and think its so great

the concept is "great", its so dramatic and "real" and its such a good show but yet the real life of all that is somethin they would want "out of my neighborhood!" if they found out there was some drug dealer from the hood moving in to their suburb....They identify with the characters and think oh so and so is so great, awesome character, all that but yet in real life they scorn the drug dealer without a ged or the corner hustler or the junkie who uses it....I dont get it.

when u bring certain ideas to the public it makes them think they so 'down' and cool with it, but they only like the fantasy version...its so pathetic seeing people who watch it and think its so amazing but they would look down on all the people and situations tht the show portrays, if it was there in their real life....it creates hypocrites

I don't know dude. My fiancee was a junkie for ~5 years. He drove up to Baltimore all the time to score because the cops didn't give a fuck. He said The Wire wasn't really fantasy, it's pretty real I think. He definitely suffered, became homeless, went to jail several times etc. for his habit so I think his experience is pretty similar to what a lot of the show portrays. And I understand that wasn't the main point of your post about hypocrites but I wanted to point out from a 1st hand experience how real it all seemed to be to him.

Anyway, I can understand why you don't want to watch it. I don't like watching Grisham movies or w/e because of the crazy situation lawyers get themselves into. I realize this is way less realistic than The Wire but it still bothers me. I don't know if I'd want to watch The Wire if I were my fiancee. But he kicked the habit a longass time ago so maybe those wounds have healed over?
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I've heard a lot of say they felt season 2 was slow but I thought almost the opposite. I think I loved Season 2 the most out of all of them (I have 2 discs left of season 5) .

Season 2 is my favourite as well.

I still have to watch Season 5 though.
I don't know dude. My fiancee was a junkie for ~5 years. He drove up to Baltimore all the time to score because the cops didn't give a fuck. He said The Wire wasn't really fantasy, it's pretty real I think. He definitely suffered, became homeless, went to jail several times etc. for his habit so I think his experience is pretty similar to what a lot of the show portrays. And I understand that wasn't the main point of your post about hypocrites but I wanted to point out from a 1st hand experience how real it all seemed to be to him.

Anyway, I can understand why you don't want to watch it. I don't like watching Grisham movies or w/e because of the crazy situation lawyers get themselves into. I realize this is way less realistic than The Wire but it still bothers me. I don't know if I'd want to watch The Wire if I were my fiancee. But he kicked the habit a longass time ago so maybe those wounds have healed over?

I aint saying it aint realistic. Im sure it is from the reviews I have heard. im just saying that Thats the entire reason I dont really want to see it.

If you work in a busy-ass kitchen in a high class restaurant you prolly would not want to watch one of them crazy ass food network shows about the restaurant kitchen drama when you get home, you know?

For me at least i just feel like I had enough . Its the same reason I stopped watchin alot of "hood movies" and drug dealer movies a ways back...Its just how many times can u see it before its old. so much bad experiences , so much pain and suffering and just bad times yo, that aint the shit i wanna re live and think about when i sit down at the end of the day for a lil relaxation.

I think the reason that lots of people who AINT been into that shit like it is becuz its fantasy to them, somethin new that aint in their life, u know I can understand that. But to me its like too close to home I guess in some ways.

And the sht I was saying about people who aint got no idea about that life at all, and how they think the show is so cool--I was referring to how " the dope game" is this interesting exciting thing on TV but in real life people would still scorn the players.....That the show, gives them the feeling that they are somehow "down" becuz they watching it and they see all this shit, they "know how it is" from bein devoted to watchin the show but they still would look down on a junkie. They think the TV junkie is cool, but the real one is a piece of trash. They only like the fantasy version. I aint saying that to watch the show you gotta be a dopehead or a drug dealer in order for your enjoyment of the show to be "real". Na, nothing like that. I aint saying that people dont genuinely enjoy it so dont get me wrong, I know that they do. I am just saying that peoples love for the show is ironic when many of the same people would be totally appalled by any of this shit in real life, thats all. I feel like maybe in some ways it can make people think that they know more than they do I guess.

Pander bear , I aint reviewing the show, I am just talkin about my feelings on a couple things related to it, I aint sure if u read the post or not but u would see that if you went farther along and checked it out. I feel that the shit I got to say is valid since I aint criticizing the show on any type of thing that I would need to watch it to know about. Just talkin about how I feel about the general idea of it since i do know wat its about, and why it dont appeal to me.
And the sht I was saying about people who aint got no idea about that life at all, and how they think the show is so cool--I was referring to how " the dope game" is this interesting exciting thing on TV but in real life people would still scorn the players.....That the show, gives them the feeling that they are somehow "down" becuz they watching it and they see all this shit, they "know how it is" from bein devoted to watchin the show but they still would look down on a junkie. They think the TV junkie is cool, but the real one is a piece of trash. They only like the fantasy version. I aint saying that to watch the show you gotta be a dopehead or a drug dealer in order for your enjoyment of the show to be "real". Na, nothing like that. I aint saying that people dont genuinely enjoy it so dont get me wrong, I know that they do. I am just saying that peoples love for the show is ironic when many of the same people would be totally appalled by any of this shit in real life, thats all. I feel like maybe in some ways it can make people think that they know more than they do I guess.

I understand your point, lacey, but I think The Wire is different from a lot of other drug-related drama tv/movies because this point here is actually implied throughout the show's presentation. As it is real in a unique way, I think it does make people question their attraction to the other side of the law in a fashion typically passed over in most mainstream "think the bad guys are cool" entertainment. Either in being more respectful of the non-fantasy version or, on the flip-side, being less eager to think the drug-dealers are cool. The show is made to make you think and reflect, not just be entertained, and IMO that's why it is one of the best series ever produced.