Venting The Vent/Rant Thread Vs. You Silly KnuckleHeads Can Go Fly a Kite!!

Its kind of if you dont pay the rent or leave the place in a mess they get to have atleast some money. I wouldnt mind being homeless that much. That would atleast make me appreciate things more.
I got about two months to find a new apartment. It seems that my landlord has told people to not let me live. I could couchsurf, I guess, but Id prefer to just find new place. Not sure if I should just not pay the rent next month.

They can suck your dick until Pretzel-19's over there's nothing they can do, literally nothing. Watch out how you talk to that fucker because you need to be a wizard in words in order to have a place in this world.
They can suck your dick until Pretzel-19's over there's nothing they can do, literally nothing. Watch out how you talk to that fucker because you need to be a wizard in words in order to have a place in this world.
My linguistic output is retardet. Then its suddenly godlike. And theres no such rules over here. I think Im gonna live atleast a part of next month in my current apartment.
Its kinda sad cause my parents paid half the "pre moving insurance money". But even they wouldnt pay the rent lol. I wanna rob that fuckers home.

Its kind of if you dont pay the rent or leave the place in a mess they get to have atleast some money. I wouldnt mind being homeless that much. That would atleast make me appreciate things more.

I don't mean to jump into someone else's conversation but to help clarify where I'm from at least 'pre moving insurance money' is referred to as a 'deposit'. I know expressions can vary from place to place & I've been confused by various expressions that mean different things in different places. So hopefully I might have been able to help anyone else who reads the thread understand what was said & avoid any confusion. Best of luck with your living situation by the way @schizopath. I know dealing with living situation issues can be quite stressful! I hope everything gets resolved in as best a manner as possible for you. 🙂
They can suck your dick until Pretzel-19's over there's nothing they can do, literally nothing. Watch out how you talk to that fucker because you need to be a wizard in words in order to have a place in this world.

Sorry to derail, but what is the pretzel business with covid? Now feel I like I've only seen it here, @PtahTek be saying pretzel any chance he get lmao. Is it a joke here or is everybody saying it and I'm just living under a rock.

And what does it meeeeann?????
As one eloquently put it.., a *shadyism to describes a certain viral infection known across our lands as covid. ;)
@Shady's Fox ... take it away the dais is all you.

Lmao I mean yeah I been geekin on it I'm probably gonna end up saying it to random ppl irl on accident
I'm probably gonna end up saying it to random ppl irl on accident
Yep... done it many a time 'round here and all just gawk in awe thrying to figure out wtf I'm goin' on about. =D Leads to some fairly decent convos; 'cept the MFs that think I am a-bable and disregard my insane ass outright - which I totally understand and get. Still ends in laughs as it all seems connected and ridiculous.
Not exactly sure what pretzels and covid have in common (tbh) unless the spirelli genetic strings are to blame. Shady is a law unto themself/ves. Requesting a private sit-down with the shady-entity is not recommended as one will immanently be absorbed and assimilated.
Best wishes,
Pret-i mean- Ptah
I fucking caved in and bought some methadone and did a fairly big dose (for someone with very low tolerance). Not even because I was clicking hard and couldn't handle it just because I felt fucked mentally.
I don't think I've ever quite realised how much my rape affected me. Every day I kind of think about how it could have changed it and how if I wasn’t high that night, maybe that would have saved me. I just feel so bad that I have burdened my family with the stress on top of everything else. I just wish they did not have to deal with my shit.
I don't think I've ever quite realised how much my rape affected me. Every day I kind of think about how it could have changed it and how if I wasn’t high that night, maybe that would have saved me. I just feel so bad that I have burdened my family with the stress on top of everything else. I just wish they did not have to deal with my shit.

it's a common feeling to want to blame yourself somehow for traumatic events , but you really shouldn't. Does your family support you emotionally when you need them? That's what families are for. Lean on people when you need to you know. No shame in that.
i can’t figure out how to be consistently kind to my parents. they’re sad because of me and it’s driving me up the wall because i’m doing things for them that significantly take away from my life. a mutual exchange i suppose.
i've seven psychiatrists in the last two months. i've told the the three i've seen on an ongoing basis that things are of the utmost immediacy. still almost two fucking months later i am on 50mg of lamotrigine, a sub therapeutic dose while i'm dying inside. i know my new psych who thinks she's fancy is gonna say she wants to discontinue it and start something else after requiring a "consultation" that takes three appointments over three weeks even though i told the practice things were absolutely dire and i needed someone to immediately prescribe and up my dose of lamotrigine when i initially called. something new that will take months of titration to work. i loath doctors. all they fucking do is harm. my parents convinced me to be honest with them and have and open mind and all this garbage even though i knew better. it's so fucking stupid to think there is help for your mental illness if only your willing to accept it. i am alone with this shit and trying to change that is only putting myself out there to be dragged through disappointment and humiliation. i'm overflowing with depression and hate.
Blood in one of my puppies urine today. I've been hoping she was just hard headed and resistant to house training , but I think it's something worse. Her sister has been doing much better and I treat them exactly the same.

update: took her to the vet this morning. Sending off for urine analysis first thing Monday morning. Trying a different antibiotic than last time. another short visit another $200 :|
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I'll go ahead & express my anger that I'm limited to 5000 characters when commenting on the CDC's Management of Acute and Chronic Pain: Request for Comment!

I have a lot more to express than 5000 characters will allow! Whether or not my comment will even get read, let alone have an impact I do not know. However I took the time to express my frustration with the current state of things while asking for changes in as eloquent manner as possible. I'll go ahead & also express my frustration that the number of comments was only roughly 4,000 last I looked. Considering the comment period ends tonight I'd hoped for a larger response. :\

Honestly I myself had forgotten the comment period time frame until a reminder I'd set went off. Somehow I'd missed an earlier reminder a while back to start preparing & asking others to comment as well. :|

It's a bit late considering that the comment period ends tonight at midnight but... Speaking of; if anyone has something helpful they're willing to say in support of pain patients please visit the link & comment!

Though the vast majority of comments I've seen seem to be expressing the viewpoint that pain patients are being mistreated there were a few exceptions. I'll save my rage for those pathetic individuals who used this opportunity to comment as yet another place to push the false narrative of innocent victims beguiled by money hungry physicians. :! Pain patients have it hard enough... For fucks sake if you don't have anything beneficial to add to the conversation keep your fucking mouth shut! :mad:

End Rant. :\