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Opioids The Ultimate Opiate Potentiation Thread v2.0

im trying lyrica (pregabalin) tomorrow for the first time..ive heard its a good opiate potentiator? i will be using 0xy 80mg OC's and maybe possibly some benzos (i have tolerance to both oxy + benzos)

my question is what would be a good starting dose for the Lyrica? should i take the lyrica before or after the oxy and how much time before/after? should i even bother with any of the benzos?(temazepam,diazepam,clonazepam,estazolam)

i only have 4200mg lyrica (pregabalin)

Any help much appreciated,thanks

I havent taken any opiates but the Lyrica (2x75mg followed by another 2x75mg an hour later) 300mg in total has definately had some effect on the 20mg valium and the 4mg clonazepam that i took at around 8am...its now 3.30pm

The joint i smoked at around 8am worked well also.

i just ingested another 2x75mg lyrica tabs (150mg) and am drinking a beer,im not sure whether to wait a while drink some beer or take some benzos or oxy's? or even some mor e lyrica....although i may wait another 30 mins before eating more lyrica.
are there any herbs that make opiates more potent? or just pills and juice?

Yeah, marijuana. Besides that, just like the others said, hydroxyzine(vistaril) works wonders for giving a good nod with opiates. But if I had benzos, I would definetly potentiate with them.
im sure most of you already know this trick but if you eat red meat 45 minutes before you eat your pills, or 5 min before you iv, it increases the bioavailabilty ive never nodded off so hard and if you never tried it its like getting that high your chasing from the first time you felt it. i PROMISE YOU this is no white grapefruit placebo affect lol
^^^ Please provide some sort of (in any form) proof if you're going to suggest something (as ridiculous sounding) as that. Anything - wiki page, pubmed abstract, peer-reviewed article, gee anything even like theory/guest/suggestion/etc as to how something like eating red meat could possibly potentiate opiates. :/

Sorry, maybe it's just me. But generally anecdotal evidence just doesn't do it for me mate.
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Chitosan. But it's not a drug though. When snorted along with morphine, it raises morphine's BA.

Ah, this is interesting Captain.Heroin. A new one I haven't heard of =D

(granted I've only read your link but) In the wiki article it speaks about Chitosan working well as a coagulant. My question, is the dose required to increase morphine's BA large enough for this property to cause problems? What possibly contraindications could you think of?

Cheers man.
^^^ Please provide some sort of (in any form) proof if you're going to suggest something (as ridiculous sounding) as that. Anything - wiki page, pubmed abstract, peer-reviewed article, gee anything even like theory/guest/suggestion/etc as to how something like eating red meat could possibly potentiate opiates. :/

Sorry, maybe it's just me. But generally anecdotal evidence just doesn't do it for me mate.

it has something to with the lipids helping the flow of opiates through your blood stream. whats so ridiculous about that, try it what do you have to lose unless your a vegetarian. i have to admit i thought it was crazy when i my boy told me about it so one day i was barely even got high after doing a shot of some heroin, i bought burger ate it waited 10 to 15 minutes and i was nodding off..
im trying lyrica (pregabalin) tomorrow for the first time..ive heard its a good opiate potentiator? i will be using 0xy 80mg OC's and maybe possibly some benzos (i have tolerance to both oxy + benzos)

my question is what would be a good starting dose for the Lyrica? should i take the lyrica before or after the oxy and how much time before/after? should i even bother with any of the benzos?(temazepam,diazepam,clonazepam,estazolam)

i only have 4200mg lyrica (pregabalin)

Any help much appreciated,thanks

I havent taken any opiates but the Lyrica (2x75mg followed by another 2x75mg an hour later) 300mg in total has definately had some effect on the 20mg valium and the 4mg clonazepam that i took at around 8am...its now 3.30pm

The joint i smoked at around 8am worked well also.

i just ingested another 2x75mg lyrica tabs (150mg) and am drinking a beer,im not sure whether to wait a while drink some beer or take some benzos or oxy's? or even some mor e lyrica....although i may wait another 30 mins before eating more lyrica.

lol. decisions. i used to make those too...
it has something to with the lipids helping the flow of opiates through your blood stream.

Ok, cool. At least we've got somewhere to start =D. When I get the time I may do a bit of research myself, or if someone here could explain/give an educated guess of the possible chemical interactions which may cause this potentiation?

Edit : Hmm, alright so after a quick 10min thought, morphine (for example) doesn't pass the BBB easily and has a low lipid-solubility. Not quite sure how increasing lipid concentration could help in anyway. If you're talking about heroin (being more lipid soluble), by having the actyl- group it allows to pass the BBB easily. So again not quite sure how it could help.

Heroin (diactylmorphine) on the other hand is more lipid soluble (you could say a correlation there) however it has a 0% (source wiki) protein-binding however this is a far as I can tell it goes.

So I tried to think of similar function groups, classes, anything which is common across all (most) opiates and how this could then relate to a lipid "potentiating" (using this term very generally so either increasing the efficiency or duration or nod, etc) and I personally couldn't.

*having said all this. i, in no way, profess to think i'm an opiate expert. just verbalising my thought process :D
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Pretty sure it has to do with absorption into blood stream not BBB permeability. It's a well studied phenomenon for oxycodone. I don't have time to read and quote them but here...
Just type it into google scholar.

Cheers for that amapola, interesting! Although frustratingly neither link (obviously cos they're abstracts) explain why/how by eating a high-fat mean before dosing could increase oxycondone plasma concentrations.

Other then eluding to;

It is superior to morphine in oral absorption and bioavailability, and similar in terms of protein binding and lipophilicity
Source : http://www.springerlink.com/content/qlfl93kl1yg57fhe/
Cheers for that amapola, interesting! Although frustratingly neither link (obviously cos they're abstracts) explain why/how by eating a high-fat mean before dosing could increase oxycondone plasma concentrations.

Other then eluding to;

Source : http://www.springerlink.com/content/qlfl93kl1yg57fhe/

i never took the time to investigate nor did i care to, i simply found out from first hand experience it gets you twice as high with a high fat meal (AND IT WORKS WITH ALL OPIATES/OPIOIDS NOT JUST HEROIN)and that was a good enough reason to keep doing it. i just reccomend that anyone who has a high tolerance should try it because its like trying opiates for the first time all over again..
Does the DXM work as an actual poteniator, or more of a tolerance reversal tool? How much DXM are we talking here? Did anyone actually notice a difference??
i get soma monthly as well as oxycodone. i agree soma does increase the feeling of oxy but i feel like it also takes away from the euphoria which is my favorite thing about oxy. so keep that in mind
grinch i am deff gonna try the red meat thing. i love meat anyways....ill just get stoned tmmrw go drop offf my script, and then go find a good steak and eggs. then ill pick up my script smoke another bowl and snort 6-15mg oxys. ill let that sit for a half hr or so and dose up form there ill c what mg it takes to get a nod.
Does the DXM work as an actual poteniator, or more of a tolerance reversal tool? How much DXM are we talking here? Did anyone actually notice a difference??

Most definitely! =D I've found 40mg about 45mins to an hour before hand, then another 40mg when dosing the opiate. Be sure to reduce your opiate dose however (at least to begin with until you're comfortable with how much it potentiates). Remember to play safe! :)

The potentiating MOA is similar to how promethazine (or first-gen. anti-histamines), it has a high affinity to certain opiate receptors only in the gut, allowing for more of the opiate to reach the brain.

Check out http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DXM#Pharmacology for a read
^Promethazine and similar antihistamines don't bind to opioid receptors, though. They 'potentiate' opioids because of their own inherent sedative effects.

Theoretically, DXM does have the potential to block certain opioids from binding at kappa or delta sites, freeing them to bind to mu receptors. However (as far as I'm aware) this has not been clearly characterized in the research. Most of what I've read about DXM's potentiating effects is related to its NDMA activity.
Guys please why wont anyone answer my question ?!

I will ask again....can you induce potentiation after you have already ingested the drug ?

I asked this earlier and when no one answered so I tried it out, I took 10mg Oxy and soon as I felt it kicking in about 45 mins later I drank a glass of pure grapefruit juice and just when I thought the Oxy rush was over I then got a second wave rush induced from the grapefruit juice, but it felt unpleasant.

Now I dont know if what I felt was from potentiating but I asumed it was because I dont usually get a second rush after the first ones over. So can anyone confirm if potentiating about an hour after ingesting can cause this? People usually potentiate before they take the drug so I want to know if my method is valid? I have a very fast metobolism and it usually takes me around 15 - 30 minutes for anything ingest to take effects so it wasnt long befor ethe grapefruit juice kicked in whilst I was already feeling the effects of the oxy.

from what i have read on here it seems like the greapefruit juisce does not work with codeine based opiates such as--oxycodone/oxycontin or hydrocodone-- so maybe you were getting a placebo affect.
in less than a week i get my oxys so i'ma try out milk thistle i've heard good rumors now to put them to the test
so whats the deal with the milk thistle. i just picked up one of my oxy scripts today. sounds intresting can u tell me more%)
I got 11 5mg oxycodone without ace any hints on making the most out of them (i also take 24mgs of subs a day) and know the tagament trick. any suggestions?

hello mongoose & welcome.... 5 mg of oxy isn't anything when u look at the amount of subs you take a day....first of all im sure u aware you're going to have to experience some withdraw to switch back to oxy after subs...
the reason being is because u need about 4 days especially on a dose like that until the suboxone isn't binded to all the receptors. so i don't know why your relapsing off your subs, but the amt of oxy u have is hardly worth the trouble of getn off subs and back onto oxy...

plus when you do go back on subs you will have to wait till u sart withdrawing off the oxy to take one. so alot of trouble and discomfort for not much of a reward. i mean youre looking at a max dose of 55 mg, and i promise you wont feel one bit of that unless you let the subs clear out for four days .youre call man thats just my $.02