Positive The Tapering Supportive/Social Thread

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I've never tried melatonin. I read years ago that alot of "herbal" or natural remedies can collide with actual prescription meds n cause multiple organ failure so..... I've been afraid

Right now I'm only on gabapentin. I use the Imodium for ibs but I don't take gross amounts; I tried tianeptine 3 times.... nah. It's just more-ish but gives no actual Benefit. Waste of money.

I take 2 gummies of Melatonin but I also smoke some heavy indica bud at night and I almost pass out or have passed out for a few hours. I do have Ambien that I take afterwards so I can get 6-7 hrs of sleep, but it is always interrupted sleep. Do you think your doc would prescribe sleep aids, even if for sporadic use for those bad nights?
Hello everyone -

So my update for today is that I'm hanging tough on my dosage (25 MME/day = 2.5 mg Methadone @ 12 noon + 10 mg Oxycodone @ 6 pm) that I dropped to 2 days ago. I also continue to take one Lyrica 150 mg pill @ 3-4 pm daily and after 10 days of taking it I no longer feel loopy on it but rather the effects are very subtle. And I'm still having bone pain in my legs (hips, thigh, knees, ankles) and lower back but no nausea. Also had some chills and fatigue today. I continue to vape my Sativa THC/CBD oil blend during the day and smoke heavy Indica bud or shatter at night with 2 Melatonin gummies. I also take an Ambien afterwards to get a total of 6-7 hrs of sleep, but it is interrupted. I will get some mild anxiety attacks right before a drop until I stabilize. But I'm also having moments of clarity around thinking this is not so bad after all and it will be nice to not have to be a slave to it anymore - that is what continues to drive me. I plan to drop again this Sun.
- SweetLeaf7
I take 2 gummies of Melatonin but I also smoke some heavy indica bud at night and I almost pass out or have passed out for a few hours. I do have Ambien that I take afterwards so I can get 6-7 hrs of sleep, but it is always interrupted sleep. Do you think your doc would prescribe sleep aids, even if for sporadic use for those bad nights?

I wouldn't use them if she did.
Sleep aid meds have always been very bad for me, as have benzos and weed all for dif reasons but I can't use any of those options.

My world just fell tf apart and I can't even THINK right now.
Anyone else detoxing/ quoting opiates (Oxy) heavy prescription dose for past 6 years in the Military due to my job involving engaging in fire fights I’ve been shot a few times cuz I’m Squad Leader/Pointman first one through the door to engage enemies and first one to be shot at. I’m goimg the Kratom route. Anyone else have real experience quitting opiates with Kratom? Advice much needed/appreciateted
Anyone else detoxing/ quoting opiates (Oxy) heavy prescription dose for past 6 years in the Military due to my job involving engaging in fire fights I’ve been shot a few times cuz I’m Squad Leader/Pointman first one through the door to engage enemies and first one to be shot at. I’m goimg the Kratom route. Anyone else have real experience quitting opiates with Kratom? Advice much needed/appreciateted

Thank you for your service.
I haven't ever tried Kratom. I quit opiates just by stopping and suffering.
I'm sorry.
I guess my Big relationships with men moved quickly by most standards. I dated my 1st husband only 2 1/2 months before we got engaged and my current spouse it was... let see ....seven months in we got engaged. Both were long engagements with a year, and two years respectively living together before the actual weddings.

The other two Great Loves in my life (whom I never happened to marry) were very dear close friendships that went on for years, but yeah I was in love with them.

What can ya do?
I was just discussing with my oldest daughter recently that we just don't buy the line that "there's One soul mate out there...." oh bull.

You could move to any town/ city/
Rural area in this world and fall in love with someone who's great for you. Likely a dozen someones.

There are seven Billion ppl in our world. That's more that one soul mate per capita.

I agree. You don't find a soulmate, you put the hard work in to stay vulnerable enough over time to have a soulmate. And it could any number of basically compatible people. Still, I will say that I have seen a few rare couples that "get" each other so effortlessly that one could be tempted to believe in the soulmate concept.
Kratom is an opiate actually, it hits all the same receptors. However, people have success sometimes if they have discipline and use it only during the acute withdrawals. Let's say you'd be feeling withdrawals for 7 days if you quit cold turkey. Then use kratom at a dose that makes you feel more or less normal (not trying to get high from it) for those 7 days, and then stop it. Kratom itself is addictive, I was addicted to it for years, taking it 3-5 times a day eventually, and would experience withdrawals very similar to stronger opiates except with worse restlessness and less sickness. But using it just long enough to get past withdrawals has worked for some people. Afterwards, you'll experience PAWS from the oiates you're addicted to (post-acute-withdrawal syndrome), which will basically just make you feel not quite right for weeks, or months, the duration varies. Avoid the temptation to use kratom for this because if you do you'll just replace one addiction with another.
Hey, since I've been urging caution with using loperamide except for very short-term to quit opiates, here is a great example that I remembered reading on Bluelight but couldn't find. The poster's girlfriend almost died from loperamide and he posted some medical details. He followed up today from 6 months later. Here is the post. There are more in that thread too.
Well I can tell ya there's definately a withdrawal syndrome associated with daily use of Non-heroic lope use ..... I take larger than therapeutic doses to control IBS-D and if I go a couple of days without, I get that panicky racy heart ... hot/cold / hot / cold.... awful aches, nightmares and Restless Body Syndrome

So even if I'm NOT having bowel trouble on a morning I wake up feeling the above -stated Hellish conditions. ...... I dose lope.
Hey, since I've been urging caution with using loperamide except for very short-term to quit opiates, here is a great example that I remembered reading on Bluelight but couldn't find. The poster's girlfriend almost died from loperamide and he posted some medical details. He followed up today from 6 months later. Here is the post. There are more in that thread too.

I followed the link and read this couple's story..... made me sad. Made me wanna know Her BL handle so we could check on her . Anybody know it ?
Hey, since I've been urging caution with using loperamide except for very short-term to quit opiates, here is a great example that I remembered reading on Bluelight but couldn't find. The poster's girlfriend almost died from loperamide and he posted some medical details. He followed up today from 6 months later. Here is the post. There are more in that thread too.

I've done 200mg all once for over 20 times back in the days it gave great nodding and opioid high, something like buprenorphine would give and for 12-24 hours, also taking 100mg loepramide with something like oxys would make the opioid high even greater and cause nodding, but now 200mg don't give anything but starting opioid WD's next day that last 1 week. I've found that anuything over 32mg loperamide would start short lived opioid WD's if you have been addicted to opioids in the past.
Hey Guys,

Happy Holidays to you all. I hope everyone is doing well today. Sending you all lots of love and good wishes. <3

I had to go for 8 days on just loperamide alone. I'm so relieved to have my prescription refilled! That was my worst month ever.
I did manage to really cut my tolerance back and my medication is working well again at the prescribed dosage.
It was a rough 8 days and nights. Although it would have been way worse without the loperamide.
I'm focusing on making it through the month with no days short on medication.
It is a challenge this time of the year. More cold, more stress, more pain, etc.
I'm going to work really hard at keeping my attitude positive.

I discovered that my attitude had ALOT to do with how I felt during those 8 days. A lot of opiate withdrawal is psychological.
It really did help to just tell myself that I really did not feel that bad and to keep myself busy.

I hope everyone is making some progress. Thinking of you all!
^ glad you're in good spirits. dig the attitude thoughts...

Beethoven wrote his late masterpieces with probable lead poisoning and terrible stomach pain, puking into a bucket with chronic diarrhea, and oh yeah deaf because of a loud ringing in his ears 24/7.

kept this in mind goin thru the worst, i guess it helped LOL.;p
Hi Painful One (n everyone ):

I can't imagine trying to make a pain pills script last a whole month. When I used to take them they were prescribed at perhaps a 7-8 days supply at a time. Even then they never seemed to last that long. And I took them for pain, not for recreation.

Yes the holiday season can make all kinds of Feelings register ten fold. Grief sadness depression loneliness disappointment discouragement anxiety. The list goes on n on. It's the time of year it's most difficult to be Strong I think.

Things are Ok here. I don't have concerns for any personal use or abuse of substances. I'm stabilized at my 1200-1500 mg/ day gabapentin and don't plan to go any lower til the 3rd week of January when my "holiday parties" are over with n I'm able to have time alone to battle any symptoms of the next downward Drop in doses. I do also use Lope as needed for IBS -D . I take higher than recommended doses but not Heroically huge/ dangerous ones.

That's my rap.
That's all I got going on as far as substance use. I consider myself very fortunate n i am grateful, to not be suffering the woes MANY in our BL community are managing.

Blessings to ALL!
Strength n Wellness !
Hello everyone -

So I dropped again this weekend (Sunday) to 21.25 Morphine Milligram Equivalents/day (Methadone 2.5 mg @ 12 noon = 10 MME + 7.5 mg Oxycodone @ 6-7 pm = 11.25 MME). I also continue to take one 150 mg Lyrica @ 3-4 pm. It really makes me calm and happy and it takes away most of my pain! The first day after the drop is the worst for me - more mental like anxiety flutters and panic attacks. So to add insult to injury, I went to pick up my Ambien refill and they refused. I had a full blown, freak out panic attack - this was the worst mind fuck ever!! Apparently, my PM doc is in their system as losing his DEA privileges so they cannot honor the script. I've heard Ambien w/d is like benzo w/d. I was counting on 2 more refills of Ambien, which would get me through PAWS. I came clean with my PCP as to what happened so he refilled it a day later (I had one pill left and broke it in half, not sure if I would ever get more). He did write a one-time 30 days supply and expects me to manage my taper on that. It's better than nothing, but it goes to show you how most doctors are not educated on tapering protocols - long-term Ambien use should be tapered similar to benzos, so it should take a several months. He did say he would prescribe me Lyrica for my fibromyalgia pain. I am at the point where I know I need something and Lyrica is used for anxiety in the UK but not in the States. I know it is another substance I will get physically and psychologically dependent on, but I don't think the risk of me getting cut off from a non-opiate prescribed by my PCP is that high - guess I'll find out. I see him in 2 weeks so I'm not counting on anything until it is in my hands. I just want to give up some days, but I'm trying to get through this. Thanks for listening.
- SweetLeaf7
Anyone else detoxing/ quoting opiates (Oxy) heavy prescription dose for past 6 years in the Military due to my job involving engaging in fire fights I’ve been shot a few times cuz I’m Squad Leader/Pointman first one through the door to engage enemies and first one to be shot at. I’m goimg the Kratom route. Anyone else have real experience quitting opiates with Kratom? Advice much needed/appreciateted

Hi MrRelentless,

First of all, thank you for your service, as others have said. I am tapering from Oxy, Morphine & Methadone. I was taking 90 Morphine Milligram Equivalents/day, as prescribed by Pain Management for 17 years. Then I would get some extra pills and take up to 135 MMEs/day. I don't know if you consider that to be high. I'm tapering using the pills listed above. Unfortunately, I have no experience with Kratom. I hope you are doing well.
- SweetLeaf7
Hi sweetleaf --

I think a quick taper off ambien may serve you well in the long run. I dunno your age but its just not a super safe drug; hence it's scheduled status. It's linked to dementia in elderly patients for example

Once you get the lyrica full time if it actually happens , being a decent anxiolytic itself perhaps that alone will aid in your sleep patterns & ya won't need the ambien anyway.

Yes lyrica IS also addictive but just try real hard to keep to the prescribed dosage n not ABUSE it. Watch out for increased depression/ any suicidal ideation. If you feel those, Report them immediately n tell your PCP it'll have to be a dif route from the lyrica. Lyrica made ME Severely depressed n suicidal * but I was also taking gabapentin at the same time* . Gabapentin alone does not do this to me.

Just be watching for any mood distress. You'll know OH Lordy ya cant miss it.

Take care n keep pushing Forward.
Hi Painful One,

Happy Holidays and much love to you! I appreciate your brutal honesty and for keeping it real! You're right on the w/d being heavily mental. I have to tell myself the same thing and keep busy. I keep in mind that if this was a elderly person that did not know about w/d and was taken off their meds for safety issues, they would just think they caught the flu but not be focusing on it. So I try to imagine heir mindset and convince myself of the same. I'm happy to hear you're over the hump and feeling better. :)
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