Positive The Tapering Supportive/Social Thread

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Ah. I'm so sorry. That is just the worst thing to go through ever. I know. It leaves you having PTSD from it.
My doctor told me that opiates actually change your brain. Re-wire. Pathways are rewarded that the brain thinks it MUST have to live.
So it feels like death. It does make you feel very depressed and it is something you can't keep going through my friend.
It is too hard on ones mind, body, and soul.

How can we help you? Do you think you can do this and just leave it now? Have you considered maybe suboxone replacement therapy? Maybe you should seek some professional advise? I don't know. It seems you are really up and down on the oxy's and heroin. I am rooting for you. I know you can kick ass here. You don't want to loose your woman either.

I just want to see you get the correct help. I'm so sorry I recommended taking the medication as prescribed to you.

Hang tough. This will pass. Just breathe.
I agree about the PTSD. I feel like I have been traumatized by going through heroin and oxy withdrawals so many times. Like honestly it must be approaching 20 or 30 or more times at this point of serious days upon days of physical torture. I just can't keep going through this this is the absolute last time or I'm getting on suboxone and if I can't get that asap well, I always have suicidal thoughts the first three or so days of opiate withdrawal. Then they pass. I feel that I am very much wounded, to the extent that it is life or death at this point.

I think I can kick the stuff and leave it now. If it turns out I can't, then I can always graduate to the needle. I've been going through this all year and the jeans are falling off my body I'm so skinny. When I was using heroin, I was doing hours of yoga a day and weighed 200 pounds because I wasn't sick and could work out. I can never really do that without it because of my back problems but there are more important things.

Well I didn't think taking the meds as prescribed would get me high, but it did. 40mg oxy a day was enough to get me very, very high at first and before I knew it couple weeks passed my girl and I can't see each other for now, although we still talk every day it really is my last chance with that, and I am alone here kicking heroin again. My life was ruined in a couple of days when I started taking the 5mg percocets.

I can't wait for that suboxone at midnight. I really hope that will help because this is hard to handle. I don't have the strength to go shower. One way or another I will not be living like this for much longer.
I know you went down bad as soon as you started taking the Percocet again. You cannot have any. I don't want to see you in this condition. I care what happens to you and to Lost Vet and all you guys out there fighting this. Love and support to you all.
i fear that this is just too hard on you though. It has been too long. I don't know what happens when one gets to this point. I think you are going to have cravings and stuff.

You should talk to some people or see what some people have to say on here about suboxone.
This is life and death for you I fear. You cannot be abusing the suboxone if you go that way.
Don't turn to needle brother! Please!! Don't ever think of it!

I wish I knew the answer for you. My chronic pain and injuries are bad so there is no choice for me. I just keep the dosage as low as possible and stick to the directions. I know what you mean about "torture" making you feel suicidal at times. Those thoughts pass.
Try and go get yourself in the shower. Just sit there and let the water run over you and wash that stuff off your skin. Toxins come out and your skin will suck them back in and that makes you feel worse. I know you are exhausted but try that and try some tea.
I have already shot up heroin 5 time this year, spread out. So, I pretty much trained myself how to do it then stopped. I think if I ever did it, it would be intentionally a one time thing with a guarantee.

I normally like those things. I'd like to shower and change my clothing and change my sheets. I don't have the energy I feel like I am out of control of my frail body.

I normally don't worry about myself very much but I feel like I just want this to be over and I don't care. I can deal with my shit if the physical sickness goes away but at this point so many years in it takes at least 2 weeks to a month to feel anything better at all. I'm just so worn out. H withdrawal after H withdrawal after H withdrawal after H withdrawal SNAP. That's how I see it, ending with a lethal injection. Like I can see my future and I am giving it one. last. chance.
I understand. Just hang out then. No shower needed.
Hang on.
I think the suboxone will help. See how you feel with that.

I'm praying for you.
I'm going to throw in the towel and look for a longer term suboxone script than one pill I managed to find. I am looking to get on a program like that, because I can't go on like this any longer. Nothing works. Tapering doesn't work; cold turkey seems like it works but then before I know it I'm using again... so I am going to at least look into something different.

Get some help with it. Find a good doc and be honest with him. I went through the sme thing you did and ended up using again. It was a big mistake. I don't know why you can't taper but different strokes I guess. You got clean once, you can do it again. Besides, it sounds like that girlfriend is worth it.


First day off the patch and completely not using anything. I tapered down to 12mcg from 200mcg and then off. Biggest problem is my back is still fucked up and it hurts bad. Can't sleep at night, I usually get about 3 hours. This won't be easy at all.
Hey folks,

For those suffering with back pain, like me, I found something that helps take the edge off. Its a lidocaine patch that they sell OTC at Walgreens and I would guess most other pharmacies. It doesn't kill all the pain, but it does take the sharp edge off mine. Good luck if you decide to try it.
Hey Vet, you are right about that. That girlfriend is entirely worth these efforts of mine. I'm really lucky that I'm still talking to her but she has an alcohol issue that isn't anywhere near as severe but we can still relate. We can relate about so many things that I really wouldn't know a single other person in my life who would be interested or enjoy that. It's a really awesome dynamic and she is so special to me that I simply refuse to lose her over a fucking sniff of heroin or a handful of percocets. I'm still talking to her every day, and we just talked on the phone for almost 3 hours. I am crazy about her and I'm not going to lose her over a drug habit. I would never forgive myself because I have to see how it plays out naturally without substance abuse involved. A chance to be with her is more than enough motivation to quit, not to mention all ways I have sabotaged my potential.

I took a 2mg suboxone a couple hours ago and I feel a lot more stable. I still have withdrawal symptoms, but they have been lessened to an extent. I wish I had more suboxone, but this one pill may be just what I need to get me over those first few days. I'm not sure if I would want a script for them, I just want to be completely clean and I am prepared for it. I know there is a lot more suffering to go to get to where I want to be, but at least the suboxone has given me a chance to think. Normally it takes several days before I have any sort of cognitive acuity.

So, I hope this suboxone does not wear off quickly. I need it right now just to do my laundry and change my sheets, shower, have a healthy meal, get hydrated and maybe have a up of tea - just recover from the last few days of doing nothing. Since before I went cold turkey there was a lot of drug abuse going on and when I did heroin it really tried to grab at me and get me back. No thanks, this lifestyle is fucking miserable! I know exactly what will happen if I go back to using. I'll slowly die an untimely death, essentially, and the painful process of losing my spirit will drive me insane.

Otherwise, the sky is the limit. I know it gets better each day, just like how I only think those suicidal thoughts for the first two or three days. Then they go away. All the other symptoms will go away too. This week, up until Sunday, is critical for my recovery. I have no choice but to not use at the moment, but I need to be serious about it and want it and remember that it isn't worth throwing everything away for.

Good luck to you Vet and thanks for bringing up the girlfriend part because she is really special to me and I will lose her if I go back to using. I need to get clean now if I want her to be a part of my future and she's being really patient but I can't expect her to wait around while I behave as a chronic relapser. I really do just refuse to give in this time, I want it too much. I want my life back. I want to wake up in the morning feeling like myself, like I have my spirit back which I sold for stupid drugs.

Jus editing this to say did that 2mg suboxone ever help. I feel like that one pill is what I needed to push me through the rest of this acute horror show. It has been hell, but tonight I showered, shaved, changed my bedsheets, had some food, generally cleaned up, brushed my teeth. Things I just didn't have the energy for, but by the time the sub wears off I will be on day 3 or 4 and almost past the worst of it. And I am so committed this time that I will not be looking back. Not sure how sick I'll be in the next few days so I may not be able to post. Talking with her on the phone tonight for those hours really gave me strength. I miss her so bad and as soon as I get off this shit I can work on getting my career and life going.
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Lost Vet! CONGRATULATIONS!!! I am so proud of you! You freed yourself! Well done friend, well done!
I have found that meditation really helps ALOT. I have been able to actually re-wire some pathways in my brain through that.
Also, essential oils help me a lot. I have an oil burner and the different ones really help with pain and anxiety. There is one called
Myrrh that is actually some type of opiate type / withdrawal help / pain relief. Frankincense and Myrrh my friend. Gifts from Kings!
I highly recommend those two things- meditation and essential oils. I rub the peppermint oil right on my back when that sharp pain comes and it makes me able to breathe again. You are right about the lidocaine patches helping some too.
I'm so happy for you! :)

Shroomy, I am SO glad that the suboxone helped so much. It seems to have brought relief and clarity of mind back to you.
I know you can do this. Keep at it. You are doing great. Sending much encouragement to you.

Love and support going out to all of us!
I am just dropping by to say that I am offering my unconditional support and encouragement to all of you quitting, tapering to a lower dose, or whatever you choose to do in terms of harm reduction.
I can honestly say that with over 7 months clean and sober from opiates, benzos, alcohol... everything! it definitely gets much much better. Hang in there, keep posting, and garner all the support you can that is positive and loving, and take it one day, one hour, even one minute at a time until the worst is past.... it is so worth it!!!!
I had to face my fears squarely and tell myself "Feel the fear, and do it anyway" (the title of a book, btw) and just hang on.
The rewards are tremendous!
I have a job that pays more money than i ever dreamed I would earn; I bought a beautiful car, I get to spend 2-3 days a week with my grandkids, and best of all the anxiety is gone... my anxiety was caused by the opiates and going through various stages of withdrawal. I now have 0 anxiety... and I drink a pot of coffee a day!!
We are all different, our journeys are going to vary, but overall it gets better... have patience with the process!!
Love and hugs to all!!
Thanks for the encouraging messages everyone. Good for you pokemama.

I prefer to go cold turkey, although this is a tapering thread, I can't taper because I am a drug addict essentially. Also, I can't even handle suboxone. It really helped me get over the initial few days since I've been able to get organized, eat healthy and be good to myself. But it's not for me. I have seen how good I feel even a week or two off opiates. Also, I have a plan for the future now which is really critical, so when you stop using you have an idea of what to do with yourself. I have tons of ideas and it is going to take a lot of work. My family is giving me some space for a couple weeks while I detox, but for me anyway, it has to be cold turkey. The suboxone got me high like any opioid would, I'm sure I would grow accustomed to it but it's just not for me. I've been fucked around by the health care system and I am committed personally to a complete abstinence based recovery. Apart from the benzos haha... I need that shit. I don't care though. I just want to be off opiates because they ruin my life and it's a critical time of my life at that. I can't just fall in love with someone and then forget about her and start using again, that is the most selfish and dumbest thing I could ever do. I have seriously been waiting for this girl for a decade. That alone is enough for me to quit and see if I can make things work with her since we make a great team.

I once heard that you need to find something to fight for and for me it's her. It's also my health, finances, career life, and essentially every other aspect of my life. I would never forgive myself for losing her over a bottle of pills though, and if I fuck around in any way at all anymore, that is what is going to happen and I don't blame her at all. I'm a piece of shit on opiates. I get irritable with everyone, everyone gets irritable with me, and I end up spending all of my time alone either dope sick or happy I have relief for a few hours. It's a miserable life and I will have no more part in it. You will know when you are serious about quitting. I don't give a fuck about whatever pain is in my back. I'm not ruining my life over this shit and that is what it has come to. I will never use again. The thought of it disgusts me and I have to make sure of one thing - telling the pharmacy and doctor to fuck off like the fucking brain-eating worms that they are. I think it's insane that heroin dealers are the last thing on my mind, but I am very worried to even step foot in a pharmacy or doctors office. This is another reason why I won't use suboxone - doctors have entirely lost my trust, and I know I can do it cold turkey without their pills anyway. That way, maybe I will learn a thing or two for once.
I second Shroomy's message. All of you have been great to me and I don't think I could have done it without your support and encouragement. Now I think I'll sit back for a few days and just feel like poop! See you all soon.

Hey Pokemama!! So great to hear from you and to hear how wonderful you are doing!!
Awesome on the no anxiety and new car and job and even drinking an entire pot of coffee a day! Lol!
Good for you! I'm very proud of you and am happy you are enjoying life again. <3

Shroomy, you fuckin' A can do this! It is your brain giving you the most trouble. Make it obey you. You are master!
Re-wire it through meditation. I know that sounds kinda strange but I had brain injury and my MRI shows the changes I have made.
I'm forcing my body to work for me! Give it a try! I have repaired damage. I'm working tword not needing the pain medication hard.
I hate it. Just accept that you are going to feel like shit for a few weeks. It does lighten each day. Face the fear. One time I went through opiate withdrawal out of sheer will to not fear it any longer. I refuse to fear it. Pokemama is wise in knowing about facing your fears. It is an exhilarating thing to do. Feel your own power and learn just how tough you are!
Lost Vet, I think you should go get it on with your wife!
I bet it is going to feel so good after being numb for so long!
Plus it gets endorphins going and will make you feel better and well, we are horny fuckers the whole lot of us here! Lol!

Hugs to everyone!
Thank you. I don't fear the withdrawal whatsoever anymore. I have seen it rear its ugly head many times and it has been at its worst lately. I even took a photograph of smoke in front of a mirror, when I was hotboxing a blunt, and you can see this devilish looking snake with a creepy eye staring right at me, made out of blunt smoke and curled around me and my shoulders. It's fucked. I swear this shit has possessed me like possessed by a demon I know that sounds weird too but it's so true in my mind. That wasn't the first time I have made contact with entities which seem to want to enslave me. I'm through with being a slave. Presently I fear what would happen if I went back to using way more than what will happen if I stop. I know it's going to be overwhelming at first but that's okay, it's because I haven't been alive for a long time. I am fully confidant I can reach my goals, and quickly too. I have to commit with every fiber of my being to eliminating this harmful pest from my life. There is no reason for my use - yes, I have pain that is sometimes excruciating. I was getting amazing back massages that beat any pill when I was clean enough to deserve being with my lady friend. I need to deal with my pain in ways like that, like I used to.

I'm kind of pissed off because all I used to use was medical marijuana but my family and everyone in my life judges me so harshly for it that I had to quit. As soon as I quit, I developed benzo and opioid addictions that have ruined me but were much easier to conceal for a while, and now I just want to stand up for myself and be the pothead and dmt head that I am. I don't like any other drugs than those two. I need benzos right now though and I don't like taking them but I know that I need them until I sort my life out. I don't get shit out of opiates but I fried brain, they just ruin everything and it makes it impossible to be responsible. It wasn't always that way, but it is after several years of using them for constant pain relief. I know I'm going to beat it this time and as soon as I feel well enough, I'm going to get back into yin yoga which is my form of meditation. For now, I'm working on getting my appetite back so I can eat three healthy meals a day.

Today, I had some friend white and red potatoes with cheddar, a toasted bun with an over easy egg, and some wilted kale from my garden as well as a darkened tomato. I am working really hard to be healthy. I'd like to do stuff like that, instead of taking more drugs to fix a drug problem. I'm using a lot of vitamins and minerals too and chain smoking blunts of nice outdoor but I don't care about that habit, it helps keep me from abusing harder drugs. I am definitely getting my life together and by the time this sub wears off, I will likely be halfway through acute withdrawal and through the worst part. And for me I don't think staying clean will be so much of a problem it is really committing to the 2 weeks of suffering and being debilitated. I know that shit does me no good and I want nothing to do with it. My only source at this point is the pharmacy so I need to call them and tell them to fuck off. Then I won't be tempted when my prescription comes around again which was when I relapsed the last 2 and only times since I quit over the summer. I am going to do really well I just know it this time.
Nope my friend it does not sound weird. I have made contact with the other side too. I had a Near Death Experience.
It was beautiful. I know you have demons around you and this addiction is a demon. Throw that thing out! Command it in the Name of Jesus Christ to leave now! These lower level entities come from the darkness into our world through different means and they do want to destroy you. You are right about that. Do not forget that you are much more powerful than they. Do not forget who you are.

You use some weed if that helps you. It is medical. I told you about it really fixing my leg pain to a major degree and that was from one joint of awesome sativa. My leg pain has not come back to anywhere near the pain level it was on. I felt it deflate my leg. Like a bicycle tire. It felt SO good! It really gave me clarity of mind and energy. It had muscle relaxing abilities and was a smooth come down with a nice sleep at the end. Don't worry about what others think. Do what you need to do to take care of you.

I'm happy to hear you are eating well and paying attention to your diet. Awesome that you have a garden! Good food and nutrition is what you need. Just pay attention to taking care of yourself instead of tearing yourself apart. You got this. No big deal. Smoke some weed, watch some movies, just chill out and relax. Don't let your mind start trying to worry you and make things appear to be more than they are. You got this. Commit ever fiber of your being and I know you will succeed. <3
I'm worried that I am going to jump off the cliffs at my cottage. Well, I'm more excited than worried - it will be the ultimate DMT trip and DMT is my favourite drug. I'd like to be cremated though, although I'd leave a handsome corpse, I don't want anyone looking at my wasted body that did nothing good for this world and just suffered. Sprinkle those ashes off those cliffs. The withdrawal is too extreme and I'm too ashamed to ask for help. I'm also sick and tired of my life in every single respect. It has passed me by and if I had slit my wrists a few years ago, I would have saved myself a lot of bullshit. There is not one good thing about my life that I like, and I look forward to the impermanence and transience of this hell of an existence. It's not worth it when I'm never going to get better. There isn't hope for everyone and I'd like to be an example of that. I took 60mg diazepam and 10mg lorazepam and 20mg etizolam today because I just don't give a fuck anymore. I know my days are numbered.
Shroomy, there is hope for everyone! I know this for a fact. It is time that you let go of your ego and ask for help.
You are loved far more than you realize. There is forgiveness. There is recovery. You may be surrounded by demons but you also have many Angels surrounding you. Fighting for you. Protecting you.

However, recovery is a long process. One I am still working on myself. I am proud that I am holding at 75 mg MS Contin a day and 1 mg clonazapam. Sometimes you have got to take things step by step. I know you want this all at once and for it to just go away but you must do the work. You can climb out of this hole you have dug (a pitfall really that many fall into).

There are many, many people who take suboxone or methadone and it has allowed them to get some control and start to work out their life. Some stay on it forever and that is just fine. Some taper off those things eventually. Little by little. Step by step.
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