Positive The Tapering Supportive/Social Thread

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So I didn't do it. It's not the right time anyway. Next year I have to go to a different country. That is what I'm worried about, I'm going to be a mess while I'm there trying to impress people unless I get it right. I think a month before departure would be the best time to try the same thing, with two weeks of tapering before.
Either that or I find a way to have some there.
Not going isn't an option.
So I didn't do it. It's not the right time anyway. Next year I have to go to a different country. That is what I'm worried about, I'm going to be a mess while I'm there trying to impress people unless I get it right. I think a month before departure would be the best time to try the same thing, with two weeks of tapering before.
Either that or I find a way to have some there.
Not going isn't an option.
I wouldn’t listen to this advice either....... but it’s still a good suggestion:

Best would be to do that 3 months prior to your trip. The psychological effects of the wd’s last forever. And it’s a lot harder to be productive or enjoy the trip if you’re spending the whole time thinking about how much better it would all be if you had your DOC. The best rehab’s are 90 days for a reason. AND if you can manage 90 days before the trip PLUS the actual trip, there’s a much better chance of staying away from the drugs after you return.

If I were in your shoes I would promise myself to start a taper several weeks before. Then keep pushing it one more day at a time until a week before the trip. Then I’d be scrambling at the last minute, trying to figure out how to bring my stuff on the plane.
I wouldn’t listen to this advice either....... but it’s still a good suggestion:

Best would be to do that 3 months prior to your trip. The psychological effects of the wd’s last forever. And it’s a lot harder to be productive or enjoy the trip if you’re spending the whole time thinking about how much better it would all be if you had your DOC. The best rehab’s are 90 days for a reason. AND if you can manage 90 days before the trip PLUS the actual trip, there’s a much better chance of staying away from the drugs after you return.

If I were in your shoes I would promise myself to start a taper several weeks before. Then keep pushing it one more day at a time until a week before the trip. Then I’d be scrambling at the last minute, trying to figure out how to bring my stuff on the plane.
No doubt three months would be better for the trip, but can I face a whole three months without it before I go? I doubt it.
I won't be leaving it until the last week though. Unless I can post myself something...
I can be diciplined when I try, I've given up smoking innumerate times, lol, each time lasts many months before I start slipping.
I can't really find too much on opioid tapering right now. I am still tapering. But I just don't feel like it tonight. I really don't. I just need sleep. I just want to lay around and do nothing for two days.
I took my dog Budie out today for long walk. The weather was perfect and right before the sun set it wasn't too bright in the shade and trees and the river was nice to see out there. I am just so tired now and we had fun together today. ♡
The leaves were falling all around and everything was yellow and green and orange and brown. 🍁🍂🍁🍃🌻🌾
I can't really find too much on opioid tapering right now. I am still tapering. But I just don't feel like it tonight. I really don't. I just need sleep. I just want to lay around and do nothing for two days.
I took my dog Budie out today for long walk. The weather was perfect and right before the sun set it wasn't too bright in the shade and trees and the river was nice to see out there. I am just so tired now and we had fun together today. ♡
The leaves were falling all around and everything was yellow and green and orange and brown. 🍁🍂🍁🍃🌻🌾
How often are you dosing? My experience has been the first and most important step is to get on a consistent schedule, then work on getting it down two 4 doses per day, then 3, hopefully down to 2 doses per day(regardless of how much you’re taking). After that is when I would start reducing my daily intake.
Doing it like that helps to take away the fear that there is no relief in sight. It gives you the choice of when to benefit from NOT feeling like shit. I would get to 2 doses per day and plan one for just before bed so I can not be afraid of my bed, the other for right before I get to work in the morning.

One thing none of the experts ever seem to talk about is that you cannot do it without feeling like crap at least a little every day or you won’t ever make any progress. Tolerance wd’s will even hit you if you have been on a consistent dose forever. The bitch about opiates is you WILL need more and more just to feel normal. And sleep is huge..... best to find some way to sleep for the 2 or 3 days that follow a drop in doses. I switched from lorazepam to thc a while back. They both work great for me.
I can't really find too much on opioid tapering right now. I am still tapering. But I just don't feel like it tonight. I really don't. I just need sleep. I just want to lay around and do nothing for two days.
I took my dog Budie out today for long walk. The weather was perfect and right before the sun set it wasn't too bright in the shade and trees and the river was nice to see out there. I am just so tired now and we had fun together today. ♡
The leaves were falling all around and everything was yellow and green and orange and brown. 🍁🍂🍁🍃🌻🌾
Love the bud themed name your dog has. ;)
I hurt am in pain. I woke myself up sick. I don't know what from right now. I hurt I hurt. Have to go back to B.R. again for the 4th time already woke up like not even 12 minutes ago. I don't know.

I looked for my brace gave up fast . The pill will help also in a few once it goes in sub-lingualy.
I have 5 cant find one right now. Im doubled over. maybe gave to blog instead. doesnt make sense. i hurt. and bathroom again.

lovely right.
I don't know what autocorrect is doing to me but I would like to blog to try to make some sense ouT of this. Okay the pill dissolved and my stomach is feeling better immediately and more solid. The blog might not be so scattered and might help me stabilize but I am not expecting much because not a whole lot has help so far. except BL important information on life hacks and 'first hand' knowledge in general that helped more than the doctors ever seemed to. I talked to two three psychologists and psychiatrists maybe four times in my life in person. I am NOT going to sit there and blab for hours. It's annoying AND USELESS. They gave me medicine and served their purpose. I know they have to be a psychiatrist to prescribe but I have got medicine from a psychologist before. Valium. Go figure. Or maybe I wasn't paying attention at the time. I was young. Oh my stomach. AGAIN. 😭
I don't know what autocorrect is doing to me but I would like to blog to try to make some sense ouT of this. Okay the pill dissolved and my stomach is feeling better immediately and more solid. The blog might not be so scattered and might help me stabilize but I am not expecting much because not a whole lot has help so far. except BL important information on life hacks and 'first hand' knowledge in general that helped more than the doctors ever seemed to. I talked to two three psychologists and psychiatrists maybe four times in my life in person. I am NOT going to sit there and blab for hours. It's annoying AND USELESS. They gave me medicine and served their purpose. I know they have to be a psychiatrist to prescribe but I have got medicine from a psychologist before. Valium. Go figure. Or maybe I wasn't paying attention at the time. I was young. Oh my stomach. AGAIN. 😭
One of the many horrible withdrawl symptoms I experienced many times was the body aches and random/severe “pain”. It wasn’t even something I can really describe except to say that my nervous system was on fire. Some days my skin would be crawling. Sometimes I would get crazy pains that mimicked the nerve pain from my broken back. And it took several weeks for that to go away.

But while it was happening I couldn’t wrap my mind around it. The whole thing made me feel like my pain was never going to get better and that the only way to get through it was more drugs. It took me about 2 months (on Kratom) before the “nerves on fire” problem was gone completely. And it left me slowly, so slowly that I didn’t even notice it was getting better until it was gone.
One of the many horrible withdrawl symptoms I experienced many times was the body aches and random/severe “pain”. It wasn’t even something I can really describe except to say that my nervous system was on fire. Some days my skin would be crawling. Sometimes I would get crazy pains that mimicked the nerve pain from my broken back. And it took several weeks for that to go away.

But while it was happening I couldn’t wrap my mind around it. The whole thing made me feel like my pain was never going to get better and that the only way to get through it was more drugs. It took me about 2 months (on Kratom) before the “nerves on fire” problem was gone completely. And it left me slowly, so slowly that I didn’t even notice it was getting better until it was gone.
Oh my. You are my hero right now. I am soo sorry. 😭

It is true then what we go through. It really is. WHO WOULD HAVE KNOWN. 😭😭😭😭

I need a moment now. My eyes are soaking up so bad. I am trying to swallow and catch my breath. Take care. You are because you can be somebody's angel. 🕊♡🕊♡🕊♡🕊♡🕊

I am so very weak after reading this. Thank you for helping me feel again. Properly. 🕊🕊♡🕊

Please stay well. Please please.

Thank you. You made me feel lije the world has meaning again. YOU SHARED YOUR HEART. It meant more than you can imagine. Although you must have known because you cared enough to be able to share and make that effort.

And I thank you forever for that act of kindness and your mindfulness. That did make a difference. ☺👍🏼 You did.
One of the many horrible withdrawl symptoms I experienced many times was the body aches and random/severe “pain”. It wasn’t even something I can really describe except to say that my nervous system was on fire. Some days my skin would be crawling. Sometimes I would get crazy pains that mimicked the nerve pain from my broken back. And it took several weeks for that to go away.

But while it was happening I couldn’t wrap my mind around it. The whole thing made me feel like my pain was never going to get better and that the only way to get through it was more drugs. It took me about 2 months (on Kratom) before the “nerves on fire” problem was gone completely. And it left me slowly, so slowly that I didn’t even notice it was getting better until it was gone.
Oh my. You are my hero right now. I am soo sorry. 😭

It IS true then what we really go through. It really is. WHO WOULD HAVE KNOWN. 😭😭😭😭

I need a moment now. My eyes are soaking up so bad. I am trying to swallow and catch my breath. Take care. You are because you can be somebody's angel. 🕊♡🕊♡🕊♡🕊♡🕊

I am so very weak after reading this. Thank you for helping me feel again. Properly. 🕊🕊♡🕊

Please stay well. Please please.

Thank you. You made me feel like the world has meaning again. YOU SHARED YOUR HEART. It meant more than you can imagine. Although you must have known because you cared enough to be able to share and make that effort.

And I thank you forever for that act of kindness and your mindfulness. That did make a difference. ☺👍🏼 You did.
I find when I'm going down the doses of opiates time is ridiculously slow and painful. It's that cruel joke they don't tell you about. Time is wading through treacle while you just want to get some sleep or pain relief, you can't have either without feeling that you're doing it all wrong, going backwards, everything feels wrong anyway, every minute seems like ten and it's miserable.
Then, like Squeaky says, one day you realise you stopped feeling so bad.
Just keep reminding yourself that your receptors are repairing themselves every minute that you can endure will repair a few more.
It is so miserable there in no man's land, but if you keep going you'll reach safety on the other side, that is certain.
One day I'll get there too, to where I feel physically well and I'll want to stay that way. Or I won't. No bets.
The pharmaceutical industry tells us that withdrawls will be minor and only last a few days. They also say that the symptoms are limited to a little diarrhea and insomnia. Doctors are limited to the knowledge they have been told by the industry. Even Dr Google can’t be trusted because 99% of the information on the internet has been put there by people who have never experienced it.

This is why BL is so important for me. Real answers from real people who have actually lived it. People like all of us.
The best advice I read about opiate withdrawal (before I became an expert myself....) said some very important things. The biggest was this: “Go to your family doctor and DO NOT LEAVE without a prescription for some serious sleep medication like Valium”

It’s totally true and totally overlooked by almost everyone. Time moves so slow in wd. It’s worse when your favorite Netflix show ends. Even worse when you’re starving and puking at the same time. But nothing sucks more than staring at the ceiling all night when your partner is snoring and you have to be quiet. That’s miserable on a normal day, but doing it while you’re nauseous/sweating/aching/etc? The clock never moves slower than at night in wd. And it gets worse and worse with each passing night of not sleeping.

Opiate wd is not life threatening, but suicide is. I believe there’s a large number of suicides that can be connected to the misery of watching the clock while in withdrawal.
Yup. I am down to the lowest doses possible. BUT when I stress or am in pain I need more. That's it.
However I didn't take one yet THIS morning ? !

AND when I NEED it they help.

I know. It's just an awful cycle I am in right now. Oh the stomach pain when I start needing one though.

It just, doesn't make sense.
It feels GOOD to be at such low doses though.

WOW. Th0e best relief ever !

I feel like taking one. Don't really need it RIGHT NOW but feeling it somehow. Work and everything. I can't find my wrist brace still. But I am going to clean today. I mean I had five wrist braces, they have to be around here somewhere. I just can't do a thing with it on. It gets wet and I can't even open a door. It feels good when I sit down though. Like traction ! thnx.
Monday’s suck! I don’t get any pain relief over the weekend so I choose to save my back for work and I do basically nothing on the weekend. Then Monday comes and I’m absolutely exhausted. The irony is that the less I do the less I have energy for. Days like these I’m questioning my decision to not be on permanent disability. It’s definitely nice to not be a slave to a bottle of pills but days like this are miserable.
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