Positive The Tapering Supportive/Social Thread

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One thing about all of us in this thread is- we are NO wimps!!

I got to hand it to you all.
we are bad ass’s! After all we have been through and endure daily still!

Hang in there my dear friends.
Love you guys so much!
I’m writing a children’s book about my experience on oxycodone. It called:
“Everyone Poops.....except me”
I have posted that joke before but it’s still funny, as I sit on the crapper.
I’m writing a children’s book about my experience on oxycodone. It called:
“Everyone Poops.....except me”
I have posted that joke before but it’s still funny, as I sit on the crapper.

LMAO! @Squeaky

We have written a detailed guide of fuck up’s for people with chronic pain who know nothing about opiates!
We could call it “Learn from our mistakes” or “Fun times with PO, Squeaky, and friends”.
Oh the adventures we have had!
Lope, Kratom, Oxy, and Morphine!
LMAO! @Squeaky

We have written a detailed guide of fuck up’s for people with chronic pain who know nothing about opiates!
We could call it “Learn from our mistakes” or “Fun times with PO, Squeaky, and friends”.
Oh the adventures we have had!
Lope, Kratom, Oxy, and Morphine!
No kidding. There’s 200 pages here of what NOT to do.
I really do hope that someone out there stumbles on this and gets help from it. I got a tremendous amount of helpful insights from BlueLight and other sources on the internet, but this one here sort of hits all of the big points, with real life information.
I have no doubt that the FDA has read this and used it to change rules like the giant bottles of Loperamide disappearing from Costco and Walmart. Right after I started talking here about how much I was using and how well it worked was when that change took place. And just before I started using Kratom was when they tried to schedule it same as heroin.
People read, but don’t post. I know we have saved someone out in the real world. :)
Thank god for my iPhone. Otherwise what would I do when my aches and pains keep me awake at night, or when other problems keep my in the bathroom during the day? Ha!!!
Praise goes to PokeMama for starting this thread.
Agreed my friend!

We have spoken out about things!
Things that have needed to be spoken about.

I am having a crap day because I am out of MS Contin. Doctor tomorrow!
Without Lope I would be at the hospital for this shit and have a mark on my permanent record and other major trouble just from one day short on medication!

The FDA does not give a shit about true suffering of human beings.
This is all a big money making business for them and many others.
It is a disgrace and shame that they would make money off people’s suffering and pain!
The government has made practically no help available and then they want to take away the few items that make this survivable!

I am feeling horrible right there with you today @Squeaky
Hang tough my friend!

I am determined to get back on track!
I only fell off thanks to that “specialist” and their stupidity with thinking other worse treatments can replace opiates!
The side effects from those Botox injections were akin to having leprosy!

It figures I would get chronic pain and need help right as they cut off help!
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Nether Kratom nor Lope even help that much.
They keep you from loosing your mind for spurts throughout the day and that is it!

I do not see Kratom as even being as effective as lope.
It has been kind of useless to me.

It has helped others though! Many others and that makes it valuable!

It is a joke that people with serious problems have to go around like in the prohibition of alcohol days!
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It’s a joke that alcohol and tobacco are legal. That there are more Starbucks and McDonald’s than payphones. But things like marijuana and peyote are in the same class as PCP and Heroin.
Tylenol kills more people than cocaine. And influenza kills more people in the USA than Ebola, Swine flu, and whatever bird flu is coming from China right now - combined. They only care about the fun stuff and keeping us from using it.

“It’s not a war on drugs. It’s a war on vegetables “
Hamilton Morris
I am breathing a HUGE sigh of relief! Whew!!

My doctor was really cool about prescribing me the Gabapentin.
He was glad that I had thought about things and gotten off the Ambian.
He told me “good job” for doing that.
He was also very relieved I had researched the GHB and other treatment that specialist had in mind for me and I had decided against those! Not that I could afford it anyway but it was a horrible idea even if I could afford it!
He told me that he was really worried about the suggested treatments from the other doctor.
He was glad to hear that the gabapentin had improved the sleep disorder so much and that I was having times of “feeling like myself again”!

So, all is well.
I got my MS Contin refilled and I am feeling a whole lot better!! YAY!!
I was only one day short on that and I have been giving myself my own medication.
I am doing well!
I am going to try my hardest to make it without any days short this month.
It just hurts too bad and throws me off on everything.

Steady as she goes!
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It’s a joke that alcohol and tobacco are legal. That there are more Starbucks and McDonald’s than payphones. But things like marijuana and peyote are in the same class as PCP and Heroin.
Tylenol kills more people than cocaine. And influenza kills more people in the USA than Ebola, Swine flu, and whatever bird flu is coming from China right now - combined. They only care about the fun stuff and keeping us from using it.

“It’s not a war on drugs. It’s a war on vegetables “
Hamilton Morris

It is like the people who control such things try to cause as much pain and misery upon others as possible.
Like, heaven forbid that anyone feels good from anything!
You know these people who make all these “rules” and “restrictions” for the rest of us do not suffer. Ever!

So far, Lope and medical cannabis are the best things I have found to help with opiate withdrawal.

Take care not to get The Flu everyone!

❤️ you all!
Only one day. You’re getting better PO. It’s good to hear you’re not using so much lope these days.
Prescription day is my favorite day of the month. Its like Christmas, 12 times per year.
8 days no oxy right now. 14 to go.
This month my goal is getting down to little or no Kratom. Maybe even no oxy when I get my script filled in two weeks.
Truth is that the last several times I got past the misery of Oxy withdrawls I said I would never do this to myself again. But I have done it over and over. Every time. I have gotten so good at it that it is feeling like it’s actually worth the pain of wds to have a few days without any pain.
It’s not much of a life on the surface. But it’s not so bad now. And my back hurts non-stop until I have the pills. I’m slowly settling into the new normal. Who knows? Maybe by making peace with the way it is I’ll be ready to quit someday soon.
Squeaky try to look at it as that week with your oxy is your treat and the weeks without is just normal life . It seems you have more days without them so maybe eventually the withdrawals will lessen . Just try to think of it in a different way. Or maybe 1 month save the scrip till you get the next one then you will have a few weeks in a row feeling good .
Squeaky try to look at it as that week with your oxy is your treat and the weeks without is just normal life . It seems you have more days without them so maybe eventually the withdrawals will lessen . Just try to think of it in a different way. Or maybe 1 month save the scrip till you get the next one then you will have a few weeks in a row feeling good .
I thought of that and I realized that would be a monstrous mistake. Right now I take around 400 mg per day of oxy for a week and then zero for three weeks. Even though it is a massive amount, it is only a few days.
Imagine the withdrawals from that level of oxy if I saved my pills for a couple of months and then binged for a few weeks. Let’s say I do really good and save 6 months of pills and then binge for 6 weeks. I’m really proud of myself, completely clean for 6 months. Decide to treat myself and use all I saved. Then have full withdrawal from 400 mg per day for a month and a half. It might end me.
What I have been doing is working. Not well, but the only thing I can think of that would be better is to take my script and give it to someone to keep for me until I actually cannot live without it (say if I have another surgery).
Oh ok I didn’t realize you were taking so much daily . 400 mg is a lot.. I’m so sorry your last surgery didn’t lessen your pain any. I’m able to keep my tolerance down because i normally have at least 2 days of half my daily then 1 day without anything . It’s starting to suck though cause I rarely get that happy giddy feeling from the amount I have been doing lately, we just can’t afford more so I have to deal with it. I’m finally starting to realize that 1 or 2 day of extra fun is not worth being without at the end . Good luck this month .
Oh ok I didn’t realize you were taking so much daily . 400 mg is a lot.. I’m so sorry your last surgery didn’t lessen your pain any. I’m able to keep my tolerance down because i normally have at least 2 days of half my daily then 1 day without anything . It’s starting to suck though cause I rarely get that happy giddy feeling from the amount I have been doing lately, we just can’t afford more so I have to deal with it. I’m finally starting to realize that 1 or 2 day of extra fun is not worth being without at the end . Good luck this month .
Yeah, the extra day of happy isn’t always worth the extra day of sad. And the buzz disappears with rising tolerance , never to return at that level.
I was suffering way more when I was taking 90 mg per day with the occasional bump to 120 or 150 mg because I was never off of it. I would stretch my last pills for the last week and just struggle through a major drop in dosage at the end of every month. Now I’m clean for 2-3 weeks at a time every month and the withdrawals are way less painful.
My surgeries were successful. I was not able to walk very much before. Now I’m very functional, with pain. If I was willing to live with the pain I could be free of the pills, but clearly I’m not.
Thank you for the kind words Larimar.
For all of the Nerds out there......
I figured out a while back that its a bit of a math problem. If you use one extra pill today, then one extra pill again tomorrow, and the next day, and you do that for a week. At the end on the month you aren’t short by 7 pills, you’re short by 14:
If you’re prescribed 3 pills a day but you take 4 pills a day at the start of the month, then you only have 2 pills a day at the end of the month. That would suck if your tolerance was at 3 pills, but it REALLY sucks because your tolerance has risen to 4 pills but you only have 2. So for every day you take extra you are short by double, based on your new tolerance. And of course it sets you up for even bigger problems next month. Don’t be like me.
Yeah, the extra day of happy isn’t always worth the extra day of sad. And the buzz disappears with rising tolerance , never to return at that level.
I was suffering way more when I was taking 90 mg per day with the occasional bump to 120 or 150 mg because I was never off of it. I would stretch my last pills for the last week and just struggle through a major drop in dosage at the end of every month. Now I’m clean for 2-3 weeks at a time every month and the withdrawals are way less painful.
My surgeries were successful. I was not able to walk very much before. Now I’m very functional, with pain. If I was willing to live with the pain I could be free of the pills, but clearly I’m not.
Thank you for the kind words Larimar.

hmmm...well, if it is way less suffering for you to be without Oxy for three weeks, then I think you could make it with the pain.
It sounds like you just really don’t want to let go of that prescription because you are worried if you do that you could never get it back.
That is a scary thought. Especially for people who do live with pain.

There is no way I could make it 3 weeks without my MS Contin.
I would literally die from the pain. I would have a heart attack and die. Pain would kill me.
It is WAY better for me to even have the week of having to lower my dosage.

I do not even know how you are working.
I am not able to work with my chronic pain.

You could be free of the pills.
I think you could do that.

Maybe just having that week break from the pain is getting you by.
It blows my mind that you are taking 400 mg a day for that one week and are not ODing.
You say that you do not even really “feel” it.
I wonder if you are actually overdosing.
It is strange that your family /friends do not notice that you are way fucked up during that week.
I would think you would be nodding out, staggering around, slurring speech. Etc.

Why do you think that is not happening? The Kratom?
I am literally drowning in major depression.
Living in chronic pain is so hard.
This major depression happens all the time and I must constantly fight it.
During winter it gets super bad due to loss of sunlight.
My vitamin D levels are WAY low.
Vitamin D levels are so low that my doctor says that could be causing the “narcolepsy “ symptoms.

I need sunshine and vitamins and I need a fucking break!
Looks like I’ll be joining y’all in on this withdrawal journey . The guy we have been getting our oxy from for years has just been shut off by his insurance company , even with a doctor pre authorization they have denied him , offered him suboxne or methadone. I’m not messing with either of those so looks like I’m quitting starting today. My last piece was yesterday , slept ok last night but tonight will prob be rough . Gonna be hard , I work full time , have 3 kids one is 15 months .. it is what it is , nothing lasts forever right , good times or bad times .
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