Positive The Tapering Support Thread v 2.0

ShroomiSatori was a frequent flyer in this thread up until around 3 years ago. Heroin addict. Posted his drug-fueled rants several times per day for years. He posted in several threads on BlueLight every day for years. He wasn’t a bad person but he got off track every time, and said some things that didn’t seem logical or sane. One day he just disappeared. Not a single sign of him here.

If he went to rehab, or just did what he needed to get clean…. he would have come back. This means he’s either dead or in jail. And inmates all have internet. So……..

Please. Don’t be Shroomi. Anyone. Start stopping. Start now. Everyone dies from something. Do you want this to be the start of your end?
bupr.3mg.diaz10mg....no weed from last days of July.Praying at nights and working at days...that is my life.Everyday struggle with Evil.Not fully normal,not fully insane....so....so.Just growing older.
Stay strong. It takes forever. Those f’ing doctors told me I would be over my oxy withdrawals in a few days. It took 6 months, and another 18 months to really feel normal. Even just lowering my dose took a month before I felt better.

You’re doing exactly what you need to do. Keep yourself busy is how you get through today. Then you collect a bunch of those “todays” and eventually you be a month into the new plan, and that month won’t feel like much trouble.

Don’t let any thoughts of how bad you feel right now creep into your head. Start playing video games or go golfing if you need to kill time. It’s the stillness that allows the mind to wander into dangerous places.
I got hurt at work a few weeks ago. I had a bottle of Percocet sitting in my drawer that I got from my Dr 4 months ago. I had wanted it for emergencies. 30 pills. I was actually hurt very painfully. The entire time it was there I had absolutely no desire to use it. And it had been so long since I had taken anything other than Kratom, I assumed that I could get some substantial pain relief from one pill.

Nope….. I got drunk and used probably 6 pills that first day. 5 days later, the bottle was empty. I don’t even remember enjoying any of it. What a waste.

I guess I’m fortunate to need a prescription to get more and I’m not going back to my pain management Dr. I can totally see how easy it would be to go back down the rabbit hole and relapse, starting all over again. I’m sure that if I had a full bottle of oxy I would have said “just one more day, then I’ll stop” until the bottle was empty.

It was only 5 days, so the withdrawals were minimal. I’m still dealing with the constipation though. But that might just be that I’m dehydrated from the hot and humid weather we’ve had for the last 2 months.

I’m happy to be out of those pills. I really wanted to have a stash, in case my wife needed something in the future. But the moment I took the first pill, it was always going to end in an empty bottle.
. But the moment I took the first pill, it was always going to end in an empty bottle.
That was the story of both of our lives. Not sure why we thought it would ever be any different. I guess we just hoped that enough time had elapsed from gobbling painkillers like candy that we thought responsible use would eventually come. Yeah, right ! I know for a fact that any bottle of Rx pills that were within my grasp would not be safe. The compulsion to take them to see if I could get that warm fuzzy back would be too strong. And with us being on kratom, the effects are diminished for sure. It sucks to miss the love of your life and know that we can never be responsible again. I guess there comes a time when we just move on and accept our fate and realize that it was good while it lasted.

All the problems I had when I gobbled opioids have disappeared. All but the desire to still feel high, relaxed, and comfy again. But those numerous problems I had far outweigh any desire to go back to that lifestyle.

The kratom isn't oxy or perks or vics or morphine but it does take the edge off and causes zero problems in my life. I guess we have to take the small victories we get in this life and be thankful that we came out the other side with only a few scars to show for it. Most aren't as lucky as we are.

Ya done good, Squeaky. You walked through the flames and came out the other side a stronger man. That counts for something ya know.
Ya done good, Squeaky. You walked through the flames and came out the other side a stronger man. That counts for something ya know.
Thank you.

I actually have had zero cravings for pain pills since I stopped months ago, and none since that last bottle disappeared down my throat. I took that first pill for a legit reason and I was happy to see the last one gone. But in between them I just couldn’t stop myself. (The first one was actually 4 pills because of Kratom). You’re absolutely correct. That warm and fuzzy feeling is something I just couldn’t walk away from after I felt it again.

The knowledge of exactly how deep the withdrawals go has kept me from wanting more.
Just took Kratos, have animal crackers in stomach, will that affect it?
Kratom gets absorbed fine as long as you don’t take it in the middle of a big meal. Full effects in the first 30 minutes. It does help tremendously, but beware….. it will raise your tolerance for oxy through the roof! I went from taking 30mg oxy to taking 300mg to have any effect. Don’t go with Kratom unless you are willing to throw away your pills and never look back. Otherwise you’ll do what I did, burn through my 30 day supply of oxy in a week and go through withdrawals for 3 weeks every month for over a year.

Kratom is a great tool for diminishing oxy withdrawal symptoms, but it will still suck. Sweating, insomnia, body aches, they still hit you. Just not as hard.
I have been talking 3600mg of gabapentin staggered every morning for years. I never had any terrible interdose withdrawal until recently. I started waking up early with obvious withdrawal and panic. Then, yesterday it happened within 8 hours of my dose I've decided to try splitting that into 1.8g staggered in 300mg doses and 1.2mg staggered in 300mg doses at night. Id like to be able to do this in 2 doses rather than 3 if my body can adjust to it, but it may need to be 3 doses per day I'm not sure.

I've also taken kratom 8-9g 4-5 times per day for at least 3 years as well. I decided to drop that down to 5g 4 times per day as I've had some people tell me that being on high doses of kratom have caused them to feel terrible and withdrawal-like symptoms after taking it

So, I really don't know what is actually causing my problems, so I decided to try taking the gabapentin more than once per day and decrease the kratom dose in hopes that it won't be a problem. Do you guys think I can stabilize at these dosages within a few days and stop feeling low-level withdrawal all day, or am I destined to feel this way until I fully taper on both? I would like to be able to taper slow and without pain so that I can continue to live my life.
The Gabapentin stabilizes quick, maybe in 2 days. But Kratom will take more like a week or two. Both can cause the symptoms you described.

I was doing exactly what you are with the Kratom. About 8-9 grams every 3 hours. Lyrica (Gabapentin’s big brother) 2x per day. And I started waking up with horrible anxiety. I figured out it was the Lyrica too close to bedtime.

I changed my Kratom down to twice per day, about 3-4 grams each. Lyrica: no change in dosage. But I don’t take either within 8 hours of bedtime. As soon as I stopped taking Lyrica in the evening, my morning anxiety disappeared.
The Gabapentin stabilizes quick, maybe in 2 days. But Kratom will take more like a week or two. Both can cause the symptoms you described.

I was doing exactly what you are with the Kratom. About 8-9 grams every 3 hours. Lyrica (Gabapentin’s big brother) 2x per day. And I started waking up with horrible anxiety. I figured out it was the Lyrica too close to bedtime.

I changed my Kratom down to twice per day, about 3-4 grams each. Lyrica: no change in dosage. But I don’t take either within 8 hours of bedtime. As soon as I stopped taking Lyrica in the evening, my morning anxiety disappeared.
Haha mine has been the opposite. I broke my dose in half so that I have some gabapentin every 12 hours and it's helping, but I think the halflife of gabapentin is way shorter than Lyrica, so that's probably why I was feeling bad. My body was fine with it only once every morning, until suddenly it wasn't I guess. I seem to be doing okay on my new regimen. I'm not sure if I can handle ever getting off both and getting through the withdrawal, but I'll try tapering and see what happens.
I’m down to only one shot of Kratom in the morning. Maybe 3-4 grams. Too bad alcohol has become my best friend in the evening. Lyrica 100mg x 2 per day. I think the Lyrica is causing as many problems as it is solving though.

I would love to have infinite time to relax and find out what might work to solve whatever problem I’m having. But there’s so much stress connected with going to work and being responsible for my family and home. I can’t just relax for more than the amount of time it takes to pour a cocktail. Maybe that’s the root of my addiction…. stress.
No 2mg of Ativan( loazepam). Ativan .5, 1mg, 2mg. Diazepam 2mg, 5mg, 10 MG. Xanax (alazepam or something close) .25mg, .5mg, 1mg. I switched from Ativan to Valium( diazepam) to get off them. Ativan, has short half life and diazepam a long one. Easier to get off, didn't you tell me to switch? ( not being a smart ass) They kept giving me Ativan in the hospital and at doctors offices. I think it has something to do with less opiod interaction. I can't tell the difference. Scared shitless of withdraws as all my meds( taken, for most part properly, have less effect. I have alcohol, not drug problems( yes I know alcohol is a drug, so is caffeine) as of yet.
Still feeling terrible since panning off the drugs roughly a week ago. I'm wondering am i in for the long haul with pregablin withdrawals here. I mean i sleep ok at night but mood hasn't really fully come back yet, i'm sore all over almost and just knackered all day doing nothing. Will give it another week or so but if i'm still feeling like this i may be forced to reconsider quitting completely as it's no use feeling so sore and worn out all the time. Literally no energy appetite or anything :|
I don't think doctors know what they are doing with gaba drugs. My sister who was epileptic was on Lyrica and my dad who was diabetic, gabapentin. It was given to me to take edge off morphine withdrawal. It and it's big brother Lyrica I think are schedule5, here in America. I DIDN'T KNOW THEY HAD A SCHEDULE 5, I THOUGHT IT WENT DOWN TO 4. WHATEVER
Are these all purpose drugs, but we don't know how they work really? Is it like a placebo with side effects?