TDS The Suicide Support Thread

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cheers you lot no better than i was really just got smokey to take care of now so have to hold it together a little better than i have been but thanks for caring soon be Thursday and go to see the care worker see what they say had drug counseling today same old sit there for 5 minutes just so they dont stop my sick otherwise i wouldnt bother with it
FG, what is happening with Charlie? Is Smoky a new kitten? Yay for feline companionship!
i dont know whats going on with charlie they keep refusing to give him back to me punishing me with it like the pedophiles have used stuff like this against me my whole life

yes smokey is a 7 week old kitten they got me saying she would be better for me than the 5 year old cat ive had since the same age

really not doing good to day nothing seems to help i just want it over with now
Hi Gold, Sorry to hear that your day is not going well. . . . Been there to many times myself! Just out of curiosity, What habits or personality similarities do you see in the kitten that you remember about Charlie when Charlie was the same age as the kitten?? Also about the "Just wanting it over thing", ask yourself this: "if I do it will I ever know" if the next day after I'm gone something unexpectedly fulfilling would have happened in my life?, but I missed it??. . . . . Just a thought I once had when standing where you are, I hope tomorrow is that day for you? :) Tom.
i dont know whats going on with charlie they keep refusing to give him back to me punishing me with it like the pedophiles have used stuff like this against me my whole life

yes smokey is a 7 week old kitten they got me saying she would be better for me than the 5 year old cat ive had since the same age

really not doing good to day nothing seems to help i just want it over with now

I am sorry you are feeling so bad

What is going on?
You sound like an amazing Mom. I get suicidal thoughts, too, and I can relate to taking it one day at a time for your kids. I'm sending good thoughts your way.
I am sorry you are feeling so bad

What is going on?

just the normal stuff people who screwed up my life as teenager just wont leave it alone they have threatened people making it impossible for me to move on with life really plus its the time of year not sure what i am going to do this time ive been wanting to just finish things all year i just cant say when i will snap and something happen
I just swallowed a bottle of 30 80mg Latuda pills and can't throw them up and now I might die. My dad was trying to kill Lucky again with his telepathic attack because he hates us both and my mom would not do anything to help him until after I swallowed the bottle of pills - she has a spell that works to make the massive swelling he inflicts go down in like one minute and it worked as usual. Might be my last post.
I don't know you, but please don't kill yourself. I know everyone is saying it, but it will get better, there is still hope ! I wanted to off myselmyself a few times too, but I'm glad I didn't do it. Please don't kill yourself. It's a permanent solution for a temporary problem. Go to the ER asap and get your stomach pumped out. I think an od with neuroleptics is most likely not killing you, but you are maybe ending up in a wheelchair, so please seek medical attention and maybe search for a therapist you like, that can help you, after this is over. My therapist is helping me for sure.
I hope you're feeling better soon :)
I don't know you, but please don't kill yourself. I know everyone is saying it, but it will get better, there is still hope ! I wanted to off myselmyself a few times too, but I'm glad I didn't do it. Please don't kill yourself. It's a permanent solution for a temporary problem. Go to the ER asap and get your stomach pumped out. I think an od with neuroleptics is most likely not killing you, but you are maybe ending up in a wheelchair, so please seek medical attention and maybe search for a therapist you like, that can help you, after this is over. My therapist is helping me for sure.
I hope you're feeling better soon :)

I was able to throw them up and spent about 90 minutes drinking water including salt water to stop it. I would have posted yesterday but I hit my chest and side really hard and then all the puking and think I might have broke a rib and it was hurting so bad I could only lay in bed a certain way for that night and yesterday. Still hurts today, bad when I cough. Don't plan on doing anything like that again.
I'm glad you survived, how are things going today ? Is there any chance you could go to a therapist ?
Hope you are feeling better :)
had a slight slip up Saturday way to many benzos and booze guess i was quite close to doing what ive been after but my tolerances to both booze and benzo played a part in stopping me for fully going under shows how much smokey loves though every time i came round during the 24 hours she was curled up on me heart breaking to think she is so attached to me after such a short time all ready and i am like this
well thanks to something that happened last night i really cant see myself be here much longer if the cunts who keep bragging they are going murderer me don't get hold of me soon then the fact that my life is now ruined by the fact they have threatened to rape any female that goes near me so whats the fucking point in keeping this up just a shame i haven't got the money to order some fentanyl analog because at least that will work
FG, those guys sound like they like to talk big. Give them a wide berth and try to ignore them. I know it must be terrifying but bullies like that will soon find someone else to harass.
FG, those guys sound like they like to talk big. Give them a wide berth and try to ignore them. I know it must be terrifying but bullies like that will soon find someone else to harass.

thank you but the damage is done now its just a matter of time and money
I'm new to this site I'm goin thru alot of stuff and have been tempting the thought of suicide. I am a self mutilater and have been cutting for a long time I can't handle my life anymore I have children that disrespect me at every turn and I can't handle it anymore. I have put cords around my neck and now I'm contemplating taking pills to put me out of this misery Ik that's selfish but I am at a point I haven't other options.
If I had all those pills I wouldn't be feeling that way. I am super opiate w/d at the moment and would literally do anything for just two of those hydros !! I have written my letter to my husband and my kids who o know will suffer maybe when I'm gone ,but I understand what u r doing and how u feel, I'm trying to be strong. I have amp ,benzos and gabapentin and none of those are working to take away the mind fuck I have at the moment ,like I have a huge week at my job ,how the fuck am I gonna work ? I can't even function,I am going to,pain mgmt on ties but probly can't refill til fri. <snip>I hate this feeling soooo much I'm out of my mind, my physical symptoms are managable but this mind fuck,fogginess,and depressions are the worst, <snip>. Any way maybe if we just keep talking we can help each other &#55357;&#56911;&#55357;&#56911;
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I'm new to this site I'm goin thru alot of stuff and have been tempting the thought of suicide. I am a self mutilater and have been cutting for a long time I can't handle my life anymore I have children that disrespect me at every turn and I can't handle it anymore. I have put cords around my neck and now I'm contemplating taking pills to put me out of this misery Ik that's selfish but I am at a point I haven't other options.

It sounds like your pain goes back a long way. I am sorry that you are feeling so alone. There is no selfishness to it--the pain feels more than you can bear and the mind tells you that death is the only way to end the pain. The truth is that we don't really know what death will bring but life is malleable and there is almost nothing that cannot be changed. It is hard to grasp this when you feel so defeated. Feel free to PM me if it would help. I'm a mom and old enough to be the grandmother of most people on this site and happy to lend an ear.<3
I am in pain, have been for days. I am having an anxiety attack. It has been goin on for hours.
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