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I hope that living on 2C-C for a few days, weeks, or months can be considered sober living, as even though I am seeing lovely pastel colours in the screen and have had saucer eyes for days, "I" am shedding the skin of my previously snaky way of life and evolving towards a more ethereal plane. I am tripping out harder than I ever have in my life - not in terms of tripping hard on psychedelics like visuals and intensity or any of that - but the realization and change in energy is astounding. I can function completely normally on 2C-C as well. I shredded guitar with my brother today and he didn't notice until I told him, and was like dude are you serious like look at my fucking eyes man see into the depths of the cosmic void from which all things manifest. He was playing beautiful finger picking stuff... totally different than my style, and I started convulsing with laughter and cosmic joy after I told him I was tripping and looking at his puzzled but understanding reaction. He just said calmly, "no, actually, I had no idea you are tripping right now." WTF man like in my mind I'm not even existing in physical form, the conversation we were having was so deep and just total brotherhood right there. Love the guy. I shredded my cover song I learned last night and man oh man... I nailed it and learned by ear of course. I was picking out parts of songs I listen to all the time and never even noticed before. The awareness of this conscious entity has never been soaring higher in all my life. The last thing I am thinking about is fucking opiates... they constrict the pupils as opposed to opening them up! Not my kind of deal at all, that shit is just garbage to me now.
I'm on a trip, that's for sure. I don't think I'm ever coming down either. I always hated acid, there are so many better psychedelics for me personally. I got nothing whatsoever out of lsd or any of its analogs whatsoever. This stuff though... this stuff is a special one. It's opening up the usage of parts of my mind that I never knew existed and the proclivity towards change is astounding.
The law of attraction... I'm attracting insanity into my life too, as is expressed in full by my new job, which can hardly be called a fun time. It's more like a creative outlet and a video game. Acting and teaching. It's amazing and I'm really excited to see how good I am of an actor, because I sure as hell was a great one as a heroin addict. Master manipulator, and really I am ashamed of it but I can take that energy and express it in a more constructive way that doesn't hurt anyone else or myself.
That mannnnns from outer space man. Seriously, I don't think I'm on Planet Earth anymore. I don't even think it exists as separate from anything else. And what about the big picture? The infinite? What about that? Is it even real, is anything real other than these pastel hues of magenta, yellow, violet, and crimson I am seeing on the screen? I honestly don't think so, after all, it's the present moment. Man... 2C-C is some good fucking shit!!! I could honestly spend the rest of my life feeling this way and likely function completely normally and in a much healthier way.
I also met my new boss in this state. it is ridiculous! I am attracting so much positivity, creativity and insanity into my life that I can't help but even in this very moment giggle with joy. It's amazing, as I only have 8 days clean time and I shouldn't be feeling this good. I'm detached and indifferent to the aches and pains of the physical component of my being, as it simply doesn't even exist.
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I rather liked 2C-C when I had a couple of grams of it some 15 years ago. Lovely stuff.

What kind of doses are you taking? I don't believe I ever took more than 60mg in one go. Wish I had, kinda curious how it compared in high doses to the other 2Cs.

2C-D was my favorite though mostly cause of the short duration. Could squeeze in a trip here and there without the huge time commitment of most things. I fondly remembering dropping a dose while arriving at a concert, tripping balls during the music then being mostly sober by the time it was time to go home.
So I smoke meth in the bedroom of my parents house (as a 40yo man, yes) at night, with the door closed, go through all this trouble not to open the door at like 3am.

I run out of money and therefor meth, after doing this nightly since February, and I am finally sober and well-rested.

After nine months of pissing in a jar so as not to open squeaky doors every half hour, it finally occurs to me to put some goddamned WD-40 on the door hinges.
15 years ago? Wow... didn't really know 2C-C was around back then. I'm sniffing around 10 milligrams at a time, throughout the day. As I come back down to insanity, I bring myself back up to sanity in the spirit realm. I just did this about 5 minutes ago. I have taken up to 80mg orally and it was very intense... way more intense than this, but still controllable. Went to the doctors office, it's the most functional psychedelic to me. Well, the only one... I could drive on this stuff haha. The visuals became a swirly vortex of astonishing glory when I took the high dose and a few hours later I was chill. But really, I find that a little bit less is more with this stuff. Certainly worth trying a really high dose though too! I am tripping at the absolute perfect level in terms of visuals to personal insight ratio. It's also the time of my life... I mean getting off opiates is life changing in itself of course.
I am finding that I do not need high doses of this to enlighten my mind, but I am certainly taking enough. I'm potentiating with a couple joints a day, and I am seeing lovely pastel colours in the screen again, and moving language symbols.
I am really far out, that's for sure. The perpetual redosing isn't even giving me a tolerance, it's sending me on the trip of a lifetime. The way it is affecting my life is ridiculously constructive to the progression from insanity to sanity. However, most people would say the opposite, as my new job is essentially a psychedelic playground. I swear it was the 2C-C that attracted this into my life somehow because it doesn't even make any sense how this can be a job, it's a freaking psychedelic video game. I can't even believe it, and that I met a boss on 2C-C with saucer eyes and a grinning smile, and that I could even go to a job interview on this and know exactly what to say. It is enhancing my intelligence and awareness and thought connectivity and the experience of interconnectedness.
I might be sensitive because I am in opiate withdrawal at the moment... I find psychedelics are stronger then. Well, at least I should be in opiate withdrawal, but I have a lack of interest in the diseases of my physical form well focussing my energy on them.
Oh man these lovely colours, I am totally getting hppd from this because I love it so much I could use it as a daily supplement ala cannabis.

I've tried 2C-D... I found it more stimulating and for the amount of visuals I got, not as truly psychedelic in terms of impacting my thoughts and analytical capability and gaining personal insight. I still liked it, but 2C-C is the real deal for me. Psychedelia at its finest, I got the idea today to smoke dmt on it... my other favourite psychedelic. I'm not jumping into that though, I'm sniffing anywhere from 20 to 30 milligrams a day and I am seriously really, really far out there... the farthest out I have ever been, yet so close to home. It's crazy how functional I am on it, and how nobody notices at all.

So far out mon, so far out. Everything is changing, I'm going through a serious transformation that is all fun and games somehow. I can't stop bursting into laughter, it is wonderful. A lot of it has to do with getting clean of opiates at the same time.

I honestly feel like I am in some sort of enlightened state and I really don't mean that in an egotistical way at all. I'm totally in a sacred space, I can feel it course through every aspect of my experience of life. It is changing the way I interact with everything.
So I smoke meth in the bedroom of my parents house (as a 40yo man, yes) at night, with the door closed, go through all this trouble not to open the door at like 3am.

I run out of money and therefor meth, after doing this nightly since February, and I am finally sober and well-rested.

After nine months of pissing in a jar so as not to open squeaky doors every half hour, it finally occurs to me to put some goddamned WD-40 on the door hinges.

I wish we had more people like you here.

WD40 has solved many a problem in my household but its always missing when needed and turns up after a new can is purchased.

Damn WD40
Scrofula you always crack me up lol but Damn i could go for some 10 & 2 right now
So I smoke meth in the bedroom of my parents house (as a 40yo man, yes) at night, with the door closed, go through all this trouble not to open the door at like 3am.

I run out of money and therefor meth, after doing this nightly since February, and I am finally sober and well-rested.

After nine months of pissing in a jar so as not to open squeaky doors every half hour, it finally occurs to me to put some goddamned WD-40 on the door hinges.

aha, man i associate with this hard
smoking crack in my parents' bathroom got me shipped to my grandparent's house to dry out
little do my rents know that when i get back on friday that i have a half gram of lite and at least a gram of dark hidden in my room
which, by the way, is driving me fucking insane down here at my g-parents' but, eh, fuck it
a forced tolerance break is as good as a rest i guess?

hope everyone is well :)
I went out for a walk, and it was the best walk of my life. Mind. Officially. Blown. I can't even begin to describe what happened... Mind. Officially. Blown. I was giggling and laughing, got into a serious discussion about quantum mechanics with a stranger and new friend who I somehow randomly connected with, while we sat at a tree and has cat chilled out. The birds across the sky, I connected with them and followed my gaze instinctively, in awe. I looked up at the sky and could help but say ohmygod omyod ohmsgod holyfuck holfuck holyfuck. The only thing I didn't like were the cars. Was repulsed by them. I explored the bark of a tree that was like a flowing river. Nests of birds in the heights of trees from afar. The dying leaves of the trees and the ones that were still changing colour. The frost on the ground. My hands so cold I thought I was gonna get frostbite. Talked to my buddy on the phone about virtual reality, mixed reality technology, and some old school literature and poetry I'm reading and what he is reading too. Talked about the uncertainty principle and how the act of observing something changes how it behaves. I saw through the blue sky to the vast abyss above our ecosystem. I thought about how we are not treating our planet as good as we should be. How it is pointless to be selfish or to desire anything at all. Mind. Officially. Blown. That is a small fraction of the story.
I rather liked 2C-C when I had a couple of grams of it some 15 years ago. Lovely stuff.

What kind of doses are you taking? I don't believe I ever took more than 60mg in one go. Wish I had, kinda curious how it compared in high doses to the other 2Cs.

2C-D was my favorite though mostly cause of the short duration. Could squeeze in a trip here and there without the huge time commitment of most things. I fondly remembering dropping a dose while arriving at a concert, tripping balls during the music then being mostly sober by the time it was time to go home.

I only ever tried I and E. Both were amazing.
I have only ever tried C and D. But after using 2C-C like I did before my walk outdoors today, I would never even bother trying another 2c-x substance. It would be pointless when this does it for me every time, perfectly, and continues to surprise me more and more. I'm having the time of my life on the stuff while getting clean of the other type of soul stealing drugs. I've been on it for 4 days and I just don't see the point in stopping yet, until I have developed new healthier habits and attitudes that I can incorporate into a more chemical free lifestyle.
I hope that living on 2C-C for a few days, weeks, or months can be considered sober living, as even though I am seeing lovely pastel colours in the screen and have had saucer eyes for days, "I" am shedding the skin of my previously snaky way of life and evolving towards a more ethereal plane. I am tripping out harder than I ever have in my life - not in terms of tripping hard on psychedelics like visuals and intensity or any of that - but the realization and change in energy is astounding. I can function completely normally on 2C-C as well. I shredded guitar with my brother today and he didn't notice until I told him, and was like dude are you serious like look at my fucking eyes man see into the depths of the cosmic void from which all things manifest. He was playing beautiful finger picking stuff... totally different than my style, and I started convulsing with laughter and cosmic joy after I told him I was tripping and looking at his puzzled but understanding reaction. He just said calmly, "no, actually, I had no idea you are tripping right now." WTF man like in my mind I'm not even existing in physical form, the conversation we were having was so deep and just total brotherhood right there. Love the guy. I shredded my cover song I learned last night and man oh man... I nailed it and learned by ear of course. I was picking out parts of songs I listen to all the time and never even noticed before. The awareness of this conscious entity has never been soaring higher in all my life. The last thing I am thinking about is fucking opiates... they constrict the pupils as opposed to opening them up! Not my kind of deal at all, that shit is just garbage to me now.
I'm on a trip, that's for sure. I don't think I'm ever coming down either. I always hated acid, there are so many better psychedelics for me personally. I got nothing whatsoever out of lsd or any of its analogs whatsoever. This stuff though... this stuff is a special one. It's opening up the usage of parts of my mind that I never knew existed and the proclivity towards change is astounding.
The law of attraction... I'm attracting insanity into my life too, as is expressed in full by my new job, which can hardly be called a fun time. It's more like a creative outlet and a video game. Acting and teaching. It's amazing and I'm really excited to see how good I am of an actor, because I sure as hell was a great one as a heroin addict. Master manipulator, and really I am ashamed of it but I can take that energy and express it in a more constructive way that doesn't hurt anyone else or myself.
That mannnnns from outer space man. Seriously, I don't think I'm on Planet Earth anymore. I don't even think it exists as separate from anything else. And what about the big picture? The infinite? What about that? Is it even real, is anything real other than these pastel hues of magenta, yellow, violet, and crimson I am seeing on the screen? I honestly don't think so, after all, it's the present moment. Man... 2C-C is some good fucking shit!!! I could honestly spend the rest of my life feeling this way and likely function completely normally and in a much healthier way.
I also met my new boss in this state. it is ridiculous! I am attracting so much positivity, creativity and insanity into my life that I can't help but even in this very moment giggle with joy. It's amazing, as I only have 8 days clean time and I shouldn't be feeling this good. I'm detached and indifferent to the aches and pains of the physical component of my being, as it simply doesn't even exist.

I did a very similar thing with LSD when I was trying to divorce who I really am from the Oxycodone addict I had become who was honestly just a boring person who couldn't be relied on for anything and was emotionally unavailable to everyone in my life. The LSD made me feel so switched on I just started taking it whenever I felt like it, fuck any warnings, fuck the propaganda about psyches, fuck the reasonable dosing advice from the nice people here at BL (I had another account that I lost the login info to likely because I was so goddamn high on acid all the time). I said fuck it and just took the LSD. I had more than I knew what to do with through a stroke of luck and ate it on average about 3 times a week, with a few "crash" days where I just smoke cannabis. I'll tell you what I might have ended up a somewhat tweaky superstitions nutjob who couldn't shut the fuck up but I was LOVING being alive again. Food was delicious and women were beautiful and soft blankets were so fucking NICE I felt great about the little things again, basically. Then the acid ran out and PAWS kicked my ass for like a year on and off, I started trying to chip with tramadol and hydrocodone, telling myself it wasn't Oxy so it was ok. Whenever I would trip on mushrooms I would know that the pills weren't gonna help me though. I found Kratom in 2015 and I took it often, it really really helped. I started to construct a life again, I worked regularly, I made friends, I patched up my relationships with my family and old friends, I started eating better and exercising. I slowed down on dosing recently, I'm not really even taking it every day. When I dose it's usually one cup of tea I make with 1-2 grams. If I raise the dose it's usually only to 3-4 or so grams. I could never enjoy kratom in such excessive doses as the ones I see commonly reported, but I suppose that many jump onto it while already opiod dependent. In my opinion kratom really shines at the lower end of the dosing spectrum, it gets too hazy and the euphoria is lost in high doses for some reason. My biggest complaint is the histamine release can make me kinda itchy if I take a larger amount. Benadryl kills that though, but sometimes I just let myself be kinda itchy because it feels sorta nice to scratch it.

Anyways, it's nice to hear someone crushing the mental component of their opiod addiction with a psychedelic of their choice, keep on keeping on man, fuck dope, you don't need it. I wouldn't have needed kratom if I could have free access to many varieties of psychedelics, it's really become my stand in for drinking/pills and when I can't get mushrooms. I realized a long time ago I started using hard drugs out of boredom because I couldn't access psychedelics and cannabis readily as a teenager/young adult and now I unfortunately have developed a taste for them. Makes me wonder how different a society would be that freely allows and maybe even encourages the use of healing and mind expanding substances over narcotics and tranquilizers that blunt our emotion and perception. But enough utopian bullshit outta me.
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I have too much 2C-C to know what to do with. I can absolutely relate, and it's really cool that it was LSD for you, as I don't have the best reaction to that one. I can't think straight enough on it as I become too overwhelmed by the experience, but we all have our preferences. I am honestly going through what sounds like a very similar experience. Thanks for sharing, and opiates had the same effect on me. Never there for anyone, totally unreliable, unable to work, and intellectually a shell of my former self. Ruined every romance I ever had too (just two very real deep and meaningful romances that I tore apart). Yet I ran with it for 5 years.

Also, I am not giving a fuck about the propaganda as well. I trust 2C-C and cherish that I have available to me such a phenomenal psychoactive that meshes perfectly with my personality and spirit. I will take it for as long as I feel the need to, until I have a lot more clean time. I've been using it for four days straight now and I don't really feel like stopping at all quite frankly. I'm getting way too much out of this to ever stop. I met my boss on the stuff, performed guitar for my brother, analyzed and discussed quantum physics with an older friend I met on the walking trail who I had never met before. It's way too nice and lovely for me right now. Things have been wonderful and I'm excited to get back to work, starting my new job next week.
Shroomy, how did opiates ruin your relationships?

Don't feel like you have to talk about it if you don't want to
The drugs always came first. And, that is just not cool. Also, I eventually completely lost my drive for sex and could not even function that way. My testosterone levels had been depleted so much I guess... opiates do that, I think it's like 25% of the normal level. It was completely emasculating.
I got clean this summer and had a lovely romance but I kept relapsing every month on prescription day and she grew tired of the bullshit involved with that. Although, at least we were able to have a lot of really great sex and incredibly romantic and intimate times getting to know each other really well. We were hanging out and sleeping over every single night, as much as we possibly could. It was amazing. Of course it is important to have that connection or I feel like I lose it (the testosterone thing... this last time it was more related to the physical agony of withdrawal and how it makes me completely unreliable and braindead, and how when I was relapsing it would be like the love vanished into thin air until I was done with my stupid drug runs. And it was such a powerful connection to throw away for that stupid shit.
I was really just completely concerned with my opiate supply and nothing else really. My other earlier relationship started off wonderfully and we were really in love too, travelled all over the world to lovely islands and so many beautiful places and had so much fun together but eventually I got hooked on opiates and it ended very badly as my addiction was very much active at that point and beginning to ruin my life and she lost respect for me and it ended horribly. I actually just realized I can't really say any more, it hurts so bad to even say it (no worries though, I started mentioning to my new friend some of this on the phone (not mentioning drug use) and very quickly realized I was on the verge of tears and couldn't do it.

I simply cannot have a relationship if I am actively using. It will not work. I just had an 8 hour and 35 minute phone call with a lovely cute young lady I recently met. It was crazy to talk that long with each other when we are still just getting to know each other. When I'm clean, it really isn't a problem for me.
Thank you, if I remember correctly you have enjoyed the 2c-i. it is helping me transform and develop new ways of living and healthier habits. It has been 5 days now, I am having the time of my life. My new job is fantastic and I met my boss on it and everything was great.

I got out today for a walk and randomly ended up taking so many pictures of fascinating things I'd normally never notice. I saw a tiny little woodpecker that was very softly tapping against trees and flying quickly between them, and got a sweet shot of the lovely little bird, and I saw a massive flock of other birds that I snuck up to closely (they all looked over at me) and I got a pic of that too. Then as I was walking away down the path, they all in unison flew off in various eurythmic formations while wildly screeching and I instinctively took out my phone and got a couple shots of two of the groupings flying away at mad speed and the photos are beautiful. The sudden takeoff completely blew my mind, I was in awe. All the leaves have fallen around here in the woods nearby, but I noticed one tree in all it's golden glory in the crisp, cold autumn air. It still had all its golden leaves which were shining spectacularly in the setting sun, and got a beautiful photo of it and then had a conversation with an elderly lady who was walking by and asked me what I was taking a picture of. She led me to a wasps nest that I took a picture of too. I ended up with like 20 photos, and a gorgeous one of the haunted house I am going to trip out in.

There is also this ominous looking completely creepy haunted house in the neighbourhood where every other house just looks normally. I realized that it is totally abandoned... it has to be, there are wide slits in the shingles and water would pour into the house. It looks really neglected, but it's the most beautiful house around. I really want to sneak in at night, and maybe squat there for a day or two living of 2c-c and joints. I am really serious about exploring the place, I was very much drawn to it and had a sense that it was vacant. There is never a car there when I walk by. I don't think I need to go at night to check if there are ever any lights on. I need to get inside and explore the place as I am very much drawn to ominous, haunted looking type of houses. I wonder what happened to it? It looks so neglected that it's sad... I really don't like to see things neglected like that and I want to be the one human to be daring enough to first of all even notice the thing as being different, and then sneak inside and get to experience something that nobody else will care to do. It's a beautiful house, it has a balcony area up top, and just looks totally haunted and ancient.

Also, I explored the darkest, creepiest corner of the basement here. I found a clock that turned out to be a family heirloom and is around a century old. I tested it out, and it functions perfectly. I just need to wind it around once a week I think, and it is presently on my desk. I have the key to wind it. No longer neglected, it is such a beautiful old clock and on the hour it makes several bell-like sounds that point out the hour (although, it does this kind of randomly, which doesn't bother me at all... it isn't perfect, and I love it. It got me thinking that I would love to find a second job working on fixing up old clocks like that and I have a great technical background for that too.

I did a lot of journal writing too. It was a wonderful day.

I am striking up a new romance as well which is wonderful so far... I was not looking to meet anyone at all and it is happening fast, but with no rush, and it has been wonderful and with a dynamic that is very different and much more mature than anything I have had so far. I was not looking for anyone whatsoever as I am so happy with myself presently.

I didn't take 2c-c for a few hours this morning, and realized that I am still in acute withdrawal. I unfortunately had cravings for oxycodone. I can never ever go back, and I recognize that I am going to have to deal with a lot of cravings in the future too. It is best to ignore them, as the cravings will pass and this is what catalyzed me to get out and take some 2c-c, roll two joints and get out for a walk, which ended up being phenomenal. We are different, and learning a lot from each other and it has been really nice. I normally can't have an 8 hour engaging conversation on the phone with someone I recently met. I can already tell that this is going to be quite special.
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You sound like you're remembering how to actually be alive dude that's awesome. I always greatly enjoyed 2c-E, never got to try C it sounds very calm and welcoming.
i once got alcohol poisoning the minute i put a super amazing 2-cb pill down my throat - projectile vomited it halfway across the arena (bestival 2012) - was so upset (about losing the pill, not my incipient death)
RIP amazing pill which i never got to enjoy :(
My first time I took a dose of the b I blacked out as I was screwing around with someone.... Came out 4 hours later in a bj after doing amazing apprerently. Felt like a waste of a dose