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?? ? THE SOCIAL CLUB v. Come Say Hi! ? ??

Chore boy is a copper scouring pad, only reason I've ever seen somebody buy it is to smoke crack.


How fitting for OD. ? But mamma said all them boxes was for scrubbing toilets and all them men that came over were my uncles? ??.

I think this social will work. Hello everybody.
Yesterday was a good day.... Shared some 4-aco-dmt with some friends. Today's St. Patties day too so there's gotta be something going on today especially where I live.

How is that 4-aco-dmt ? A person handed me a oil pipe and said it was DMT. I did like one great hit and started tripping. I dunno if I had DMT, or possibly 4-aco or close enough.

It was easy to hit. I lost all track of time and found out I was only out for 10 min.
Good belated morning, Mrs Bitz. Probably might be where you are.

Oh, wait, the AcO-DMT should be = 4-HO-DMT = Shrooms =/= DMT.

Not that those snobs in the other forum will admit the first part, they're all like, "NO, you uncouth boor, what, would you say your beaujolais of C?te de Brouilly has the same T?te de Cuv?e as the C?tes du Rh?ne, because they are the same color?" <<hon hon hon>> "Are you enjoying your jeroboam of Steel Reserve?"
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I was just complaining about my enormous, readily-engorged-without-the-effeminate-crutch-of-dependence-on-PDE5-inhibitors penis, in that Viagara thread.

PSA: sildenafil and other boner drugs are not recreational per se, kids.

Did you mean the meth spiders what weave those shimmery green-pink webs in the corners, or the ones you will see if you fear them and shine flashlights around the foliage while really spun?
I would like to know wat scrof looks like and what his natural habitat is like in the wild for science and what I have in my head could well be totally wrong.

I love scrof. We need to clone him so need to extract some semen. I know a horse insrminator but hes a bit of a crack head armed with a horse fleshlight.
Zephyr, never leave us plz... this place would suck without you.

And scrof that thread is what sparked this... and the meth/coke/other drugs=D.
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If you didnt believe me Id have to get him to join bl and set you straight but hes very unstable so would not end well.
You know, it wouldn't take much more for me to think meeting a crackhead with a horse fleshlight and filming it for my Xtube channel is a great idea. I'm assuming, like that other guy we talked about, he's not prepared to fly over here? Cause I'm broke, and the market for my channel is too, fucking cheapskates. Already had the puppy shit, I'm over it.
Lol, fucking broke pervs...

Zeph this guy doesn't get payed to inseminate horses, does he...
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Yeah, maybe he does, but don't worry, he has to collect it first. That's the part where we meet. The most fertile broodmare won't be able to handle any deposit I leave, so if you're worried about an Earth where the four horses of Scrofula pound their hooves of doom and despair across the land of ash . . . not for three more generations, you'll miss it.

And the mare would know, she'd put up more fight than any crackhead saw with his own crackhead ex. Banshee of the oleanders, I shudder.
Lmfao, that's the sign I'm too high... start seriously studying scrofs social posts.
Lol, fucking broke pervs...

Zeph this guy doesn't get payed to inseminate horses, does he...

M8 its big money being a horse fluffer and quite srs as these horses are stud horses and horseracing etc etc

The guy is not bad looking but i dont think that really helps the mood but he gets the job done.

Typical really. The stallions get to have an orgasm and the mares just get inseminated.

Wht the fuck am i crapping on about this in OTHER drugs? This is all your fault someone

Its a bit strange and fuck would have got a warning when i was a noob. 3 strikes youre out.

Ok ill fuck off now cant have btubbs being higher than me. Thats just is not right
It tubbs, or Marty in scrof/doc brown and my adventures. I'm doing the opposite of harm reduction atm.

Don't try this at home kids, this is a trained test tubbs.
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I feel present, if that makes sense, I've just been pretty absent in my own mind for a long time.

On the flip side I'm high as fuck.