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I don't crave opiates the same when I'm stoned. I will use them when I need to, but unless the sickness is really distracting me I just don't. Opiates are different in a lot of ways wen I'm a pothead. It leads me to naturally use less over time.

how i envy those of you who enjoy weed, which is essentially oregano that gives people panic attacks, for me at least.
does the devil's lettuce help with the rattle on its own or is the oxy still v, necessary?
wish i had some oxy like you ;p aha

i went two weeks sober (hence my absence from BL). i took my first toot(of B)yday night anddd maaaan it felt good.
oh yeah and happy summer solstice! praise the sun
how i envy those of you who enjoy weed, which is essentially oregano that gives people panic attacks, for me at least.
does the devil's lettuce help with the rattle on its own or is the oxy still v, necessary?
wish i had some oxy like you ;p aha

i went two weeks sober (hence my absence from BL). i took my first toot(of B)yday night anddd maaaan it felt good.
oh yeah and happy summer solstice! praise the sun

/s Pagan rituals are explicitly against forum rules. Please review the guidelines....

Worship of pagan deities is strictly against the rules. Actions, such as sun-worship, will be infracted without warning.
how i envy those of you who enjoy weed, which is essentially oregano that gives people panic attacks, for me at least.
does the devil's lettuce help(?)

No shit, you bastards, all of you.

What I wouldn't give to just get stoned. When I could just listen to music and not worry.

Why can't they make that in some pill form? Or smokable, that's good too.

gabapentin can almost do it, doesn't have the same head-twist "i'm altered" sensation, does nothing for music, makes jerking worse.

ETA: wait, which rules forbid paganism? (there's like twenty different guidelines, I can't keep track)
I have a goat for slaughter right now (sun hasn't set yet on the west coast).
No shit, you bastards, all of you.

What I wouldn't give to just get stoned. When I could just listen to music and not worry.

Why can't they make that in some pill form? Or smokable, that's good too.

gabapentin can almost do it, doesn't have the same head-twist "i'm altered" sensation, does nothing for music, makes jerking worse.

ETA: wait, which rules forbid paganism? (there's like twenty different guidelines, I can't keep track)
I have a goat for slaughter right now (sun hasn't set yet on the west coast).

/S We have an exception for goats

Paganism is a ZERO tolerance offense. However, as a compromise, members are allowed one goat sacrifice to a deity of their choosing
UAPDATE: NO PIGEON OFFERINGS! You may only​ sacrifice one GOAT. Pigeons may not be slaughtered under any circumstances
Turtledoves? C'mon, that's orthodox for having a wet dream:

Leviticus 14 "And on the eighth day he shall take to him two turtledoves, or two young pigeons, and come before the Lord unto the door of the tabernacle of the congregation, and give them unto the priest"

Not even pagan!
Nice and stoned this morning again. Hit both side of my grinder against the table and scraped up a ring of kief. I could go at this grinder forever. I hope I can get my other dope today, it should be a busy day but I tend to ignore priorities when I don't have any H.
I don't crave opiates the same when I'm stoned. I will use them when I need to, but unless the sickness is really distracting me I just don't. Opiates are different in a lot of ways wen I'm a pothead. It leads me to naturally use less over time.

THC indirectly activates μ opioid receptors.
So CNN has a few articles on their front page about the opioid epidemic. What do you guys think?
I think that's a strangely sexy librarian.

But second: so far they're doing a little better separating issues: "deaths from drug poisonings" v "OMG opioid epidemic!!!".

What we see is a STEADY increase in deaths that is not normalized to population, much less number of prescriptions or users. A small apparent spike in HEROIN-related deaths in the last couple years.

No definition of "heroin-related". IOW: if I wreck my car on the way to get heroin, does it count?

"Data from 2014 reflects "two distinct but interrelated trends," the CDC notes, a longterm increase in overdose deaths due to prescription opioids and a surge in illicit opioid overdose deaths, mostly related to heroin."

Thank you, CNN, can we now focus on who is poisoning the heroin supply, instead of blaming pill poppers?
I think that's a strangely sexy librarian.

But second: so far they're doing a little better separating issues: "deaths from drug poisonings" v "OMG opioid epidemic!!!".

What we see is a STEADY increase in deaths that is not normalized to population, much less number of prescriptions or users. A small apparent spike in HEROIN-related deaths in the last couple years.

No definition of "heroin-related". IOW: if I wreck my car on the way to get heroin, does it count?

"Data from 2014 reflects "two distinct but interrelated trends," the CDC notes, a longterm increase in overdose deaths due to prescription opioids and a surge in illicit opioid overdose deaths, mostly related to heroin."

Thank you, CNN, can we now focus on who is poisoning the heroin supply, instead of blaming pill poppers?

I think people should be held accountable for their own actions. I shouldn't blame my drug dealer if I overdose, because it'd be my fault.
I think people should be held accountable for their own actions. I shouldn't blame my drug dealer if I overdose, because it'd be my fault.

What if you OD'd because it was spiked with something else (that you didn't know about or understand)?

It'd be like, it's my fault for eating at McDonald's, that's why I deserved to die after eating E. coli-tainted hamburgers.
What if you OD'd because it was spiked with something else (that you didn't know about or understand)?

It'd be like, it's my fault for eating at McDonald's, that's why I deserved to die after eating E. coli-tainted hamburgers.

You should always start with a test dose. I realize most people don't, but that's how you can typically avoid that problem
And a test bite of hamburger?
Do you wait two days to be sure?

Thing is, we have regulatory agencies that punish people who even accidentally poison our food. We don't blame the customers, even though they take the risk of eating food a stranger prepared.

What's the difference between being poisoned by a drug and being poisoned by food? One is illegal to buy, sure. So what? There's no moral difference.
I totally agree that the government should be doing a better job of regulating drugs in general, and I have a very libertarian opinion on a lot of things. However, it's just not the world we live in. Potentially getting dangerous cuts is just the cost of doing business on the black market. That's why you should always take test doses first. Until recreational heroin is regulated like hamburgers, you should assume it might be cut with a fent analogue or something​ else.
You should. You take risks buying the stuff, and need your due diligence.

Just don't make any mistake: the guy who poisons it is still a murderer.
it sounds like a total cop-out but i often wish i could be prescribed diamorphine. the NHS does in some cases but those prescription are like gold-dust and only really reserved for problem user who are in and out of institutions and die-hard shoplifter and general nuisances. why should i have to become a pest just to get an actual opiate prescribed rather than meth or subs/

but oh well
^Yeah, that's one of my biggest issues with how heroin maintenance programs are currently run. They make you reach a "rock bottom" to qualify which is a pretty big strain on society until then. I can see some of the rationale, to stop mass numbers of people from joining the program just because it's available, and then being on for life. But they fail to consider that most of those people are using regularly already, so HM just provides them a realistic opportunity to work with social workers, etc. and get their use in order before it becomes a drain on society or takes a permanent toll on their life/family.
It's still that weird morality that says you're a terrible person because you got pleasure, and didn't make babies. Now you're stuck with a dependence, which is your fault. But it means you MUST SUFFER to the satisfaction of the Moral High Guard before you can expect any relief whatsoever. It is just THE WORST thing a person could do: smoke some shit and feel better.

I mean, Jebus forbid you offered assistance to people at THE BEGINNING of their addictions, rather than let them process through and cost society.