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I still keep picturing John Cleese spitting a piece of hot Brillo into his tea, I'm sorry.
A couple months ago, I had two completely random people stop me in the street to ask where to score in the same week. Ive since been a little more thoughtful of my appearance lol I wasn't even in the ghetto

I had long hair, shitty clothes, and a long, wildly scraggy beard. I'm clean shaven now with shorter hair. Still gonna wear shitty clothes to work until I get payed more $
Ah the old 'if you pay me like a peasant by god I'm gonna dress like one' routine. Classic
I miss my dope. It has been two full days without it, maybe longer. Of course I go longer periods of time without heroin than this, but I really miss my dope this time. I can't wait to sniff it again. The shitty form of oxycodone I have is keeping me from being physical sick in any way but I'm very sad. The pain in my spine has also been extreme at times; it just doesn't control back pain the same at all (unless you get strong oxy like the 40's or 80's and 20 or 30mg ir without apap). Miss my dope, it won't be long though.
Need to make more etiz panic-crackers too.
^ ahhh shit satori you run out again? sorry i haven't messaged back i took a two week tolerance break so wasn't really about.
still sticking to your system or is that why you'vw run out again? ahaa

sorry once again for forgetting the mescaline, ive got tons of heroin tho???
That's me after taking a dump this morning. It's a ritual of sorts.

Apparently that is also me getting ready to smoke some heroin, but we all already know the connection between an abnormal interest in bowel movements and heroin addiction.

This abnormal focus on shit is definitely among the many ways heroin addiction can make one a fucking weirdo :)
i think flavor flav is/was a crack smoker, but i wouldn't be shocked if he was into smack also.
Keeping, I am in between career jobs so I am also in between having afghan dope and not having it. I can't afford my habit for the first time since I started using. It sucks.

Love my dope. I have some oxy today but it doesn't really substitute for a nice line, I'm not sick at all though. Just had the first cannabis I've had since last September, I'm going to smoke some more actually because I have the giggles a little now. Really helps with my depression, always has. Weed will really help me cut back on H without getting too depressed.

Love my weed. I took my old dabber, and scooped up part of this ring of kief I could see in the middle of my space case. Tapped it onto a bed of weed stems. Not coming the kief catching part, this was residual kief around the middle that got caught on the thread. One tiny little puff in my beauty skull-shaped glass pipe that has somehow not broken yet after years and years, and I am lit. I remember getting that pipe. My girlfriend saw me staring at it in the store, but I didn't say anything because it was about a hundred dollars. Them she surprised me with it on my birthday. What an awesome gift, too bad she's gone now. The kief was from several strains of great weed. This will certainly keep me happy keeping until I get more H and I always find that when I'm stoned, it changes my relationship with H in a way that ends up with me using less H and more weed.

I think a big problem of my outlook on life right now is that I'm not stoned. Also, weed really helps me cut down on my heroin use. It makes me cautious to sniff high doses of the stuff. I'm really happy I just smoked that puff of kief - it will be the beginning of the transition back to being a total pothead dabbing all day. I was feeling really sad and now I'm just not. I was also feeling like I was just waiting for my next hit and the present moment was useless. I don't feel that way anymore. Weed is really great. Love my dope and my herb.
i love kief.
i like to keep the screen in my grinder clean with a toothbrush and collecting it. i've had the same grinder for at least 10 years - i've taken it everywhere, so it's pretty worn-in.
i thought i'd lost in it my last move, but i was really happy to find it, because nothing i saw in shops looked as good as mine.

can usually get a decent toke out of a single brushing of the grinder mesh alone every so often, and it keeps collecting nicely if you clean it regularly, i've found. i roll it up like finger hash, it's nice stuff.
i also get some waxy sort of stuff build up in my vape (sort of build-up like pipe resin, but really nice cos it's in a vape) which is surprisingly potent.

there's not a mass market for extracts or hash in australia unfortunately - just weed, so i have to mostly settle for my own home-made hash. have made BHO and iso hash in the past, but i just like vaping some buds for the most part.
i love kief.
i like to keep the screen in my grinder clean with a toothbrush and collecting it. i've had the same grinder for at least 10 years - i've taken it everywhere, so it's pretty worn-in.
i thought i'd lost in it my last move, but i was really happy to find it, because nothing i saw in shops looked as good as mine.

can usually get a decent toke out of a single brushing of the grinder mesh alone every so often, and it keeps collecting nicely if you clean it regularly, i've found. i roll it up like finger hash, it's nice stuff.
i also get some waxy sort of stuff build up in my vape (sort of build-up like pipe resin, but really nice cos it's in a vape) which is surprisingly potent.

there's not a mass market for extracts or hash in australia unfortunately - just weed, so i have to mostly settle for my own home-made hash. have made BHO and iso hash in the past, but i just like vaping some buds for the most part.

Grinders are the best. I don't have one currently, but I used to use the same one every time for years. When I was out of herb, I would scrape some kief goo out of my grinder and it would almost always do the job :)
I got another hit of kief out of my grinder with my little dabber and I'm super high now. I really needed to just relax like this.

I guess you guys must just like to smoke your weed then over there then. I like to use some form of hash around half the time, and smoke weed the other half. Love my weed, and it's a great time for me to be smoking it.

(In astrology) Cancer season began yesterday. I find that odd that I would become a stoner again the next day (I just checked my reading on Vice while stoned). Crazy stoned after such a long break. Feels like I took a few bong rips but it was a small puff from my skull pipe that doesn't get as much use when I'm smoking a lot. I like astrology though. I like to know where the planets are at, and what constellations are around. It's cool to think about it from the perspective of astronomy and visualize where the planets, constellations, the Sun and Moon are at and it is funny that people write predictions based on where the earth was around the sun when you were born. I check my reading habitually now and, astro-compatibilities lol. Surprisingly, I find a lot of synchronicities. It's going to be heavily tied in with my weed smoking habits now as being a little superstitious is fun and not everything has to be logical and serious all the time.

It is wonderful to have smoked weed after all that time. I haven't been stoned since September so it is absolutely wonderful! What a great used for a nice grinder, I don't actually have weed or planned to smoke it at all, but I need it in my life right now. There is immense pressure and stress. I have been smoking for 15 year and I really missed weed this time. So happy to be back. I definitely plan on smoking every day for the rest of the summer. Love my weed. Oh and kief is awesome - I am heavily lit of a very small puff that I ghosted without coughing. It was a really tiny amount, probably like 40 milligrams haha. Gotta work my way up to the bong rips now. Really happy about that it's like weed found me? It's so weird. Like I'll totally start smoking every day again but I have no intention to smoke and have no idea where the idea came from. I just smoked some kief from my grinder. lol
Pollen is awesome. I need to get a bigger grinder or something so I can save up enough of it to put it in a hash press.

I feel like at this point we could move this thread to CD :) but hey, there is a lot to be said for the value of cannabis, even for those in recovery.

Happy belated summer solstice to all you North Americans btw. Do anything fun yesterday night? I'll never forget the summer solstice festivities in Paris I had the pleasure of experiences. Not quite anything like that where I live!
I just love when there is two bowls left in the grinder and plenty of keif to sprinkle a thick layer on top of both. Tasty
I don't crave opiates the same when I'm stoned. I will use them when I need to, but unless the sickness is really distracting me I just don't. Opiates are different in a lot of ways wen I'm a pothead. It leads me to naturally use less over time.