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?? ? THE SOCIAL CLUB v. Come Say Hi! ? ??

Yo. Work alarm rings in 2.5 hours. For some reason I'm still wide awake.

I think it must be a complex epigenetic thing involving slow metabolizing of my cyp2d6, potentiated by microdoses of selegiline.

but yeah.

We warned you about those microdoses! Tut tut ;)
I need drugs... work flew by on meth... so did everything else... I'd start at 7 on Saturday the 1st and next time I look at a clock it said 7 and it was saturday... the 8th.

Repeat after me: "meth made me lethargic and put me to sleep. The day took forever. I would argue and fight with everyone and it was hell."
Hello Lady bitsy - how is your infection? Have you given it short shrift yet? :)
Repeat after me: "meth made me lethargic and put me to sleep. The day took forever. I would argue and fight with everyone and it was hell."

So what you're saying is large doses of iv morphine is the answer... got it. Will report back with results. =D
Am getting there still a bit chesty but not so bad as I was....
Cortisone and antibiotics are helping
I have serious burns to 30% of my body. I take between 5to 25mg of oxycodone a day. I started snorting it cos hey my life is pretty shit right now so getting a bit high gives me some relief. I wanted to know how much would it take to od

Much more than you have around mate. Have you checked out The Dark Side forum yet? You might find it helpful to read through and maybe post in there cloclo :)
So what you're saying is large doses of iv morphine is the answer... got it. Will report back with results. =D

No no no. What you need are large IV doses of broad-spectrum placebos. Preferably from a range of manufacturers just to cover every base ;)
No no no. What you need are large IV doses of broad-spectrum placebos. Preferably from a range of manufacturers just to cover every base ;)

I'm thinking caffeine citrate injections.
Guess who rolled in to work and found, good news! his callback number went down! Bad news, 3 above today! Go home, do not collect two hours.

Anyway, fuck this crew this season (I mean mgmt). Fuckups and liars since the start.

BUT, I can still breathe, amazingly. Sorry to have impinged there, Mrs. BitS. Breathing is one of those things we tend to take for granted, I hope you get well.

Edit: and how the fuck are we not guaranteed two hours for just showing up when scheduled, not our fault they can't manage the workload.
I've been getting payed for more than I've worked... My boss loves me though lol. Sorry scrof couldn't resist a little jab, being a junkie at heart and all.=D
My son just got here so he could shovel because got a bunch of snow last night. I can't really complain but he brings that smelly dog with him. What ends up happening is him and my dog jump and hump all over each other. His stench transfers onto Shaggy and even after a bath, it lingers. :|
After cleaning out 2nd and Charles (Books-A-Million subsidiary/buy/sell/trade) of their Tori Amos stock, I was pleased to find that I still know all the words. *puffs chest*
Morning lovelies it's a boiling hot Saturday morning. Busy having a cigarette and a cup of coffee ahh the life....
It's a frigid very early s aturday morning here, also having coffee lol