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?? ? THE SOCIAL CLUB v. Come Say Hi! ? ??

It's 27 o'clock here. At least that's the time I say whenever my youngest asks me what time it is. He is never amused by it but then he is also too lazy to just check the clock himself.
Yo. Work alarm rings in 2.5 hours. For some reason I'm still wide awake.

I think it must be a complex epigenetic thing involving slow metabolizing of my cyp2d6, potentiated by microdoses of selegiline.

but yeah.
I need drugs... work flew by on meth... so did everything else... I'd start at 7 on Saturday the 1st and next time I look at a clock it said 7 and it was saturday... the 8th.
It really is the best thing for monotonous, detailed shift work. Ten hour days, blending into the next ten hour day, makes a nice wide-awake zombie-brain.
My co-workers look at me like I'm some kind of wizard while I'm working... im rather meticulous... If only they had seen the meth days lol, twice the output.

Side note: where's jekyl been?
Good question, this is like Thursday yes? I don't think he was seen over the weekend.

Speed King is around, in a pleasant, thread-closing dive-and-dash style.

Maybe that's why there were five reported posts today. I'M STILL WATCHING KIDS.
Friday here, I haven't talked to him in a week I believe... send the search party, mudd must have him chained to the radiator in the basement.
Hey bits, how's work?

Speaking of people who are MIA, lorne??? Is missing too
I have serious burns to 30% of my body. I take between 5to 25mg of oxycodone a day. I started snorting it cos hey my life is pretty shit right now so getting a bit high gives me some relief. I wanted to know how much would it take to od