• LAVA Moderator: Mysterier

The SO Pre-conception/Pregnancy/Parenting Megathread vs. You are NOT the father!

i am at 38 weeks today! i have officially made it full term...hopefully i dont have too much longer and i am starting to get more uncomfortable contractions
i prescribe long walks, lots of water drinking and heaps of sex!

perhaps not in that order ;)
is anyone else waiting on a surprise birth announcement from samadhi and tacky as much as i am?

hehe :D No, no surprise birth announcements here - i'm actually having bubs by C Section a month early due to a complication that was picked up at 20 weeks, but don't worry, i'll be posting as soon as i'm able to :) I was 30 weeks on Friday <3 So it's 6 weeks until this little creature turns our world topsy-turvy <3 <3

29 weeks, taken on our babymoon at Mt Tamborine:

i had my beautiful baby boy on saturday night pictures to come when we leave the hospital!
we are doing really well and i am completely in love!
omg my new favourite photos (my niece and my boy)
Congrats on the births, tacky and samadhi! <3

I've always wanted kids and I had a horrible miscarriage a year ago at 8 weeks; I had twins, one was ectopic, and once that one started to miscarry the contractions made me lose the other, too. Since then I've stopped ovulating, which has never happened in my life - I've never skipped a cycle before unless I was pregnant. In fact I spent years on all kinds of hormonal bc and still ovulated! My Dr told me I have a benign cyst on my right ovary, which is where the ectopic twin was. I was on the pill for a few months until this past January; it was supposed to shrink the cyst, and though I haven't gone back for a check-up yet, it did reduce my ovarian pain. It still bothers me, though, and my cycle is irregular again. I was regular like clockwork prior to this year, even after abortions. I just turned 32. I don't have PCOS and I'm in good health other than severe pain due to a chronic spinal condition. But I've had almost no sex drive and I've felt off since the miscarriage.

Has anyone had experience with an ovarian cyst or prolonged fertility issues after a miscarriage? I know there are many more tests I can have done, and fertility drugs I can try, I'm just seeking personal experiences.
YAY Tackyspiral! I can't wait to see some photos! I also hope the labour and birth process wasn't too bad, and that you're recovering well <3

We had the first of 3 antenatal sessions with our hospital last weekend, we have our next two over the next couple of weekends - the first session was all about the stages of labour, how to tell if you're in false/early/true labour, how the midwives support you through the process. For the most part, it was interesting from a purely academic point of view; i'm having a scheduled c-section at 36+3 weeks due to a complication, so i am essentially not allowed to go into labour, but it was really good to hear that the hospital we've chosen is so open to alternative therapies, etc. This week's session discusses breastfeeding and also phsyiotherapy post birth.

Fairnymph, i'm not sure about the health system in the US, but here in Australia, various Assisted Reproductive Technology treatments are partially covered by Medicare. You may not need IVF, but you could make an appointment with a fertility specialist who would run specific tests to determine exactly what is going on with your cycle. If you want to have a chat about it, shoot me a PM, this is something I went through last year :)
I am 17 weeks pregnant with my first and last baby. Because this pregnancy has not been kind to me. BUT I know its all worth it. :) Oh and its a girl! :)
ok sorry it took so long to get pics but here are a couple .... baby jesse is now 1 week old!

babyeyes by tackyspiral, on Flickr
and this is him when we were in the hospital

babynew by tackyspiral, on Flickr
he was born 7 lb 11 oz after only 4 hours of labor! we are both doing very well so far
thank god for epidurals! what really hurts right now is my boobs though omg i underestimated the engorgement thing and he eats well and my boobs do look pretty good but its painful... at least my vagina doesnt hurt too bad!
Congrats, Tackyspiral! That first shot of him is a gem, especially your newborn son's eyes.

Just got back from driving the whole family into NYC in our Honda Oceanliner for the first time, and actually finding legit free street parking that fit us. We had an potluck event and a musical sing-along service geared toward small children at the temple that Mrs. Doors and I used to go to. Most people there hadn't seen the kids since they were small infants. Now they're walking, but not yet talking. Walking through Manhattan with an in-line triplet stroller is not for the shy.
oh tacky hes absolutely darling. congratulations <3

wishing you a speedy recovery and hopes that the engorgement will soon pass.

hooray for babies! :D

I am 17 weeks pregnant with my first and last baby. Because this pregnancy has not been kind to me. BUT I know its all worth it. :) Oh and its a girl! :)

My wife and I are now in the third trimester. We are having a boy!
awesome sauce to you both! i hope the remainder of this "jail time" goes by quickly and with no issues.
ok sorry it took so long to get pics but here are a couple .... baby jesse is now 1 week old!

babyeyes by tackyspiral, on Flickr
and this is him when we were in the hospital

babynew by tackyspiral, on Flickr
he was born 7 lb 11 oz after only 4 hours of labor! we are both doing very well so far

hey little man! nice to finally meet you. i'm looking forward to more photos of this adventure we call life. :)
I'm sure she won't mind me sharing for those of you who aren't FB friends - samadhi's bubba was born last Thursday at 32 weeks. He's only little but it sounds like they're doing well.

I'll let her announce the name + post pics when she's back on her feet.