• LAVA Moderator: Mysterier

The SO Pre-conception/Pregnancy/Parenting Megathread vs. You are NOT the father!

I've said it before, but again, huge congrats to both Tronica and Spork <3 Having a little boy is so much fun.

L2R, your little guy is just gorgeous, such a little cheeky!

Speaking of boys, here's mine. He's definitely a little man now, where is my squishy newborn? *sob*


God I love his little round, bald head <3 i was apparently bald until 1 year old, then i became a curly mop-head. Jack has a fair bit of white-blonde peach fuzz - his dad was white blonde as a child.
hey little man. love the smile, ms k. :D hey i was blonde as a bubs. felix didn't get his hair for quite a while too. now he looks like a girl. =D
Awww I love Jack's face. He's so adorable. <3

I was bald til I was about 2 or 3, but now I have ridiculously thick hair. It was blonde til I was about 16 but now it's brown with some red in it too. It's interesting how hair changes over time...eyes too.
Thanks for the congrats and stuff. I am now 9 days away from due date. Any day now really!!!

Jack is incredibly cute xx
fuckin hell i almost lost the guy last night. horrible combination of coincidental forces, starting with him thinking he dropped a part of a toy, me crossing the road with the pram while he and fei check the ground, she losing her grip on his hand as he crossed after me and a dickhead of a driver not paying attention. my instinctual yell of "hey!" was directed at the driver, but it stopped felix as the car finally stopped completely across the zebra crossing no more than a foot in front of him.

i felt sick with shock over the close call most of the night. he's actually good near roads, has been saying "car's coming" real concerned like for close to a year now when crossing.
oh dear lord, thank god youre all ok. moments like those scare the shit out of us parents. <3

are yall settling in this evening with carols in the domain? we are :D lollys just adding the finishing touches to her peanut butter/hershey kisses cookies. my kitchens a freakin disaster zone, but smells like love and christmas and i love it!

He's been with the grandparents today. We boys had a good mornings ruckus. He's really getting into the trees and lights this year. One neighbour went all out and we visit their display each night. Santa should be there tonight. They hand out lollies and glow sticks to the kids.
As i said to you rob, i have no words. I read what you wrote and i could feel myself just freeze. It's the double-edge sword that comes with the kind of love we feel for our children - the indescribable joy they bring, coupled with the indescribable terror that comes when anything like this happens. There have been a few times where i've checked Jack only to initially think that he wasn't breathing - he also has taken to sleeping with half-open eyes :| One one such occasion, i shook him gently and he didn't respond. I felt my entire world crumble in that instant, then he woke up and smiled his wonky grin at me and my legs gave way with relief and i sat on the floor next to his cot in our room and tried to not let him see me cry.
Hey everyone, little Arthur Stuart was born 21/12/2013 after my waters broke in the morning! We are both doing fine. First time I've hopped onto the computer since hospital! What a trip this is. So beautiful... managing to get pockets of sleep... hubby Stu is sensational... it's all awesome :)
brilliant news! congrats and welcome to the never sleeping again club. :D
Grats to me, what for? You're three years late, max.
^ lol better late than never...
my lil man is crawling like a champ ... holy smokes he is fast and into everything he shouldn't be... I am still breastfeeding (pats self on back)
and he successfully made it through a hypospadias repair surgery... :)

Untitled by tackyspiral, on Flickr
trouble :)
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Tacky, he is SO cute!!

I am going to bump this thread to get out everything I have been thinking but won't say in real life because no one wants to hear it and I am not a complainer.

Pregnancy is fucking hard. It is WAY harder at age 37, almost 38 than at was at age 29. I am 32 weeks and I feel so frickin huge. I am huge. I have no hang ups normally about things like weight, but I feel like a cow. I have pregnancy acne. Blah blah blah.
I am so tired all the time. I am nervous about having an infant again after enjoying a child who has been independent for quite some time.

On the other hand, I am excited and can't wait for him to come. I am a good mom, and am a baby person ( well, my own babies, not so much other peoples :) )

I know all of these feelings are normal but damn,...I also feel so hormonal where usually I am an extremely even keel type of person.

And last, I had post parturition depression last time so severely that my midwifes then and my doctors now all want me to go on an anti depressant prophylactically. I think I need it now, quite honestly, but I am so torn between getting it into my system in time for it to work on one hand and on the other bathing my baby's developing brain with whatever shit is in those meds. I probably need to take it now.

By any off chance, did any mom here or spouse of a mom take anti ds while still pregnant?

Anyway, that is all. Thank you for letting me vent :)