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The Sad Thread (Anti-Snoo) 2 - Tory Britain in Flames

Best thing to do although it's difficult is not speak of them publicly, not defend yourself - nothing. Just totally ignore them n act like they're not here. Talk to the admins. They're very understanding with these sorts of issues.

Great advice! If only everyone followed it... :D
Ah fuck it. looks like I won't be able to drink at Sonisphere this weekend... :(

... I've hardly drank anything for a while now & what with having just started Citalopram last week, it now seems a single beer is enough to make me reasonably tired. Boo.

I'm not entirely sure how I'll be flying solo, with no alcohol what with my anxiety issues... I've never had much problems in the past but then again I used to drink a fair amount at most social occasions. Unless of course I was taking drugs. ;)

Hoping that the music/atmosphere will help if nothing else!
No doubt the music and atmosphere will do a fair bit of good, I rarely see bands at festivals cos I'm too busy socialising and checking out all the mad shops and the fairs and stuff :D Hope you have a good time there anyway regardless of lack of booze
Aye, everyone else will be wasted and talkative, so it should be friendly enough anyway. Plus the music will be great. :)
Yeah that's true! It won't matter, you'll have a great time and be fit to enjoy everything when everyone else is hungover.
Yeah, cheers guys.

I'm getting pretty psyched about it doing all my organizing today... so I'm sure I'll get caught up in the atmosphere & enjoy it no matter what.

and be fit to enjoy everything when everyone else is hungover.

Good point. =D
meh. Have to work tonight when all I want to do is drink and eat etiz and feel sorry for myself.
Work can be a tremendous release from all that. The phrase 'Arbeit macht frei' has a lot of truth to it, despite the chilling connotations it will forever carry post-Auschwitz.
Yeah, I always found myself busy & enjoying my free time more when I was working.
I'm pretty much out of drugs so that's sad I guess. I am so unorganised, this always seems to happen at the beginning of the weekend of course.
Thought I had no (real) drugs, but upon searching, I found an old tooter, several pieces of foil with bits of heroin still on them and a 20mg Oxynorm which I can't believe I mislaid.

Come to mine, Summer. We'll get a few rocks in and spend the evening telling each other how great we are.

Sounds fabulous, no?
Sounds much more fabulous than what I'm actually doing! I mean, I always know how great i am but could do with being reminded today. At least I don't feel physically bad but god I'm not a happy bunny, hope no one annoys me too much or I feel sorry for them. Running out of drugs is always sad, especially after being on for pretty much the whole of the month so far but if I have a decent enough break I may treat myself to something I've been thinking about for a while ;)
Alcohol, bicarb and wash your fabulous coke darling and voila...what is with everyone jumping onto ever increasing drug use this week?
That's an idea actually.

Decreasing drug use for me for once, such fun. I'll have to find something else to entertain myself (and doesn't that sound slightly ominous :eek:).

I'm actually feeling quite cheerful for some unknown reason so I'm in the wrong thread...