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Opioids The Opioid Withdrawal Megathread and FAQ

My question is, if I keep taking it infrequently, will the withdrawal ever end? Or do I have to jump off the ledge at some point

Yes, you will have to jump off or it won't end, logically. Since the Fent-Analogues have so short half-lifes maybe getting some Subutex would be a better option than tapering off with your stuff, especially if you say it would be difficult.

Good luck!
Glad to see this thread. I've had a great deal of personal experience in managing high dose opioid withdrawals, and can help out a bit here. Understand that I'm not giving medical advice, I'm simply relating my own personal experience.

First, we have to have some standard of severity when we discuss withdrawal amelioration. I propose the following for easy reference:

MILD: Runny nose, sneezing, mild pins and needles in the extremities, anxiety, sweating, diarrhea, restless leg and difficulty sleeping. These withdrawals typically result from a few weeks of oxy or hydro use, most often in the range of 30 - 80 mg/day.

MODERATE: Includes all of the above, but will involve vomiting and stomach cramps, clammy skin 24/7, more anxiety and anger, extreme horniness (at least in my own experience, its weird I know), and total inability to sleep for 2-3 days solid, usually days 2 through 5. These type of withdrawals typically result from use of oxy, hydro or similar in the 80 -160mg/day range for at least six months solid.

SEVERE: Includes the above, except that the vomiting is severe and unstoppable, the cramps are debilitating, rendering the subject unable to get out of bed under any circumstances. Bowel control is usually lost, and it helps to have a someone who can wash the sheets, assuming you have the luxury of withdrawing at home in bed. The pain in the extremities will be severe, often being compared to being "burned" while simultaneously itching terribly. Very nasty stuff. These acute aspects vary in duration, depending on the opioids used. For me, these withdrawals only occurred at doses above 160mg/day for months, more specifically 200-400mg/day, when talking about oxy.

LIFE THREATENING: I know that many people on this forum still believe that opioid withdrawals cannot kill. That is, unfortunately, one of the most harmful myths still propagated in the medical and correctional fields today. I have personally witnessed lethal opioid withdrawals, and have experienced one bout of withdrawals of this nature. The symptomology was inclusive of all the above, except that the vomiting was projectile and dehydrating and intense to the point of forcing me to pass out repeatedly. Vomiting and diarrhea occur simultaneously in these withdrawals. In my term, I vomited every few minutes for about forty hours. I lost 35 pounds in 17 days, and my cellmate died (this occurred in jail.) Mine were the result of high dose Opana use (160mg/day rectally for several months) directly following 400mg oxy/day for about a year, all without a break. The life threatening aspect was primarily a result of the inability to keep any liquid down for days and days, resulting in severe electrolyte imbalance and severe dehydration - dehydration being the single most dangerous state a body can be in.

Anyway, I realize that withdrawals vary from person to person, but we should at least have some sort of reference for discussion of ways to help. Mods feel free to clean up the above, or alter it in any helpful way.

That being said, I offer my experience with mitigating the beast:

The king of non-opioid withdrawal aids must surely be Lyrica (pregabalin). I found that Lyrica alone, taken in doses of 300-600mg, literally wiped out all of the pain and restless leg issues of moderate to severe oxy withdrawals (160mg/day for a few months, cold turkey). It was a Godsend for sure, and if you can get it, get it. It works wonders, believe me.

The best OTC combo is without a doubt loperamide/DXM. Now, you have to be careful with this because these drugs synergize. Indeed, I use this combo to get a great buzz now and again. But for withdrawals, assuming you aren't enzyme deficient or taking any drugs that counteract with DXM, you can try taking 60 mg DXM with 24mg loperamide and a glass of white grapefruit juice. Be sure to take a good senna laxative along with this to avoid constipation issues - but of course you're already managing constipation if you're dealing with opioid withdrawals anyway, aren't you?

The idea of using benzos for withdrawals is one that I used to promote, but no longer do. I've been through benzo withdrawals and they're no joke. I feel like most folks here will never find themselves in the life threatening category of opioid withdrawals. Perhaps in that case a dose of xanax could be very useful. However, the above recommendations really do work for those who find themselves dealing with one of the first three categories I outlined. Hope this helps!

Syn -
That's great advice but people do really need to remember that some of these at home remedies are not logical for some so making sure someone is around to check on you us important. VERY important. I've been hard on everything and have been hospitalized more times than I'd like to admit for life threatening withdrawal from speedballing to heroin to almost 30 blues a day and now the worst, methadone. I can honestly say if you have never felt withdrawal that's associated with that type of pain and extremes then consider yourself lucky. I took everything possible to help the withdrawal, even Vicodin by the handful and still ended up having an EMT drag me onto the ambulance. My point is this, is people are just experiencing withdrawal because they can't find anything then you are only adding to what will or may be deadly wd.. If people are serious about getting clean and taper and are still uncomfortable then make sure to get to a Dr that you can talk to about it to get some relief. Instead of jumping off at 15mg after weening down fast I learned and now I've weened down SLOWLY to 5mg methadone through Methadone maintenance but have recently been taking Baclofen.. Works wonders but not on the bathroom situation.. Just food for thought
Looking for some advice. Long story short - starting on methadone to deal with another issue (phenomenon called augmentation when using dopamine agonists (DAs) to treat movement disorders such as RLS and PLMD). Have tolerance over the years (ten) and am definitely dependent. I can't use many other drugs - have tried 15-20 alone and in combination. It's methadone and one dopamine agonist. I can't take either regularly without issues I want to avoid.

My hope is to stop the opioid, reset my receptors, go without any drugs for a couple weeks (and be sleepless for upwards of a month - oh joy) and then alternate the methadone with a dopamine agonist.

For about a year, I've used a DA 5 days per week along with 5-10 mg of methadone; I used 25-30 mg of methadone the other 2 days. In the past month, I've successfully used a DA for 14 days without issue (but my doc doesn't want me to take it longer than that) and I kept the methadone to just 5 mg. My doc added gabapentin to help deal with insomnia - I only take it when I take the DA. I have oxy, tramadol, and maybe a few benzos left from past efforts to control the movements.

Seems like my options are:

1. Switch to a shorter acting opioid for two weeks, then stop.
2. Switch to kratom for two weeks, then stop.
3. Reduce to 2.5 mg methadone for week or so, then stop.
4. Just stop directly from the current 5 mg methadone.
5. Ask my primary care doc for permission to see a psychopharmacologist (or some other doc ????) and see if the doc will use drugs, such as Subutex, to help, then immediately stop the Subutex. I currently see a movement disorder specialist and he is great, but few of his patients use opioids, and he doesn't typically deal with tolerance and withdrawal.

I am a bit reluctant to tell my primary care that I am dependent - I don't know if there are issues with dependence being noted in a person's records,but I already have lost my insurance in the past because I took an opioid. In the US with the HCA, maybe this won't be an issue...but I also don't trust that a new Congress and Senate wouldn't eliminate the act. Also, I have heard that only doctors who treat addiction can use Subutex or Suboxone in my state. I don't want to be go through that if I can avoid it. Maybe that is silly to be concerned about? I just want to see if resetting the receptors will change the disease state or reduce needed meds - to do that, I have to get through the dependence and I want to do it in a safe way that doesn't cause me too much anguish*.

Any thoughts? Thanks.

*Long ago I went through benzo withdrawal prescribed by a cavalier doc who thought 1 mg would be easy to stop as I'd only taken it a few months. Hah. The first week was spent in full-blown withdrawal and the remaining 6 months really sucked - I really want to avoid such as thing again.
Great post, amapola.

Does anyone experienced having a strange body smell while withdrawing?

When I used to go through it, I'd notice a weird B.O. and always had to shower and change clothes.

When your body detoxes it does so through your mucus memebrains and also your feet your basically sweating out all the toxins
I had been clean from heroin for 4 years. I have recently relapsed and have been using for about 4 months now. I was not injecting this time and foolishly thought I could control my use and not have withdrawl symptoms. I quit using over the weekend and am on day 4. I have taken about 3 vicoden each day to help ease the pain. I truly thought I would wake up this morning and the worst would be over. IT'S NOT! I'm taking vitamins, imodium, and klonopin to help with the symptoms. What am I doing wrong? When will this get better? I really need help, I don't know if I can take another day like this.
I had been clean from heroin for 4 years. I have recently relapsed and have been using for about 4 months now. I was not injecting this time and foolishly thought I could control my use and not have withdrawl symptoms. I quit using over the weekend and am on day 4. I have taken about 3 vicoden each day to help ease the pain. I truly thought I would wake up this morning and the worst would be over. IT'S NOT! I'm taking vitamins, imodium, and klonopin to help with the symptoms. What am I doing wrong? When will this get better? I really need help, I don't know if I can take another day like this.

Stop taking the Vicoden, it may seem like you're just helping ease the symptoms but you're also prolonging the withdrawals. Your brain still expects those opiates, you need time for it to adjust to not having them. Quit all opiates and ride it out, won't be too long. Hang in there friend.
How long do you guys think poppy seed tea withdrawals last? My last dose was Saturday night and as of right now it is about Wednesday 2 in the afternoon. All I've had were very very minor chills and some sneezing and itchy throat , slight sweating also, but I am able to sleep.
Phenibut, in doses of 2000mg or so, has helped me during severe, debilitating opiate withdrawal. While it doesn't help some of the symptoms, I have found it calms the RLS which is my worst symptom every time, and always allows me to sleep, sometimes too much, sleeping 15-20 hours at a time... Which is a godsend during withdrawal. If you can sleep away most of the early stages of withdrawal, why not take advantage, even if while awake you're like a corpse walking in circles.

Also, while this isn't advisable and really doesn't help in most cases, I would buy OTC Tylenol #1 and take 13 at a time every 24 hours (3900mg APAP, 104mg codeine). This is more the desperation aspect kicking in because what is 100mg of codeine going to really do when you take several hundred mg of Dilaudid daily, but still, psychological it would help. I did, however, overdose on APAP out of desperation a few times and went to the hospital to get checked out. I had taken more than 10grams of APAP within 24 hours several times and fortunately didn't have any liver failure but I consider myself lucky. This strategy really didn't help as such a small amount of codeine as I said was not enough to plug up my opiate receptors after such a heavy habit... It's just that desperation we all know about.

But Phenibut. If you can't get Xanax or Klonipin, get Phenibut. It will give you sleep during the worst part of the early acute WDs, and help with the God forsaken RLS.

PEAVE AND LOVE, and opiate free days ahead to all.
I'm hating myself right now. I had a "friend" stop by and of course she offered to help me out. It feels wonderful to not feel sick, but what happens now? Am I going to start my withdrawl over? I am angry at myself for being weak and angry at the person who knew what I was going through and came over with this crap!
I'm hating myself right now. I had a "friend" stop by and of course she offered to help me out. It feels wonderful to not feel sick, but what happens now? Am I going to start my withdrawl over? I am angry at myself for being weak and angry at the person who knew what I was going through and came over with this crap!

How long had you been in WD when you took the dose? Honestly, in my experience, I've found that on day 2 or 3 if I took a dose - and had the strength to not do so again - it actually helped for the rest of the WD. Made me realize that tapering actually does work if you have the willpower to do so.

If you start hitting regularly to keep from being sick, however, well that's the epitome of addiction isn't it?

Peace and love. Hope to hear some updates from you in the days ahead. You got this, friend.
I was on day 4. I can't stand the thought of starting over. I feel like I was so far along and maybe tomorrow would have been better.
I blame myself more, I knew what I was doing. I just wanted the pain to stop
I was on day 4. I can't stand the thought of starting over. I feel like I was so far along and maybe tomorrow would have been better.
I blame myself more, I knew what I was doing. I just wanted the pain to stop
Honestly if you can not do it again you will be ok. Your withdrawals tomorrow will be worse than today, but not as bad as day one, and each day will be better. You'll get there.

We all know that pain. It is so hard to stay the course when you know that next hit will cure all that pain and suffering. Don't beat yourself up.
Felt like shit today. Ended up taking 2 klonopin and 1 and a half vicoden. I actually feel pretty good right now. No muscle aches and cold sweats are minimal to gone. Feeling confident about the next few days. Even planning a camping trip with my husband. Now comes the struggle. My friend just brought me 3 pills of H. I don't feel the need to go do them, but I know it will weigh on my mind and I will cave soon enough. I have to make some serious changes in my life. I now realize getting through withdrawl is just the first step. They say change people, places, and things. That has never been more clear than right now.
I've been trying to quit heroin for 5 days now. Had a terrible day yesterday and ended up using 1 pill. I was afraid I was going to have to start over from day 1 with my withdrawl symptoms. First half of the day sucked, but was getting better. I've decided I'm starting over tomorrow following the Thomas recipe again. Not going to supplement with any vicoden this time. I have a 3 day weekend ahead of me and this is the perfect time to buckle down and get through this. I knew once I had those 3 heroin pills in front of me today I would use them. Let's face it I'm just not that strong. What I have now is a new sense of determination. I pray for the strength to make it through this time. I still plan on taking my camper out to the river and just trying to relax as much as possible. I think removing myself from temptation will keep me straight through the worst part. I intend to develop a plan to strengthen my support system. Actually attending a few meetings during the week may help keep me occupied and give me less time to think about using. I admit I'm not a fan of the 12 step program, but being able to express my thoughts and feelings in a safe environment will be helpful for me right now. I can't change what I did, I used and I'm not going to beat myself up about it anymore. I know I will do this. I did inquire about an outpatient medical detox in my area, and of course was unable to speak with anyone so I left a message and my call was never returned. I'm confident that even if they can't help me I will be able to get through this.
Also trying to quit. Been five years with a height of 800 mg oxy a day. Longest break in that time period was 36 hrs. Currently down to 100 mg hydro/day. Dropped to that from 300 mg hydro/day over three days. Today is the last day. Have just enough to get through a double shift Sunday then out. Terrified of the wds that are coming. Any advice would be a huge help. It's time for these not be in control anymore. How bad should I expect?
ye tramadol did wonders for me when i would run out ofmy subs. 3or4 50mgs and i could goto work more of an up high and mightstill neex lopermide for theshits but i used to use half g of high poteny black tar then go tosubs then when all else failed id hit up a drug counselor.for tramadols and thsy really.helped. just for withdrawl tho dont expect to nod.