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The Old and Overgrown DOC thread (fixed)

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Yeah, true, I never thought about that. :/

I can't get over how great this stuff is. It's a shame if they make it illegal. :/
I have a question, Has anyone here plugged and DOC, I have the liquid mixture 1mg per 1ml and I was going to give 1ml a go in the backdoor. I did try with 2C-I plugged 2mg in water and not really sure if it made me trip any harder but I know I felt strong effects within the hour. Also dosed orally 10ml/mg along with the plugged dose
Never tried DOC plugged. Do you have it in alcohol? I'd evaporate the alcohol first if you're not a fan of burning sensations...

I wouldn't think it would matter for DOC. I find that drug to absorb extremely well orally, even with food in the stomach, and it contains virtually no body load as it is. But still, if you try, let us know how it goes.
Trust me I will let you guys know, thing is I wanna do it this weekend at my g/f's house lots of trees and I will have 2 other people tripping with me very quiet during the day but so many sounds a night. But I already told her last night "hey for a change lets do something that doesn't require any mind altering substances this weekend" so I may have to just put it off...WHOA flashback moved my hand across the keyboard to type and it was in two places at once! SWEEEET
I've got a question for you experienced DOC users. What combinations have you tried, and what were your results? I've read of a combination with 2C-C, one with MDMA, and one with 2C-I. I tend to wonder what it would mix like with LSD...

DOC is a drug which definitely does not need to be mixed with anything else. It's one of my absolute favorite psychedelics on its own. But it's also such a smooth and pleasant trip, while still being very deep and intense, that I have a feeling it would mix very smoothly with some things.

Good god I thought this thread had died , bloody shame it hasn't IMO.

I haven't tried adding MDMA to the mix but my partner has and found it extremly euphoric and also she often kept hallucinating children(little people) appearing, trying to come to her and all sorts!

My first experiment with DOC i was so out of it i tried for 5hours to smoke a joint but couldn't manage to light it. My mind was playing games within itself showing me it didn't need anything else and if i concentrated i could feel the weed in some way or form

I may experiment the mix with that mix in the near future. Worked well for her
I am currently intending on adding some MDMA later on today, having ingested DOC last night. I don't want to mess with the plateau which I really love about this drug, but I have a feeling it'll combine well.
I doubt it'll work well? Doesn't DOC deplete a lot of your serotonin (correct me if im wrong) but i've tried mdma the next day to near nothing. Also when doing doc a couple of days after mdma sadly the experience was very lacking even with a huge dose.

If your mdma is cheap it could be a worthwhile experiment. Let us know how it goes. I may add mdma to the mix this wednesday when we plan to go camping again, might just do a strong DOC trip instead and leave it for another time
illuminati boy said:
^Humbly recommend a name change to: “The Über and Sprawling DOC Thread.”


Not a half bad idea.
I always thought it should have been called The isn't DOC great and you should try it thread

^ Listen, guys, as long as it's all contained in one thread, instead of new DOC threads being created every day, I'm happy. After the DOC fad dies down, maybe then I'll be able to come back through here and clean this thread up a bit.

Hopefully there are a few LSD chemists out there right now, right under our noses, flooding the world with its greatness, so that, soon, there will be less "How do I put DOC on blotter" posts to deal with.

But until then, I'm perfectly happy that people are adding to this thread instead of starting new ones.
I've tried it, and it's very nice. Nothing overwhelming but it adds greatly to the overall second-day euphoria and empathy. A worthwhile but not especially synergistic combo.

And yeah, my MDMA is cheap :) Not real potent, but very clean.
So you can find it on the internet and order it? Dude, put your fucking back into it.!

DOC is really starting to spread fast.

Aside from those people who lay sheets of it and sell it as LSD there are also White unperfed sheets going around right now that have DOC written across them.

I have had DOC offered to me several tiimes this summer as both DOC and acid.
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