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The Official EADD Paedo Discussion Thread v3 -Nonce-tastic

^ You've made most of that up.

I'd be willing to bet that hunter-gatherers occasionally fucked kids.

& btw, when you say "natural for their age" it's probably "natural" for a 12/13* year old to be pregnant.

*I'm no biology expert but it's certainly much younger than 16. Especially in hunter-gather days with much lower life expectancy.

I put it to you that, by today's standards, all hunter-gatherers were paedo bastards.
When the average life expectancy of most cavemen was a little over 30 I'd bet my last sharp arrow flint that an 11 yr with little perky boobs got a good going over, Clan of the Cave bear style
Reading a bit of the new Saville biog "Apocalypse Now Then" by Dan Davies. Says Dan was talking to him and mentioned how he'd scared him as a kid. Saville replied "You're not the only one" and chuckled to himself.
I think we have been given wrong information about hunter gatherers.
I think the history books have been rewritten.
My post above is just my opinion on it.
I don't see cavemen as savages.
I think predatory animals were their biggest threat, and I think they knew how to live with them in much the same way as isolated tribes on the planet do today.
Back then, humans saw themselves as equals to all other species, it's only now we put ourselves above them.
The whole concept of paedophilia is a modern one so can't really be usefully mapped on to ancient human societies - especially as there is almost no real evidence of what actually happened in such distant times. There's no question that girls would be expected to start working on producing children at the earliest opportunity though and that would be classed as child abuse in the modern age. It's only relatively recently that such behaviour became socially unacceptable in many parts of the world. In many other parts of the world - particularly in existing hunter-gatherer-type societies - it still is acceptable out of necessity presumably. When lifetimes are most likely to be relatively brief you need to maximise the birth rate. Waiting for an (arguably) arbitrary age when a child stops being a child before starting on that process simply would not be practical in such societies. Does that mean societies where girls would be married off as soon as they became fertile were a hotbed of Saviles? Obviously not. Societal standards and accepted norms depend on the circumstances of that particular culture I'd suggest. Furthermore, I suspect there have always been paraphilias of many forms. I sincerely doubt they only came along when tabloids noticed they sell papers.
^ this makes sense. I've not read through this but it's called social constructivism. Sex being acceptable at a specified age is decided by humans. Would we call a six year old cat a pedophile for impregnating a two year old cat, for instance?

A good illustration of the point is that in some countries the age for legal sex is 18 - in the UK it's 16. This a man who has sexual intercourse with a 17 y/o will be charged n classed as a registered sex offender - whilst in this country if a man had sexual intercourse with a 17 y/o girl that 's perfectly fine.

So thus a man in one country is classed as a sex offender whereas a man who did the same thing in another country is not. How is that fair or just?

How should we define a "pedophile" as I'm sure a pedo is someone who has sexual preference towards younger children - not, say a girl/boy a few years under the legal limit for sexual intercourse.

I think we have been given wrong information about hunter gatherers.
I think the history books have been rewritten.
My post above is just my opinion on it.
I don't see cavemen as savages.
I think predatory animals were their biggest threat, and I think they knew how to live with them in much the same way as isolated tribes on the planet do today.
Back then, humans saw themselves as equals to all other species, it's only now we put ourselves above them.

Also very valid points made n interesting for pondering n discussion.

I think paedophilia is a result of our fucked up culture and the fact that we are so divorced from nature.
For the vast majority of our time on this planet, we lived as hunter-gatherers, totally in sync with nature.
No money, no rubbish, no being controlled by time, and clocks, no toxic chemicals, no cancer, no boredom, no greed, no insecurity.
Yes, they had adversity, but because they were so in tune with their natural instincts, their attitudes to it, and, consequently how they related to it, were totally different from what we know, today.
Hunter gaterers ate really well, they had many skills, and knew all about natural medicines, etc.
When it came to child rearing, they brought thier children up in the optimal way to produce mature, well psychologically rounded adults.
Children were allowed to learn in a self directed way. They mimicked thier parents.
They were there when their parents had sex, in the same way that young species of animals may also have been present when the adults of the species were making love, like apes etc.
Children's boundaries were never violated, and their psyches were never manipulated.
Children were never forced or manipulated to do anything that is un-natural for their age unlike children who are abused by paedophiles.
Sex was about love and reproduction.
Not only were hunter gatherers in tune with nature in their environment, they were also in tune with human nature and had a much greater connection to their natural instincts and intuition.
This is why they were were able to live on the earth for the vast majority of human existence on this planet.
What went wrong?
The first time one human being acted in a way that was motivated by the desire to prey, in any way, on another human being. The first seed of evil.
Out of that first act, came all other things such as greed, cruelty, violence and all the other nasties.
I dunno what sparked off that first human act motivated by the desire to prey on another human being, especially as we lived for aeons, previously, as hunter gatherers.
Somehow, fear overcame love, a balance was tipped, which caused this change.
How does this relate to paedophilia?. Well, paedophilia preys on children, and is an outgrowth of that first seed of evil, which sprouted, after so many aeons of living as hunter gatherers.

^ You've made most of that up.

I'd be willing to bet that hunter-gatherers occasionally fucked kids.

& btw, when you say "natural for their age" it's probably "natural" for a 12/13* year old to be pregnant.

*I'm no biology expert but it's certainly much younger than 16. Especially in hunter-gather days with much lower life expectancy.

I put it to you that, by today's standards, all hunter-gatherers were paedo bastards.

LOL PTCH you've a lovely way of conversing :D However, in your defence, 3dmusic - do you have any evidence to back up what your saying or is this theory on your part? PTCH, as the legal limit for s/i is socially constructed n is different in different countries, it's possible that hunter-gatherers may have has s/i with girls/boys at much younger ages - with no thought of it being "wrong/immoral" thus there would not have needed to be any form of manipulation to begin with.
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How should we define a "pedophile" as I'm sure a pedo is someone who has sexual preference towards younger children - not, say a girl/boy a few years under the legal limit for sexual intercourse.

This seems to be very much a media invention the way the term 'paedophile' is used to describe any and all instances of underage sex where one partner is over the age of consent even in situation like you describe - a 16yo having sex with his/her 15yo partner for example. That's clearly a whole different situation to a fully grown and mature individual seeking out young children who are in no way able to understand or consent to anything along those lines. There are also adults with sexual preference for teenage boys/girls who are just under the age of consent and whilst I would not personally approve of such relationships as they are far to open to abuse, I also wouldn't describe that as paedophilia as such. I believe the term is ebophilia. I'd still regard it as deeply, deeply suspect behaviour but of a different nature to actual paedophilia.
This seems to be very much a media invention the way the term 'paedophile' is used to describe any and all instances of underage sex where one partner is over the age of consent even in situation like you describe - a 16yo having sex with his/her 15yo partner for example. That's clearly a whole different situation to a fully grown and mature individual seeking out young children who are in no way able to understand or consent to anything along those lines. There are also adults with sexual preference for teenage boys/girls who are just under the age of consent and whilst I would not personally approve of such relationships as they are far to open to abuse, I also wouldn't describe that as paedophilia as such. I believe the term is ebophilia. I'd still regard it as deeply, deeply suspect behaviour but of a different nature to actual paedophilia.

Totally agree. Ace post.

There are also adults with sexual preference for teenage boys/girls who are just under the age of consent and whilst I would not personally approve of such relationships as they are far to open to abuse, I also wouldn't describe that as paedophilia as such.

A policeman once caught Saville in his Rolls royce with a girl who looked no older than 13 - Saville said "I'm waiting till midnight when she turns 16, now get back on your pushbike and piss off".
A policeman once caught Saville in his Rolls royce with a girl who looked no older than 13 - Saville said "I'm waiting till midnight when she turns 16, now get back on your pushbike and piss off".

To be honest, all this with Saville is rather upsetting. I grew up with him n thought he was a good man. Just completely shocked. And Ralph Harris. I used to love cartoon time n watching him draw those cartoon characters - used to pretend to copy him though I can't draw for toffee LOL. It's kinda mad how these people who were influential beings, are really, in-fact quite monterous n pure evil :(

The whole concept of paedophilia is a modern one so can't really be usefully mapped on to ancient human societies - especially as there is almost no real evidence of what actually happened in such distant times. There's no question that girls would be expected to start working on producing children at the earliest opportunity...

'If she's old enough to bleed she's old enough to breed' wouldn't just have been a bit of sick patter back in the days.
'If she's old enough to bleed she's old enough to breed' wouldn't just have been a bit of sick patter back in the days.

It truly is a horrid phrase - do people still use that? - but fundamentally also factually accurate. Although I do believe there's a bit more to it - widening of hips being a biggie - cos baby has to come out at some point too and it's no good if both mother and child die in childbirth everytime. I presume it didn't take too long to work this out, but beyond the basic physical necessaries there's really no reason to be waiting around for a few extra years in societies that need a high birth rate to have any chance of continued existence. It really wasn't until shockingly (to us, 21st Century, tabloid-drenched people) recently that childhood became extended to even close to where it's generally thought to apparently flip overnight to adulthood these days. Child prostitution was still rife and barely even considered especially noteworthy here in Blighty (and many other places) a hundred or so years back which ain't that long at all in the grand scheme.
It truly is a horrid phrase - do people still use that?

Fuck knows. I've never heard anyone use that phrase for any reason other than to be deliberately disgusting for a laugh, otherwise I would have considered a headbutt (& likely decided against it :\). Along the same lines as "If she's old enough to pee, she's old enough for me".
The version I heard was "If there's grass on a pitch, there's a game to be played". Which is even more degrading.
^ In the hierarchy of icky comments I'm not sure that one's especially icky. It's certainly icky but - from distant memory - pubes came fairly late in adolescence. I don't think I'd've appreciated any 'games' being played with me at the time all the same.

Along the same lines as "If she's old enough to pee, she's old enough for me".

Given foetuses can/do pee ('n' poo for that matter) in the womb that latter one really is a bit of a statement of intent 8o

I know I've heard the bleed/breed one plenty times when I've worked at various places where it tends to be very male-dominated. This would be before the Paedogeddon!!! hysteria really got in to full swing though and can't believe anybody would be saying it even in jest now cos it just reeks of the Saviles. Always found it interesting that those very same blokey-bloke chaps would quite happily go from bleeding/breeding remarks about whoever the borderline legal singer/actress/sleb of some description was at the time and with the next breath go off on some vigilante rant about nonces. And it often did seem the two topics would come along in fairly close succession which always made me wonder if there was some flickering awareness of understanding of what they'd just been sniggering and drooling over a moment before. Dim awareness admittedly but some level of awareness at least.
^ A lot of the people I hang about with like to say fucking horrendous things for shock/comedy value. They're the only people I've ever heard say anything like that, cunts who would in absolutely no way mean what they are saying.

Given foetuses can/do pee ('n' poo for that matter) in the womb that latter one really is a bit of a statement of intent 8o

Babies give me the boke anyway but that's taken it to another level. Your unborn child doing a shite inside your bird? Hauwfin'. Why does anyone have kids?
Always found it interesting that those very same blokey-bloke chaps would quite happily go from bleeding/breeding remarks about whoever the borderline legal singer/actress/sleb of some description was at the time and with the next breath go off on some vigilante rant about nonces. And it often did seem the two topics would come along in fairly close succession which always made me wonder if there was some flickering awareness of understanding of what they'd just been sniggering and drooling over a moment before. Dim awareness admittedly but some level of awareness at least.

(Tangentially related; the first time I saw the ending scene of Blackadder Goes Forth, I admit I at least thought to myself, and might even have blurted out loud: "What the fuck have we just been laughing at?" The fourth or fifth time I saw it, I thought to myself: "I wonder how much gear you could make out of that many poppies?")
^ Precious little given they're not somniferens. The red poppies do still have thebaine content I believe so could make oxy from them I think.

Babies give me the boke anyway but that's taken it to another level. Your unborn child doing a shite inside your bird? Hauwfin'. Why does anyone have kids?

Foetusus are odd things. At one stage they're completely covered in hair (or fur if you prefer) which at some point sloughs off and they eat it. This is the stuff that forms that infamously nasty first shit apparently. In the case of one of my lil brothers said shit occurred during birth and apparently splattered mostly Daddy Dearest (I never asked for the specific angles and details given that would involve picturing the event itself which is not something a boy likes to do with his own mother for the most part).