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The OFFICIAL "Doing ___ on ____ Drug" thread!

Making my etiz solutions on etiz! Just messed the ratio up a bit. 0.1ml=.8mg -- better for getting tolly down i guess. I missed the accuracy and that PG taste. plus linking up what comes outside syringes and flushes. :3 Also some caffiene. Now I try to escape the pain, doin ok.

I only had enough vials for 2/3 of it tho. What to do? Drink 2/3 of 100mg etiz? :p

Edit I think its 1ml : .8mg etiz -- be careful in the test runs. Should do this work sober, but then id be sick. T least no spills.
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600mg dxm trippin (Edit: doses split up some) plus my 2mg etiz/lope/10mg baclofen, tobacco (planning to stop)

So I thought, grab my cruisin board for the motion euphoria and cd player + my studio headphones for music euphoria

Short jammin cruise to the 7/11 just nearby, took my break out front w/ cold water. Go in, a cool guy has the nigfht shift. My euphoria over bound my social anxiety to warmly greet the girl coming in on a bike before I go in. She got some mad munchies. So I grab the lighter I know I need, wander a bit to the back to get in on some lotto action. By the time I get up to the cool guy and my tobacco products, we hit it off in the music department. I was jammin to the South of Heaven album by slayer. We go to take a smoke break, he plays guitar too, has had my gimp hand thing from blacking out before too, a lil thrash metal talk. Then a rowdy group of drunk kids pull up, 4 or 5 in 1 car. Well, was nice while it lasted.

Now im here, to drink, smoke, and maybe talk to that guy proper sometime. This is big in my eyes, having social anxiety. And what a good relatively pain free therapy session for my body. We'll see how it likes me tomorrow.
I did buckets of heroin for a few months and did nothing but play candy crush, itch my nose, and smoke Black & Milds. No job no gf no anything. Occasionally I'd stop to get a Slurpee.

Now when people are like "Tell me a crazy story about you drug using days" Im like "Umm...shit. I'm so lame."
I did buckets of heroin for a few months and did nothing but play candy crush, itch my nose, and smoke Black & Milds. No job no gf no anything. Occasionally I'd stop to get a Slurpee.

Now when people are like "Tell me a crazy story about you drug using days" Im like "Umm...shit. I'm so lame."
how do you do buckets of heroin for months but yet you had no job? how do people do this?

ill always hear how people do tons and tons of dope but had no job, no money, etc.. yet here I am working, trying to come up w/ every dollar I can, but still doing tons of dope and barely getting by w/ a penny to my name.

how do people do it? maybe I just do too much dope?
how do you do buckets of heroin for months but yet you had no job? how do people do this?

ill always hear how people do tons and tons of dope but had no job, no money, etc.. yet here I am working, trying to come up w/ every dollar I can, but still doing tons of dope and barely getting by w/ a penny to my name.

how do people do it? maybe I just do too much dope?

You hustle. I'm clean now but when I was doing dope towards the end it was money by any means.
There is no trick and it is unsustainable.
You hustle. I'm clean now but when I was doing dope towards the end it was money by any means.
There is no trick and it is unsustainable.

just hustling, huh? thats even more trouble; I would always rather just buy w/ my own cash than having to hustle to get through it all, lol. well, I guess it depends on how you went about it; there are so many ways, as we all know, but sometimes people get a little TOO WHACKY to come up w/ that dough, ya know!?

the way you described it I figured you did zip and just had the cash to buy and chill, but if there was a bit of hustling involved then its a different story. or maybe thats just how I see it and it really was you doing NOT MUCH, lol.. who knows, man!
Disneyland main street at night on shrooms. Just dont turn your head real fast or you'll see more light trails than a spaceship in hyperspace :) But its pretty cool!
waking up still on benzos, contemplatimg taking more even though i dont need it yet

edit: doing so, gin, tobacco, and Lineage 2 oldschool priv server. Gotta do somethin to get through the lonely nights.
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Skateboarding on mushrooms is lots of fun. When I've done it it's really helped me get in that zone and land stuff I haven't done in forever first try. Once skated home 6 miles at 3am on mushrooms.
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a buddy and me riding a big ass rollercoaster with multiple loopings, water splashing in face, going upside down through dark tunnels with 60 mph while on 2 tabs of very good acid and 120 mg molly ... It was so incredibly amazing, we were stunned in our seats when the ride was over and they had to shout several times till we got out haha
Oh and of couse watching B- Movies on High second to low 3rd Plateau DXM.. I have yet to see another Drug that gets me so incredibly emerged in media, B- Movies are expetional on it (the more cheap and bad acting the better)
Believe it or not opiates are the only real drug I can give my house a good cleaning with (b4 the nod) --stims don't work for me in this manner. Now that I quit, the house is a mess

This is actually quite common. My wife & I are the same.
Fiddling with this CD player to change the last battery but my gimp hand is fighting back hard

on 10mg then 15mg moxy

edit: still a ++, slowly going down, after 1g rue thrown in, bored, gonna play some lineage 2 private server

I can only stare at walls and ceilings morph for so long repeating the one cd i have before i got tired of it
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This is actually quite common. My wife & I are the same.

Really eh? I've never known anyone else like that. I myself just want to put on some softer music and chill, surf the Internet, whatever. Definitely do not want to clean.

That being said, I also do not want to clean on stimulants either. I'm not wasting my high on housework, I'm off doing something fun!
Listening to a mad DMZ setlist on CD from like 2005, back when dubstep was real and we didnt have post-dubstep or brostep.

On 55mg diclaz. 180mg flubromazepam -- silly me threw in 10mg 5-meo-mipt, i blame the flub, which blames me for taking it
Getting lit on Bizarro while coolin' on 30mg oxy up the nose and 20mg valium under tha tongue%)

Oh still listnenin to shady freestyles%)
You hustle. I'm clean now but when I was doing dope towards the end it was money by any means.
There is no trick and it is unsustainable.

There is a trick you go to college you get a job you keep it, your habit gets higher you get another fkin job on the side...... and higher you deal whilst working. its not rocket science. You sound like you were getting dug out with fake - very bad dope for months that's hillarious. Cos I know even when I had a gram a day OXY tolerance a line of raw china got me beautiful every fkin time!
Things to do on-
Weed: Watch TV (love Rick & Morty), chill with friends, nap, play video games, go to the movies/watch a movie, go shopping to get food for the munchies, music
LSD: Draw, listen to music, meditate, chill, stare at detailing in things, watch a fantasy movie, masturbate
Klonopin & Valium: Take a bath, relax, watch a movie or tv, read a book, get a nicotine fix, coffee or tea too
Adderall & Focalin: Study, clean up, play video games, be social
All opiates: Lay down and stare at the ceiling, watch tv