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The OFFICIAL "Doing ___ on ____ Drug" thread!

If I take them for studying I stick to very low, non-recreational doses. If just bored at home I'll take a bit more and do whatever comes to mind. I usually get quite restless with whatever I'm doing and tend to constantly switch what I'm doing. Start cleaning then think of something that I want to look up, go to the computer google it and then get distracted with reading something else. After sitting still for too long I get energetic again and go back to cleaning. Then I may feel the urge to smoke some cigarettes, whilst I'm doing that I'll think of something else to look up and go back to the computer. And so on and so on :p. If other people are around I just want to talk and get drunk.
i work on music, look at porn, that's about it back and forth between the too. i usually turn the internet off cuz i can waste a whole tweak session posting shit on sites like this rather than actually getting something done.
the best thing to do after you've been up for more than 36 hours and it's night time, is to think about how you are going to manage your time better next time you tweek, and also to convince yourself that you're pretty well rested since you haven't done much these last few days, so it's a good idea to go ahead and do ALL your remaining meth even though it's midnight and you have to work at 10 am the next day. Because even if you were sober you wouldn't crash right now, because you are so well rested.
My typical stim session: around 7:00 PM I IV .4 of mediocre meth, then turn the lights off, climb into bed and enjoy being high for three or four hours. Then, just read Nom De Plume's post. 7:00 am, I go to work. Sleep that night. 2 days later, repeat.
Post on bluelight, bother my friends on facebook, read, clean, study, obsessively play guitar for hours (one time my fingers actually bled!), listen to music at outrageous volumes, have sex, draw, make mediocre electronic music, chainsmoke...
^I miss actually enjoying doing something productive. Now it has the complete opposite effect, I just get really lazy and it ends up taking me a few hours to do something really simple like have a shower.

It used to be that if I set out to do an assignment last minute, then I would sit in the same seat completely focused on it for over 24 hours. You couldn't get me to do anything else. Going on bathroom breaks became a chore. I would do some of the best work I'd ever produced and would be having the time of my life while doing it. Stims are the reason I graduated from law school.
need advice-post your experience and what do you like doing on heroin

Have you ever done heroin with friends?was it a good experience? I can't ask if it was fun because heroin isn't really fun
We have some weed(purple kush) and acid tabs but prolly gonna give them away and buy heroin.

What do you like doing on heroin?
I just like going around the city doing random stuff,sitting and watching people as they pass by,the cars,girls,listening to rap music or pink Floyd,sometimes watching anime on the comedown is nice.
Watching TV and vaping weed. Also nodding out with a good friend or two. Occassionally looking over as your buddy jerks his head back to reality and you both laugh cause your high as hell on horse and nothing can bother you. Or going fishing. Floating down the river with a cold beer high on percs and klonopins. Its a beatiful thing. Then again seriously everything is awesome on heroin.
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It's a pretty selfish thing. You're focused more on yourself. Nodding with someone is pretty unenjoyable, especially if one person is nodding a lot and the other person isn't nodding much. The person nodding is in their own world and the other person is basically sitting there while they watch the nodding person slump down and sit slack-jawed. Then they come to and don't realize that several minutes has gone by.

Both people nodding hard sounds like a recipe for disaster since nodding that hard is a stones throw away from ODing.

Acid is probably the most social drug and funnest I've used with other people, especially combined with weed. I'd stick with that. That's just my opinion though.

Heroin is also extremely addicting and extremely difficult to quit and stay away from. It's not worth the risk. This is coming from someone who has been using heroin for 9 years now, and who just shot some heroin about 27 minutes ago.
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Haha yea hey your nodding out more than me give me some more dope!! Haha oh god good times.
Mmmhh what to do on heroin I don't know sit on my couch playing video games all night shooting Speedball's with a hooker then watching the sun rise over the horizon high as shit slumped over while getting head. Haha just kidding(mabye)

Or there was the time me and my girl got so high I shit my pants so she had to clean me up.

But in the last decade I've used heroin/opiates I haven't much fun at all its been a lot of pain, hurt and misery I've got so many medical problems stemming from my abuse to my body it burns when I pee, my stomach is fucked and my IBS has been exacerbated to the point most days I don't even want to eat, my liver is shot, my kidneys are worse,I've screwed up every relationship I've ever been in, I've alienated myself from everybody, but most of all I've lost my soul my zest for life and my dreams for the future they are all gone replaced with opiates. Suboxone saved me for now but it only covered up the problem that still lies beneath. I'm still a very sick man.
I see not much fun in the dope game anymore its all pretty much pain and hurt to me now. I've seen so many good spirited, hard working,kind people fall victim to heroin addiction and be left a zombie basicly I've watched this happen all around me my whole life(including me) and come to the conclusion heroin is a fucking plague that spreads taking people under its spell telling them they shouldn't care about anything but dope and the addict begins to believe he could never be happy unless he had dope. Its terrible man.
But there is a reason we choose to continue down this dark road even knowing the dangers that lay ahead if you continue like the quote from trainspotting "people think its all about misery, desperation, death and all that shit which is not to be ignored but they forget about the pleasure we get from it otherwise we wouldn't fucking do it after all we're not fuckin stupid well we're not that fucking stupid".
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I don't find acid a social drug at all. I hated being around people then.

I would avoid using heroin completely alone since I'd be afraid of doing too much. Although it's better if it's just one person (boyfriend, girlfriend, best friend, etc.) rather than a group of people.
Have you ever done heroin with friends?was it a good experience? I can't ask if it was fun because heroin isn't really fun
We have some weed(purple kush) and acid tabs but prolly gonna give them away and buy heroin.
What the actual fuck? You go from saying heroin isn't fun, to saying you're going to trade other (presumably fun to you) drugs for it?

Not to mention asking others what are good activities to do under the influence. We aren't you and don't have any knowledge of your hobbies. Disc golf or watching movies may be great for one person while go karting may be better for another. Wait, who am I kidding? You already know this simple fact of life being that you're of age to be doing these drugs.

I've never met you and you are probably a cool person in general. Holy hell though; your original post in this thread is a clusterfuck of nonsense.
Just stick with the tabs and weed, you know it's the obviously better choice.

Believe it or not opiates are the only real drug I can give my house a good cleaning with (b4 the nod) --stims don't work for me in this manner. Now that I quit, the house is a mess
Everything is better on a benzo/opiate combo IMO.As far as the posts about taking acid in school,I used to do it occasionally in High School.Lots of funny stories to go with those days,I mainly remember looking at the teacher and thinking "haha,I'm tripping and YOU don't know it"!Then when it got really heavy and we got bored sitting in a place where eveything was 2 colors and all industrial looking,we'd skip scool.There was a hole in the fence along the track and we'd slip into the woods and smoke weed,trip out and come back right before last period let out.
I remember one time when my teacher was talking to me and there was a fly buzzing around her head,leaving multi-color trails.All I could focus on was that damn fly.Another time I had taken 2 hits that were more powerful than what I expected and was sitting in algebra class.The teacher was explaining a formula when she turned to me and said "what do you think (insert my name here)?The numbers compressed into a white line on the board.All I could do was say"I don't know" and put my head down on my desk.I skipped the rest of the day.Good times.

To answer the original question/main point of the thread,when my Xanax and Percocet combo kicks in good that's when I start doing what needs to get done around the house,After the work is done,I shower,shave and listen to some music or get on youtube and watch a concert or 2.When I used to could handle weed or other psychedelics I would love playing my guitar and writing songs.Weed especially made me really creative.It's like I would have a million riffs and song ideas flooding my head.I had to use a micro-casette recorder or I would forget them when I came down.Some of my best material has been written on weed.And it wasn't just me who thought this.Friends and band mates would usually tell me it was some of my best stuff.Too bad my anxiety(and probation plus my doctor's required piss tests) keep me from getting stoned anymore.With the advancements in home recording technology over the past 20 years or so.it's possible to have a drum machine and a relatively inexpensive 4 or 8 track recorder with built in EQ and mixer and turn out decent sounding home recordings.If nothing else,it would give me something to shop around to help me find another group of like minded musicians in my new state,giving potential band mates some idea of the direction I'm trying to go in.I can still write material sober of course but weed sure did help the creative process for me.If I used alcohol to help the weed induced anxiety I would end up playing like shit because of the way it fucks up my precision and overall playing ability.I suppose a few mg of Xanax would help but piss tests keep me from smoking at all.It's a shame because the rural area I've moved to has lots of really high grade weed for cheap.Stuff that would go for insanely expensive prices back home is pretty cheap around here,And I don't even know anybody around here but the stuff is literally all over and I'm sure I'd have no problems finding a quarter ounce of super dank for cheap just by asking people on one of our trips to town for groceries,doctor visits,filling scripts etc....The only drugs here are weed (no interest other than the afore mentioned creativity boost),LOTS of crystal meth that is supposed to be really powerful (I hate stims of any kind),and moonshine that is really high quality and fairly cheap for a quart mason jar of pure shine (haven't had that in years but would like to get my hands on some).Since there are no other street drugs here,pharms go for outrageous prices.I'm sure if I offered someone a couple Xannie bars and a couple perc 10s I could get a nice sack of at least a few grams(probably a fat eighth/slack quarter) since most people around here tend to just eyeball their bags because so many people grow around here that you've got hillbillies that have growing down to a science.Some of these people have very little formal education,can barely read and write, yet they are experts at growing weed that can hold it's own with the best anywhere and distilling top notch moonshine using a recipe that has been in their family for generations.Okay,I'm starting to get off topic here so I'll wrap this up.I just wish there was a better selection of opiates and benzos down here and doctors weren't so afraid of writing prescriptions.Sigh.
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