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the official 2010-11 college football thread! ver. Auburn VS Oregon?

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Not until next year. This year, they are still Big12-2.

Same for Colorado going to the Pac10...after this year.
aTm is *not* coming to the SEC (yet). Not until the Big12-2 starts to die off more...which may not happen.

For now, and the foreseeable future, they remain in their current conference.
aTm is *not* coming to the SEC (yet). Not until the Big12-2 starts to die off more...which may not happen.

For now, and the foreseeable future, they remain in their current conference.

Damn, your quick. I just realized the error of my post and was about to edit it as such :)
poor colorado :(

why do they suck so much?

their basketball teams (especially the ladies ;)) are usually decent
I would love to see Miami beat Ohio State and show the nation just how overrated Ohio State and the Big Ten conference really is (sorry Big Ten and Ohio State fans :\). I think Miami might have a serious chance to make it to the National Championship game and win it if they don't shoot themselves in the foot during some game. If they did they would definitely win their bowl game. Chance of Miami making it to the NC game 85%

Yeah Bama lost a lot of starters but they still have the their Heisman winning RB with Mark Ingram, their coach.... and it's the south. No matter how many players these teams lose their recruiting is absolutely ridiculous and their new starters are amazingly talented. Same goes with Florida. Whichever of these teams goes to the National Championship game they will likely win it... especially if it's against a Big Ten team then... they'll destroy and the game won't even be fun to watch. Chance of this happening 95%

Nebraska has a chip on their shoulder and they are out for blood this year. I could see Nebraska being a team that goes undefeated this year. They want the Big 12 title more then any team and it's their last year to get it. Especially if they meet Texas in the title game for a chance to make it to the National championship. I don't see Texas going undefeated but definitely see them making it the the Big 12 title game. Gilbert is a really good QB but he'll need one more year to develop and become the leader of the Longhorns. Next year Texas will dominate the Big 12 and Nebraska.. they'll take the Big Ten title like taking candy from a baby. Nebraska making it to the NC game 93%

don't let your Big Ten hate blind you. I don't know why you are so far up Nebraska's jock, but they haven't been anything since the late 90s and I don't really think they will destroy the Big 10. this is hilarious talk, really.

Nebraska will be a middle of the pack Big Ten team, along the lines of Wisconsin or Iowa. the best thing since Frank Solich just left the Huskers, in Ndamakung Suh.

Nebraska will not win the Big 12 this year. I am relying heavily on a Boomer Sooner Big 12 year.

I remember last year I was also on that Miami tip, but they failed me. I suspect they will fail you, too. I think Miami will be a great team but it is absurd to think that they will go to the National Championship. again, if you didn't let the Big Ten hate flow so numerous like the river of Ohio State All-Americans, you would remember that Wisconsin totally dismantled Miami last year.

the U will be on top of the ACC, but are not quite NC caliber (sadly). hand me some of that crack you're smoking
also agreeing with PB, this is the year I could see Boise State in the National Championship.

I just don't think these small-conference schools will be able to compete with what should be an Alabama or Ohio State contender. I know we are not that far-removed from the greatness of the Boise State VS Oklahoma Fiesta Bowl... however I am not sold enough to drink the small school kool aid.

anybody else not believe the hype?
I think Miami will be a great team but it is absurd to think that they will go to the National Championship. again, if you didn't let the Big Ten hate flow so numerous like the river of Ohio State All-Americans, you would remember that Wisconsin totally dismantled Miami last year.

the U will be on top of the ACC, but are not quite NC caliber (sadly). hand me some of that crack you're smoking

Comments such as these annoy me. For reference as to why, look at the NFL. Teams within the same division play twice a year, with vastly different results. To use the AFC East as a fictional example, lets imagine this entirely possible scenario: Early in the season the Patriots decimate the Dolphins 34-7. The Jets beat the Patriots 24-22 the next week, winning on a missed field goal by the Patriots. The assumption is that the Jets are the class of the AFC East, and are ranked highest in their division in power rankings. But there's more. The Dolphins then squeak by the Jets in a midseason game 17-16. Now who would the power ranking people vote the best of the AFC East? Lets assume each teams record is within one game of each other.

In the second half of the season, the Dolphins get destroyed by the Patriots again, 24-3, but destroy the Jets (who destroyed the Patriots in their second game with them) in the final game of the season, securing the Fins a wild card spot while the Patriots take the division. The Jets, who at the begginning of the year were considered best in the AFC East, are out.

The first playoff game involves the Dolphins versus the Patriots, and big surprise, the Dolphins kill the patriots this time, 45-17. Who is the best team in this scenario? The Fins lost to the Patriots twice, but still beat them in the most important game. And going into the divisonal round, the Dolphins face the Indianapolis Colts, who the Patriots and Jets beat, and the Dolphins have not played. Can we realistically assume that the Dolphins, who swept the Jets who swept the Patriots who went 2-1 against the Dolphins, are better because they beat two teams that beat the Colts? Or is assuming anything based on this line of thinking just a load of bullshit?
also agreeing with PB, this is the year I could see Boise State in the National Championship.

I just don't think these small-conference schools will be able to compete with what should be an Alabama or Ohio State contender. I know we are not that far-removed from the greatness of the Boise State VS Oklahoma Fiesta Bowl... however I am not sold enough to drink the small school kool aid.

anybody else not believe the hype?

I just remember seeing how UGA turned out an overhyped Boisie several years back, and then did the same to Hawaii. Same story on that occasion. Mid-level teams in power conferences, especially when they're healthy, recruit, play, and train at a level that backwater teams just don't do. Of course, Utah took Bama apart a couple years back, so there's definitely a possibility to catch a team that's much better on paper while they're sleeping on you. Still-- I don't see Boisie making it to an NC meaning much beyond the event itself.

Or is assuming anything based on this line of thinking just a load of bullshit?

in the NFL, since there are relatively few division games (or, strike that, since the divisions are so small) the wins don't matter quite as much as how they were earned. Player health comes into play more, even outside of skill positions.

Secondly, NFL teams do a lot of moving and shaking in the off seaosn that college teams don't. You can spend years being a middling pro team, while you assemble a championship team. College seems to me to be more evolutionary, recruiting is about prestige and reputation, and it builds more slowly. Of course its possible to lose to a middle of the pack team like Wisc, and then come back with an amazing run the following year, if all the pieces are in place, and you get lucky, but more often than not, its a predictor of a slightly better or slightly worse season to come, like say, beating a middling team like Wisconsin the following year in a second tier bowl game.

Nebraska will be a middle of the pack Big Ten team, along the lines of Wisconsin or Iowa. the best thing since Frank Solich just left the Huskers, in Ndamakung Suh.

Lets say top of the middle of the pack. ;) I have a feeling they're a stronger team this year than Iowa or Wisc.

aTm is *not* coming to the SEC (yet). Not until the Big12-2 starts to die off more...which may not happen.

God please no! I'd accept texas tech, but I'd reject A&M.
in the NFL, since there are relatively few division games (or, strike that, since the divisions are so small) the wins don't matter quite as much as how they were earned. Player health comes into play more, even outside of skill positions.

Secondly, NFL teams do a lot of moving and shaking in the off seaosn that college teams don't. You can spend years being a middling pro team, while you assemble a championship team. College seems to me to be more evolutionary, recruiting is about prestige and reputation, and it builds more slowly. Of course its possible to lose to a middle of the pack team like Wisc, and then come back with an amazing run the following year, if all the pieces are in place, and you get lucky, but more often than not, its a predictor of a slightly better or slightly worse season to come, like say, beating a middling team like Wisconsin the following year in a second tier bowl game.

Lets say top of the middle of the pack. ;) I have a feeling they're a stronger team this year than Iowa or Wisc.

You're right about prestige and reputation, but it's not like Miami doesn't already have it. It takes a lot longer to lose it than it does to gain it. But teams change drastically from year to year in college football. New freshmen, who may be better as freshmen than some of the teams former seniors, come in and often compete right away. More importantly, freshmen from last year become sophomores. A huge leap occurs between those two years, and an even bigger leap still between sophomores and juniors (coincidentally, most of Miami's best players are entering their junior year). You should never use a single loss from a season ago to determine if a team, or worse yet, an entire conference, will be worse overall the next.

Miami was one lucky drive away from winning the game. They got beat up on the offensive line I know, but their starting left tackle (who was drafted in the 5th round) was out and the right tackle who was responsible for the majority of the offensive line's fuckups all of last season has been replaced. Who can possibly say how much better or worse the line could be this season? I would think better, but there is no way of absolutely knowing till game day.

I can't wait. I would love for my Canes to kick the shit out of OSU. The state of Ohio deserves even more misery at the hands of South Florida than it has already gotten. We are not done with you yet, Ohioans.
as much as I like Miami football, they have lost their program prestige a long, long time ago. you need a third party to tell you this because as a college football fan it is not something that you want to let go. thankfully, it's difficult for me to remember as an OSU fan the last season they have lost even four games a season. it was obvious Miami was going to have about five years worth of struggles ever since Larry Coker was terminated.

I think it's hilarious that denizens of such exotic locales like South Florida wish harm on such benign, simple folk like us from Ohio.

I will be at the U game, so I hope it is lots of fun. but I don't really see it being much of a game at all. Miami should be comforted that it's apparent that you can always sneak up on OSU during their non-conference early games. Ohio State should be comforted in that a mediocre Wisconsin team made the U their whipping boys.
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as much as I like Miami football, they have lost their program prestige a long, long time ago. you need a third party to tell you this because as a college football fan it is not something that you want to let go. thankfully, it's difficult for me to remember as an OSU fan the last season they have lost even four games a season. it was obvious Miami was going to have about five years worth of struggles ever since Larry Coker was terminated.

I think it's hilarious that denizens of such exotic locales like South Florida wish harm on such benign, simple folk like us from Ohio.

I will be at the U game, so I hope it is lots of fun. but I don't really see it being much of a game at all. Miami should be comforted that it's apparent that you can always sneak up on OSU during their non-conference early games. Ohio State should be comforted in that a mediocre Wisconsin team made the U their whipping boys.

I am going to make fun of this post so bad if Miami wins.
Can we say MIA is *not* back if they lose?

I don't know. Depends how the rest of the season goes.

Define "back". Is it back in the title game? Back in a BCS bowl? Back into contending for a BCS bowl? Winning the conference? Getting 10 wins? Finishing top 15 this year instead of 19th? Finishing in the top 10? The top 5? Having players who contend for Heisman trophy? Getting in on the field brawls?

Lets truly define what back is. That way, all things being fair, by the end of the season there is always the possibility that Florida, Georgia, and OSU may be hoping for a comeback after this season. Well, Georgia already is at least.
Nevada and Fresno State Join the Mountain West. BYU talks about leaving and going independent.

story http://sports.espn.go.com/ncaa/news/story?id=5474774

Im going to be going to Fresno state next fall, the same year they're supposedly going to the mountain west. This is pretty big news for the mountain west and the WAC, which is going to be completely crippled after losing two of their most competitive schools.
AP Poll:


1. Alabama
2. Ohio State
3. Boise State
4. Florida
5. Texas
6. TCU
7. Oklahoma
8. Nebraska
9. Iowa
10. Virginia Tech
11. Oregon
12. Wisconsin
13. Miami
14. USC
15. Pitt
16. Georgia Tech
17. Arkansas
18. North Carolina
19. Penn State
20. FSU
21. LSU
22. Auburn
23. Georgia
24. Oregon State
25. West Virginia

Others Receiving Votes
Cincinnati 108, Stanford 81, Utah 80, South Carolina 71, Houston 66, Connecticut 32, Notre Dame 31, Missouri 27, Brigham Young 19, Arizona 15, Clemson 15, Texas Tech 14, Navy 12, Washington 8, Texas A&M 7, Mississippi 6, Oklahoma State 3, Middle Tennessee 2, Central Michigan 2, Temple 2, UCF 1, Boston College 1, Southern Methodist 1
if OSU losses, which could happen, I will be doing far more making fun of the Buckeyes than you will be
Boise State #3
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