Social The NEW "What Song Fits Your Current Mood" Thread

Last but not least, I want to thank me. I want to thank me for believing in me, I want to thank me for doing all this hard work, I want to thank me for never quitting and always being a giver, always trying to do more right than wrong....

So often I feel worthless, helpless, and incapable. Truth be told, I've needed support and help a lot despite taking pride in my independence at a young age. Truth also be told, with that support alone and no effort on my part- I wouldn't have accomplished the things that I have, big and small. Getting off drugs usually takes help and a lot of emotional support to really make it long term- but if you aren't putting in that effort it won't matter how much help you get.

Take time to appreciate yourself, to be proud of the struggles you've overcome and things you've accomplished in spite of challenges faced. Friends and family are essential, but so are you, and never forget that.

Read your thread today; your honesty will get you through the worst - its hard with a parent in denial but believe in yourself. Could relate to much of it ( with gender toles reversed).
Stay strong to get through, brother; keep humble to get support and never lie to yourself, about yourself and never try to shut yourself down from valid painful experience - difficult but getting through that is what makes your metal; denying it will be unfortunate. You are not alone in it, mate<3
