  • Sports & Gaming Moderators: ghostfreak

the NBA playoffs

Ladies and Gentleman, your 2009 World Champion Los Angeles Lakers!

Hahaha...well hey, while I live in LakerLand...I think Orlando is the tougher matchup. Even though it was just the regular season, the Magic swept the Lakers. Yes, so did the Bobcats, but when you see Dwight as determined as he's been...the Laker bigs must be concerned. The Thuggets are a nice test as they're deeper at the position, but I have a feeling Dwight will be given superstar status in the Finals.

Rashard has done a lot of growing up in these playoffs...but can he do it in the Finals? Experience may be the ultimate decider...but the Magic are a very balanced squad that the Lakers have yet to figure out this season.

Sounds like a great NBA Finals should it happen...
Rashard has done a lot of growing up in these playoffs...but can he do it in the Finals? Experience may be the ultimate decider...but the Magic are a very balanced squad that the Lakers have yet to figure out this season.

Rashard Lewis is tall and can bomb the threes, but he isn't the guy who stepped up the most in these NBA Finals.

Rafeer Alston, or "Skip to my Lou," was probably perceived as the weakest link in the Magic starting lineup. he has been anything but that, changing his attitude and gameplay after the Magic almost got upset by the lowly 76ers in the first round. Rafeer Alston pisses me off, as he is probably the only AND 1 basketball player who has translated well into the NBA (I still think they should give The Professor a chance).

sometimes I think that the Magic are just destined to win this series. an example of this was last Cavs/Magic game when Dwight fucking Howard dropped a three point shot. that is just ugly luck.

if the Cavs somehow make it past this huge road block; I would want them to play the LA Lakers.

the Denver Nuggets pose a much more versatile threat with great down court play from Nene, Birdman, and Kenyon Martin. Chauncey Billups is always a factor too.

you just don't know what you are going to get with the Lakers. every time they have lost in these playoffs they have lost BIG. they have easily the most talent in the NBA, but half the time they play uninspired and lethargic basketball.

just like the advertising agencies are pushing; I am also hoping for a Cleveland/LA Finals.
The nuggets are also a very good transition team, I do not think the magic are close in that respect.

But I comment no more as we still need one more.
I think you have been hanging with Marc Cuban too much. he's rubbing off on you!

If only I was hanging with Cuban...that'd be fun.

The Nuggets thrive on their thug/punk attitude. Example: game 4 against the Lakers. It was getting ridiculous how outlandish they were acting.

I much preferred when the Warriors were the punks in the playoffs...at least Cuban respected them heh.

And yes, Alston has been a savior to the season in covering for Nelson pretty well. However, Rashard always had a rep for being a 4th quarter dud, and he's changed that this year...hence his growth as a player.
If the Magic don't win tonight, I swear I'll cut LOVELIFE's 2 inch dick off in anger!!!
Wow...such hostility......In other news i know its only half time but how did Cleveland blow a 22 point lead that quick?
Good game cleveland, they stepped up tonight big time and won there second game of the series. Looks like we are going to have to take this one at home.

If the Magic don't win tonight, I swear I'll cut LOVELIFE's 2 inch dick off in anger!!!

Don't worry, Kid.

I was so impressed wit the Cavs ability to almost try to lose a game tonight, a game that David Stern and the NBA were bending over backwards to let them win, that I immediately became flaccid.

So now, you can try cutting off my ONE inch cock - it's no longer hard.
the David Stern excuse is a double edged sword for a bandwagon Laker fan, my man. he wants Kobe just as much in the Finals as LeBron.

looks like the Cleveland LeBrons did it again. that was one of the most dominant performances I have seen in basketball since LBJ did it against Detroit (when they were good) in 06.

normally I wouldn't give much teams any chance when they are facing elimination in the next two games. however, when LeBron is on your team (or is the whole team) anything can happen.

in other news, it was great to have another player besides The King score more than 20 points this series. props to Mo Williams.
Told you all not to give up on the Cavs! The barely got beat last time in Orlabdo, so I don't think anyone doubts they can get the win Saturday night. And if they win Saturday, I would then say the chances are on their side!

But win or lose Saturday, you gotta tip your hats to both teams for one helluva series. I normally don't care about the NBA at all, but this series has made me a fan of the whole league.

And isn't it comical when people come on here and try to blame the refs for whether or not teams lose? (Talkin to u Lovelife :) )

Oh well, excuses don't get u anywhere.
Go Cavs!
officiating in the NBA is universally horrid, it is just something you have to accept and adapt to. there really is no use in complaining about it because you know how it is going to be.
I have noticed something tonight that is very interesting.

When Kobe doesn't take all the shots, and instead involves his teammates, the Lakers are really good.
Kobe as of last year for the most part has been that way. He has not be such a I am a superstar suck my nights guy like hat anymore.

When you think he is handling the ball to much is when everyone else cant do shit and he has no choice!
one hour till game sicks

i don't manage to catch many games due to the time differences so i enjoy whichever ones i do. not rooting for anyone but the underdogs.
i dont pray, but i am praying the cavs can pull one out in orlando tonight.
