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The Most Visual Psychedelic Thread

Many people my do psychedelics just for the visuals, but I doubt many are using salvia just for the visuals.
People do psychedelics just for the visuals? =(

What about the mind-altering powers of psychedelics? That's more fun IMO.
For me, i'm not sure I can really separate the visual effects from the psychedelic effects of hallucinogens. I can imagine separating them, I mean I can consider them rationally as separate phenomena when i'm sober, but in the midst of a trip, it's all one.

Quite often I find that truly powerful visuals will bring me such awe, that it sends the mind trip in a whole new and better direction. For example, the time I tried 25mg of 2C-E and had my first real experience with "the White Light", i.e. my visual field dissolved into pure white and I had to close my eyes against the brilliance of the universe, led to a mystical ++++ experience that brought me almost to tears. That was a remarkable and valuable mental experience as well as an insane visual trip.
gloggawogga said:
Many people my do psychedelics just for the visuals, but I doubt many are using salvia just for the visuals.

*sorry for the off-topic but I just have to*

I do Salvia on and off, and it is usually a very deep, and - if I may say so - serious experience, and heavy with meaning, almost ominous. I wonder if that's the nature of the plant/substance, or if that's just me. I get bouts of deep seriousness on most psy's, but I usually get plenty of silliness along with it (alternating) ...

Visually Salvia is extremely disorienting / defamiliarizing, but for me that's just because it makes me forget where top and bottom is, and it's totally 2D (no depth, all one canvas) and I see details rather than the Big Picture, but there are never any swirls and whooshes like with the classic hallucinogenics.
Psychedelics are a type of drug, as is alcohol. There are those who drink alcohol just to get fucked up, just as there are those who take psychedelics to get the visuals/fuckedupness (crackheads love salvia, btw), then there are those who drink find liquor, and truly enjoy a few drinks, their drinking habits improving their life rather then taking control. There are people who use psychedelics in the same way, to enrich their lives and improve themselves by using them appropriately.
you can abuse any drug, and there are those that do.
I cant say I have [Edit] abused drugs, but Ive seen people do so.

So in summary, yes, there are those who use powerful drugs (like salvia) just for the strong effects, not to gain insight. But at least they enjoy it (which is most important, IMO), its legal so they wont end up in jail, safe (compared to crack, etc), not addictive, and cheap (well, cheap when I make/sell it anyway).
So, to each his own :D
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^^^ Psychedelic is not a drug classification. The word psychedelic describes an experience, and there are some people who take "psychedelics" and don't have psychedelic experiences.

Your set determines whether an experience is psychedelic, not the drug you are taking (if you are even taking one).
I think setting can have a great deal of impact on how intense the visuals will be. I usually trip by my self in the countryside and almost always have more intense visuals (and overall experience) than when I'm in a club or with friends in a house just hanging out. This is on anykind of hallucinogen. Try summononing a demon with an old grimorie, like the Lesser Key of Solomon, in an isolated location while tripping heavily. I take pshcadelics for the experience.
kinetic said:
yeah, that is true, and very sad. the good trips I've had were so powerful that I couldn't even pay attention to the visuals.

Yeah, this is exactly what happens when I am getting incredible visual effects. I get way too caught up in thinking or music to care about the shifting room.

I noticed this inparticularly lately on 2c-d. I just started playing with it, and at 50mg, the visuals are absolutely mind blowing. Not DMT, but incredible in its own way. It was also better visually than 2c-e, lsd (lower to med. doses), 2c-i :p , p. cubensis mushrooms - visually equal to ~4g dry. IMO

While tripping, my thoughts were too fast and deep to care really about what was happening, on the wall or ceiling or whatever. DMT and 2c-d have both made me realize this on a big level.
Best Visual

which drug gives you the best visual experience?
A decent dose of acid for me. I had some liquid in the summer and it was like a 60s music video for 8 hours.
I haven't tried any of the 2C chemicals, though.
If you take enough of pretty much any psychedelic you'll be in for some weird ass shit, in my experience.
DMT = 5-MeO-DMT > LSD > miprocin = mushrooms > iprocin > ethocin for indoles

2C-T-7 > 2C-E > 2C-B > 2C-T-2 > 2C-D = 2C-I for PEAs.

To mix them, DMT then 2C-T-7, then 2C-E, then LSD.
nuke said:
If you take enough of pretty much any psychedelic you'll be in for some weird ass shit, in my experience.

I concur. From my experience as of now, DMT pretty much screws the world into a different visual depiction quite drastically.
Not the most intense, but my fav. visual is 2c-i, when the walls start washing over with colours like an animated rainbow or something...
I know alot of you will like to behead me for saying this but in my experience you can drastically increase the visuals on psychedelics if you inhale solvents. Not poppers or nitrous as they are in a league of their own. I'm talking low down shitty anti-perspirant or butane...Sounds scummy eh?
Ketamine. silly amounts of visuals like shit flying at you every 2 secs