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The most prominent drug in your area

Here in W.Mass (Pioneer Valley) is dominated by H...so much that a couple of governors (N.H. and/or V.T.) have declared a public health emergency due to the many O.D.s in those states and you hear a lot of busts and seizures of people trying to bring it to N.H. or V.T. from MA...it's everywhere in my area(3rd largest population) and the price has dropped dramatically since I started using ($25 ea. back in '87 to $5 ea.)!!! oh yeah, there's a weed, oxy, subs (suboxone) and a bit of coke demand too, haha
Here in Houston, every drug is quite popular. Supply is bottomless and prices are low on whatever you're into. There are more weed smokers than anything else, but on the real scene it's a lot of heroin and ice. Benzodiazepines are hard to find but also extremely popular. Coke has fallen out of favor here because it's all trash.
Here in New Orleans Louisiana... heroin is byfar the most prominent. Next "molly" (methylone,5/6apb/mapb,assorted rolly rcs)
Some good #3 going around, coffee&cream color. Some nice tasty buds. Always some decent Cocaine. Meth seems to be getting more available as well. Pills, well hard to say people hold no them so tightly... That's how it be in the Panhandle come give us a shout!!!!!
Coke and weed among the 18-23 year olds in my area. Might have ended up taking the devil's dandruff myself last night if things went a little differently.
In Wisconsin, the general Milwaukee area, Heroin is #1. Im not including weed because well that isnt even really counted in my opinion. But to tell you the truth even including weed, heroin probably still beats it if not close to or about as easy to get. Back about 8-10 years ago if you were taking a trip into Milwaukee to score and you had no connections (or trying to cold cop you could say) anyone that flagged you down or that you would go up to and ask would almost always be 9/10 times offering crack or saying they could get it. Today is completely different story. In the last couple years any person that has approached me every single one of them where asking if im looking for H. I have my own connenctions where I dont need to rely on random strangers but people will still flag you down or approach you every now and then if your a white guy down in the area. You can find it in every part of the city, most commonly the North Side is more known for the abundance of H but its all over the city. But if you were to put it into a list I would say:
1. Heroin/Weed
2. Crack
3. Powder Cocaine
4. Pharmaceutical Opiates
5. MDMA/Ecstasy Pills
6. Pharmaceutical Amphetamines/Stimulants
Actual Meth isnt really heard of in this area. The only time i was actually able to get actual good Glass Shards or even hear about any for that matter was a little further Up North in the Sheboygan area, up there they are all about Meth and Adderall and other Pharmaceutical Uppers. In the last couple years there was some "M eth" around the Milwaukee area but it was mainly just people with tiny Shake and Bake operations and it was pretty gross/dirty stuff.
Cigarrettes and Alcohol. or did you mean to specify illicit drug in which case that would be white powder heroin.