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The most prominent drug in your area


May 22, 2009
theres a rarest thread, whats the drug that is the most plentiful in your area? whats the drug everyones doing?

here its roxicodone, xanax, and ecstasy. alot of LSD too
i would have to say where im at now its coke

but where im from its heroin...........complete opposites, and i would kill for some dope right now!!!!!!!!!!
^^^ uhh I might sound crazy, but wouldn't it make sense to atleast list what state or city your from. especially considering a thread about what the most prominent drug in your "area" is...
north jersey you can pretty much find whatever. endless supply of bud/blow. oc's/junk are all over if you know the right people/places. high schools have been blowing up with X lately.
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In my area, I'd have to say THC, followed by pharmaceuticals. Then it'd probably be ecstasy.
northern california here, south of the bay area, close to stockton.

amazing quality bud always around. mushrooms are plentiful, lots of coke average to above average quality. GREAT quality ecstasy.

supringly no acid. ive heard of it but every time I try and get some there seems to be none around, maybe im just unlucky.
in southern new brunswick it seems to be :
Oxycodone/Dilaudid (hydromorph 30s, in fredricton, EVERYWHERE)
Methamphetamine (need to look hard)
Marijuana is everywhere, followed closely by all sorts of amphetamines
It depends on the time of year where I am... Weed is available almost all day, everyday. Shrooms/LSD run their course during the summer. And during the winter for some reason or another, pills seem to be rampant
In central/north jersey it's opiates, bud, mdma, and benzos. Those I can get without leaving my apartment complex. Otherwise anything else is findable if you know the people and don't mind driving a little bit.
South florida.

Weed is always the most prominent - its everywhere any time.

Then theres always a supply of X and scripps around. Mushrooms and acid come and go, but when they come its plentiful.
So Cal

Everyone smokes weed. I think the world would be fucked if anything else was used as much as weed.
Toronto - everything!
Lol I couldnt really narrow it down but after reading a lot of threads on here it seems like we have a rediculous amout of K and Meth
Gilbert/Chandler Arizona
1.Mary Jane
2.Heroin Tar
3.shitty pipes

i wish i had some good LSD tonight. cause i have some tested really good rolls and i wanted to candy flip