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RCs The Methiopropamine N-methyl-1-(thiophen-2-yl)propan-2-amine (MPA) Megathread V2

I've been clean of stims for over 12 months, I was debating between trying this or ethylphenidate - I went for this, 500mg ordered to try before making a bigger order if any good.
When I was caning street phet I used to just bomb it in a rizla, but scanning through this thread I'm wondering if I should try plugging it instead - any recommendations for dosage both plugging and oral? I can't do nasal as my nose is ruined from a 12 year love affair with coke and I've never vapourized any drug so I'd probably make a balls up of that! - tell a lie, smoked crack once but had it set up for me.
I've been clean of stims for over 12 months, I was debating between trying this or ethylphenidate - I went for this, 500mg ordered to try before making a bigger order if any good.
When I was caning street phet I used to just bomb it in a rizla, but scanning through this thread I'm wondering if I should try plugging it instead - any recommendations for dosage both plugging and oral? I can't do nasal as my nose is ruined from a 12 year love affair with coke and I've never vapourized any drug so I'd probably make a balls up of that! - tell a lie, smoked crack once but had it set up for me.

Go with 50mg's oral. Deffinately better than nasal. I hear good things about plugging but can't say anything about that because never tried to put stuff in my asshole before.
Go with 50mg's oral. Deffinately better than nasal. I hear good things about plugging but can't say anything about that because never tried to put stuff in my asshole before.
Lol, thanks, hopefully have it in post tomoz, will try 50mg oral and let you know what I think!

Methiopropamine arrived by 9am this morning :)
Bombed 50mg in a rizla, white, shiny powder that clumps and sticks to everything.
Tasted a bit, very bitter and shudders, not quite as bad as the street phet I used to get.
Dosed at 9.20am, by 9.45 I was alert and making a list of all outgoing bills and amounts, dates etc - been meaning to do for ages but not got round to it. Felt alert and sharp, with nice brain tingles and rushes through body.
Feeling very 'up' and urge to get things done - reckon my flat be shining and spotless by tonight!

So far I'm super impressed, very similar in effects to street speed for me.
Glad I took the advice of bombing 50mg, lovely effects and no urge to redose as yet.
Glad I ignored the bad reports, this is lovely to me - but then again I always preferred street speed to coke.
I will have to be very careful with this, I reckon I could easily get into a habit with this stuff - must try and reserve for special occasions or days I need to do mundane stuff.
Appetite vanished.
Will stop rambling now - update tomorrow how I feel rest of day and sleep behaviour, comedown etc.
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yes me last week mix really well can't really tell the difference other than the phet is a little more moggy than mpa
I've recently bought some tan/brown MPA from a well trusted vendor. I love the stuff. Never had any comparison with different MPA but IMHO the brown stuff is pretty decent.

Very nice increase in mood, nice energy, goes great with booze, doesn't inhibit sex.
I'm in love with this stuff.
Behaves exactly like phet does on me. Ordered 5g of the stuff yesterday once realised it were good stuff.
Tidied and did my laundry like a mad woman yesterday lol.
Dosed again at 2pm, then like an idiot at 6pm. Managed to get half a banana in me and a few mouthfuls of curry and rice.
Got to sleep about midnight aided by 0.5mg clonazepam and 50mg promethazine (which is my usually bedtime sleep aid stimmed up or not). Sex with partner was really good on it. Woke up 3/4 of an hour ago (6.45am) didn't feel too bad at all - just had 50mg bomb for breakfast and coming up now.
I'm gonna try not dosing after 2pm today - trouble with me is I get super hooked on stims, just gonna have to be strict with myself.........
whats people view on i.v.ing this stuff anyone tried it ?
I'm too scared of IV'ing anything cos I'm needle phobic - would be interested to hear if plugging is any better than oral though? I'm loving this stuff bombed, but always interested in ways to make substances go further, increase good effects - my 5g arrived this morning, gonna have to try and hide it from myself for a bit, might wrap it as a Christmas present to myself lol.
i just order 10g hopefully for the morning i find snorting best plugging is ok but sniffing is what i like
Sniffing was my fave ROA, love the kick at the back of the throat and the almost instant rush - can't sniff anything these days though, sinuses are mashed from my years of coke and phet binging :(
shame im not in the mood to come up with a reply tonight maybe in the morning or friday when i get the stuff :)

plugging really doesnt give the buzz i was hoping for when ive done it i think i.v is next on my list going to get an oz possibly in two weeks and may try it out then
shame im not in the mood to come up with a reply tonight maybe in the morning or friday when i get the stuff :)

plugging really doesnt give the buzz i was hoping for when ive done it i think i.v is next on my list going to get an oz possibly in two weeks and may try it out then
I was debating between 5 or 10 when I ordered yest, went for 5 but wish I'd gone for 10 now - can't get over how good this stuff is, so similar to speed!
Gonna spread this out as much as I can (meaning not go on a 3 day binge) then hopefully have the cash to buy a big lot.
May try plugging tomoz just to compare to oral.
i got a really good deal on it thats why i got 10 normally only get 3 for the price i got 10 yesterday just waiting on the bloody post to come and living in hope that it arrives today .

watch it with the plugging it send the blood pressure rocking if you over do it

just got my 10g and its the brown/yellow stuff ive not had before looks like smack just vaped a lump feeling a little sick off it not the normal mpa loveliness but i will persevere and see what its like
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I've ended up on it every bloody day so far, no willpower me, been forcing myself to try and eat but can't eat much so been drinking milkshakes.
Been getting about 6 hours kip and I'm not dosing too silly.
It is a bit pricey in it, worth it though, gonna order more even if still got some left when my money goes in next week.
The 5g I got was a bit darker than the 500mg I got to try out, but still as good - hope your brown MPA turns out alright cos you got a bit to get through lol.
Cheers for the tip on plugging, stuck with oral up to now for convenience but am gonna try over weekend and see if it better than oral, will start low around 30mg and see how I go.