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The MDPV discussion thread comes to Australia !


rocketride to psychotoxicosis, paranoia, schizoaffective breakdown and total flattening of affect upon discontinuance in those dependant.

you have been warned. this drug will make you its bitch.
^Well, maybe if your weak willed or something, but I seem to be able to use it once every two or three months, while not getting addicted and not binging on it.

Stop projecting yourself on others.
I can't imagine this stuff is any worse than coke or meth. Which isn't to say it wouldn't be problematic, since those drugs are highly addictive in their own right, but I imagine anybody obtaining this stuff would understand that that comes with the territory.
coke? ice? meth? 4-mar? heroin? benzos? ssris? ROTFLMAO. pea shooters vs 10 megaton warhead. check back in a few months...
I'll side with nano on this one. Lots of people handle their drugs without problem, until they discover MDPV that is. If you can keep your use to monthly, fine, but start taking it too regularly and nano's words will be echoing in your ears in no time. Be careful!!
It will get you... If you have a quantity of it, sooner or later, it will get you

rocketride to psychotoxicosis, paranoia, schizoaffective breakdown and total flattening of affect upon discontinuance in those dependant.

you have been warned. this drug will make you its bitch.


coke? ice? meth? 4-mar? heroin? benzos? ssris? ROTFLMAO. pea shooters vs 10 megaton warhead. check back in a few months...


I'll side with nano on this one. Lots of people handle their drugs without problem, until they discover MDPV that is. If you can keep your use to monthly, fine, but start taking it too regularly and nano's words will be echoing in your ears in no time. Be careful!!


Be careful with this one - it's good and bad at the same time. When you try it, and then binge, you will understand the wise words above. Many have laughed off the advice and just as many have fallen by the wayside. :\

Self control is one thing, but when it's taken from you because of your own actions, it's a real slap in the face. :\
I called a couple of chemical supply companies today asking for this MDPV and they said they do no believe it to be banned under analogue laws and they would call me back all of them called back and said they had no supplier and could no find the chemical.
..."and how does the defendant plead?"

..."not guilty your honor, the dude on the phone said it was all ok"

I called a couple of chemical supply companies today asking for this MDPV and they said they do no believe it to be banned under analogue laws and they would call me back all of them called back and said they had no supplier and could no find the chemical.

I will add that it may be pretty much an open and shut case for a prosecutor to imply MDPV is an analogue of a specifically listed drug, because its structure is regarded as being substantially similar to a scheduled drug. It could also be shown MDPV possesses a similar pharmacological profile to a scheduled drug.

to inform them of any restrictions on chemicals not specifically listed as controlled substances. However, this does not necessarily say the drug is not scheduled elsewhere. MDPV, because it's still relatively unknown, has probably not been listed, but it could be. Make sure you know what you're doing here, that's all. You may very well attract the eye of the law, particularly if anyone you spoke to thinks it is an analogue. Your details would be passed on to authorities if the salepeople even got a whiff that you're intending to use it to get high. Failure to do so, can and has seen personnel from such companies investigated themselves.

It's not surprising the drug isn't available from Chem supplier in Aus. Unless it has/ is been used in research, or is scheduled, there would be little to no demand (from their customers) for it. If it was scheduled, you would see it available as a standard, but it would naturally be restricted, and the price for such pure chems is very high compared to street prices.
Errm... don't you mean yours? ;)

I haven't touched the stuff in over a year, recently thinking about picking up a bit more again for old time's sake.

My "affect" is just fine, although I initially quit completely due to mild psychosis over even a little of any dopaminergic substance. If it happens again, it's going in the toilet again. Just be reasonable, folks, that's all...

-- Artist formerly known as MDPVagrant

P.S.... "Self control is one thing, but when it's taken from you because of your own actions, it's a real slap in the face. "

What if "self control" was all an illusion in the first place? (see enlightenment, non-doership, etc). If so, this is a powerful substance for dis-illusion-ment ;-).
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Well I overdid it just a little bit on this last night. One too many cones and I was a twitchy, jittery wreck. Heed nano's warnings on this one....
Are the problems people are having something inherent to the drug itself, or just a result of a combination of the compulsive nature of it and the difficultly gauging such small doseage?
Yeah but in what sense is redosing an issue? You can redose meth for 48 hours + before the effects start to dimnish, whereas with this stuff I'm hearing people talk about having issues with anxiety and paranoia and heart palpitations after only a couple redoses. Is it just not a drug that one can binge on like meth?

I'm kinda curious because I'm looking for something to scratch that stimulant itch. I don't want to get back into gear, but sometimes you just get that craving to go balls to the wall and have a nice friday to sunday bender, but there aren't really any other decent options for stims in Aus.
In my experience paranoia takes effect quicker with this than meth. I (hypocritically, went a bit crazy on it last weekend) wouldn't recommend binging.
Agreed, i once had paranoia and twitches from a single 4mg-ish cone mixed with weed.

Have seen people looking over the shoulder and asking "did you hear/see that?" after less than 10mg.

Addiction potential beats the shit out of anything myself or anyone i know have come into contact with.

I love it in small amounts on special occasion's and once again had the best sex on it after partying it up last night.

This shit makes meth look like a teddy bear's picnic!



Simple as that!