• LAVA Moderator: Mysterier

the market: stocks, bonds, options, whatever

Bought 21.51 sold 26.61

Do that a few more times and I can trade my way into a "free" position
Fuck, it just rocketed to 34.28 and got halted for 5 minutes because it went up too quick. Would've made nearly $800 more in like 20 minutes if I waited to sell
<--- fed --- banks --- you --->
I still think this old South Park bit, from just after the 2008 crisis, is one of my favourite sketches. The US treasury executives wearing British judges outfits was a great touch, in my conspiratorially minded opinion.
Just quintupled the size of my NVDA short position at $273/share. Hope this works out soon because I have a good amount in it now
I bought $30 of ETHereum just so I can have more than 0.5 ETH in holding. That bumped my asset up over the half ETH marker.
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It's the beginning of the end game. We need monetary reform. The reserve currency is onto full collapse.
Have you heard about the "Black Nobility"?
those are the ones controlling the stock market and the banking system, there's an interesting video, but it's in spanish, so you may not understand most of it

Summing up, the roman high/rich families, the "patricians" were so fucked up when the Roman Empire collapsed that they tried to find the way into power again, subrepticiously, via something similar to a banking system.
At first it wasn't about a banking system, they just were hidden in Venetia for a long time, and then managed to trade with Orient. The famous Silk Road and also the famous venetian merchants...
then the spanish and the portuguese starting getting "big" on trade so the venetian guys, the old patricians, tried to think on something to benefit their business. They came up with a international banking system based on professional lending and GOLD as a counterpart (the regulatory haven).
Then, with different historical events, they moved to Amsterdam, then to London and "lately" to USA (the FED for example). So those guys are no idiots.
Now they are apparently fighting against China's future hegemony, but in my opinion they are clearly not against China, but copying their own mechanisms (CBDCs, good-citizen-cards, State-based totalitarian police..) which seems to be very benefiting for their plans of slavery.
And actually not really copying that, since they firstly promoted that shit, cooperating technologically and financially with China for decades.

So basically, those guys that love love love Gold are going to fuck up the economy ON PURPOSE to create a situation on which everyone would accept CBDCs, good-citizen-cards and all in exchange of some crumbs as a payment of 400 or 500 euros/dollars per month in exchange for being "good":
Support the "measures against climate change", "the fight against sexism and supporting for LGTBI+", get the "necessary" vaccines and medical experiments and the rest of the 2030 Agenda, which basically all it intends is to impoverish everyone and subtract freedoms to make them more productive and less annoying (due to the massive inclusion of robots and artificial intelligence and the loss of employment...).
China has been manipulating or devaluing the yuan for quite some time.
They have at least some control of their own economy, that's a good trick for them, also, they have started "tests" with their own CBDC since 2020 (if I remember well)
being the first exporting economy in the world makes them quite "immune" in terms of local economy in case of financial collapse (they can be fully self-sufficient)
is true that they have a lot of money on national debts of other countries, so it seems that USA could be trying to sink Europe so if Europe goes into collapse and cannot pay their part to China... then China would slow down its path to economic hegemony.
But I think that's not as simple, and we should be looking more into socio-economical model of the future instead of geopolitics.
The US dollar is in the verge of collapse. Legal tender law is getting in the way of setting up good money. But we have gold crypto and wampum until that happens.