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The LYRICA (pregabalin) Mega Thread

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I got reduced from 450mg (150gx3/day) to 375mg (150x2 + 1x75) to 300mg (150x2) to 225mg (75mg x3/day) to 150mg (75mg x2/day) from one month to the next, but not all in direct succession. I was on certain doses for longer than others and have been on 150mg for about 3 months at least and even longer on some of the other doses. I think a major contributor to the weight loss was more from changes in my lifestyle, some of the changes were probably influenced by the exclusion of Lyrica so I don't think it causes you to lose weight directly when discontinued, but definitely does cause a direct weight gain and increase in appetite when you start with it.

I'm pretty sure that you could drop the dose by 10% from day to day and be done in 2-3weeks if you wanted to just stop and weren't treating neuropathic pain but if you are it's not a good idea to stop it so quickly which is why mine was reduced so slowly. If you really wanted to just stop, you could probably do it in 10 days or so, I'm unsure about half lives but I could go without a dose for 2-3 days even at 450mg/day (thanks to my doc going on holiday without remembering to mention it) and by day 2/3 my foot will be stinging but no GABA w/d. But I've also taken 1.5mg/day of Clonazepam for months on end and then stopped abruptly for a few weeks and not felt anything at all (unless it was the Lyrica preventing w/d symptoms) so I might not be the norm when it comes to GABA-ergic w/ds. (I wasn't always taking Clonazepam during my Lyrica use, so the times I stopped taking high dose Lyrica abruptly I can't say I was saved because of cross-dependence.
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I fear that my lingering benzo withdrawals flare up and I would be in terrible anxiety. I have experienced this when I was one day without Lyrica, by the end I felt like I would be in the middle of full blown war.

I have now taken 4 grams of pregabalin for two days a row, this is my fourth day with high doses. I don't even feel the effects anymore. It just gives me freedom from anxiety.

At next Monday I will take only 600 mg a day, I hope I don't have to suffer bad withdrawals because of this couple days. But pregabalins half life is short, so withdrawals shouldn't last more than couple days.
I first took 300 mg. It made me dizzy and that odd tight feeling in my chest. Nothing else..

Today, which is a few days later, I took 600 mg. My perception is not off like the first day, but the tight heavy feeling is back in my chest. I just feel different. Not high in any way.

I do not think it is necessary to experiment any further with higher doses.

IMO, it is just a more potent successor to gabapentin.
I have been able to stabilize my feelings and anxiety by taking every day my prescribed dose and no more. It is a good drug when correctly used.
A friend gave me a 300mg Lyrica. I don't want to take that much, so I was planning on just dumping out the contents and take half.

I'm also on Suboxone daily. I read there may be possible interaction between them.

Is anyone currently on opiates and have taken Lyrica?

EDIT: found it.
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I used pregabalin extensively last year. Didn't abuse it but used it at frequent bouts. I mainly used it, together with benzos, to detox from G.

6 weeks ago i decided to try it for recreational purposes. Mind you, I hadn't taken the stuff for a year. I took 5 150mgs by mistake because I thought they were 50mgs as that is the dose I would shoot for Tramadol to party hard. The night before I had taken alprazolam so I still had some residue from the half-life. I also took 2 mgs of clonazepam as I normally do to party. I proceeded to tale an extra 150mgs 30 minutes later as by then the clonazepam had kicked in and I was carefree.

Dosed on empty stomach it took about 90 minutes to fully kick in (total 900mgs with 2 mgs of clonazepam and residue of alprazolam from night before). I ended up almost passing out publicly and had to be escorted to the hotel as I could not walk properly. I would close my eyes and start seeing patterns and fractals to the point of telling the person I was with that I was travelling through space. As fun as this seems, I was at the same time convulsing and rendered inmobile. Could not do shit, it was very unpleasant.

I have also experienced tremors on low doses of the stuff and I would caution AGAINST high dosing unless you are in a controlled setting. This drug at high doses will fuck you up in a not nice way. Also tolerance raises rapidly on this drug.

Take care.
^ I love the CEV's lyrica gives, thought I was the only one who got them. They are extremely realistic so I understand where you're coming from.

900mg is a really high dose, I'll only take around 300-450mg to knock myself out if I need to sleep and I've been taking everyday for over 18 months (mostly high dose until recently - I've never exceeded 450mg now that I'm not taking the max). It's strange to hear you were convulsing seeing it's an anti-convulsant, although it does give me tremors and I do have some minor involuntary movements (like my legs will straighten or jerk slightly if I'm lying down with them bent) at very high doses.

The most I've taken was 1500mg in a single dose and I couldn't walk straight at all no matter how hard I tried, you are very visibly intoxicated and trust me, I was a pro at hiding intoxication away from people who I didn't want to know and this you can't really hide because you look spaced out. It would be crazy to try that dose unless you are used to high doses.
^ I love the CEV's lyrica gives, thought I was the only one who got them. They are extremely realistic so I understand where you're coming from.

900mg is a really high dose, I'll only take around 300-450mg to knock myself out if I need to sleep and I've been taking everyday for over 18 months (mostly high dose until recently - I've never exceeded 450mg now that I'm not taking the max). It's strange to hear you were convulsing seeing it's an anti-convulsant, although it does give me tremors and I do have some minor involuntary movements (like my legs will straighten or jerk slightly if I'm lying down with them bent) at very high doses.

The most I've taken was 1500mg in a single dose and I couldn't walk straight at all no matter how hard I tried, you are very visibly intoxicated and trust me, I was a pro at hiding intoxication away from people who I didn't want to know and this you can't really hide because you look spaced out. It would be crazy to try that dose unless you are used to high doses.

Have you tried stopping the Lyrica for some time and if so, have you found any withdrawal?

I hear reports of harsh withdrawals on the stuff.
None for me. I've stopped for about 4-5 days at a time. But I hardly ever did abuse them out of the many months I was on high dose (up to 600mg, but mostly 450mg) and am only on 150mg / day ATM (75x2). I think I've done somewhat high single doses maybe 8-10x the past year (I'd say closer to 6) and they've all been over the past 3 months and never daily (well not recently). I did do high doses daily successfully about a year ago - getting desired effects for 2 days and on the 3rd day I was almost immune so I decided that it was a waste of time and pretty much forgot about it. My tolerance dropped almost as quick as it went up - I think taking low maintenance doses for 3 days would allow me to get effects again on the day after the 3rd. By maintenance I mean for pain, I never even thought it would cause w/ds until I checked into it more.

After ceasing 2-3 days of my normal 450mg / day I did get bad rebound neuralgia though. My neuralgia is almost gone now but I do notice a slight increase in discomfort around the problem site (dropped foot). Nothing hectic, I actually requested a dose drop recently (or rather asked for advice) because I hate the cognitive disruption that Lyrica/Gabapentin has caused me the past 18 months (it is almost back to normal on 150mg/day) but my neurologist wanted me to stay on 150mg till October as it gets cold here until then, not very but <0C in the early morning/late night and the cold does cause quite intense flair ups. She claims they could potentially trigger a long lasting episode of (rebound?) neuralgia. You could say that that would be a potent w/d symptom or at least a "discontinuation" symptom since some people want to subscribe to the notion that only "junkies" or people who abuse meds get w/d.

So if you have bad neuralgia, the withdrawal is really really bad. But that's rebound neuralgia not withdrawal. As far as GABAergic w/d symptoms, ie true w/d not a rebound effect if that exists and all w/d is not just rebound effect, I personally didn't experience any but I didn't really abuse Lyrica - even the times I got high when I first got it were more to numb myself of the pain I was in, recently more for sleep or smooth comedown of drugs that I prefer over Lyrica.

By the time I knew that Lyrica could make you high, was somewhat safe (not as much as I thought, seeing your post and some others) I had already started accumulating mounds of other psycho-actives that were better (Midazolam - now there's a recipe for w/d, Clonazepam - no w/d for me from this ever at avg 1.5mg/day but cross dependence on Lyrica might account for that, psychedelics, weed, highly potent opiates / oids etc).

If it was my only way of relaxing, I might have been more clear headed after running out of Lyrica but I can tell you I did run out of Lyrica more than once when I had no other GABAergics available and didn't experience any shakes, tremors, depression, excitation or whatever else you should experience, just pain in my foot. I was never clean of opiates during these times and was most likely taking high doses too. However, fent w/d and the midazolam w/d was something I definitely felt even though I tried as hard as I could to wipe them out with the other class of drugs (opiates for midaz, benzo's for fent).

Just some general advise to anyone thinking of using this drug for long lengths of time, daily for lets say 4+ months, there are things associated with it worse than w/d. a recap from someone taking it at high doses for a long time (I did it January 2008 - January 2009 @ 450mg) and then slowly tapering over months (150mg @ time of posting), getting my life back in the process...

If you are considering high dosage use of this drug (300mg-450mg @ 220lbs for me) LONG TERM (2-3 months to start seeing negative effects) everyday and do not have a relatively severe medical problem (bad neuralgia, bad anxiety) I would advise not to. What you can look forward to in addition to potential w/d is (keep in mind I seem to be lucky with w/d in general with opiates as well as benzos, no brain - no pain ;) ):

- Extreme decrease in libido at doses of 450mg / day. It tends to up it drastically at first while your getting high so you think "sweet! hell yeah", but then it drops to zero and being practically "A-sexual" is shit, you don't become impotent but what the hell are you going to do if you don't want anyone? 150mg/day is fine for me @ 200lbs and almost normal but in lighter people it might be too high, higher doses on top of this still produce a rise, not direct - pardon the pun. They should seriously give this stuff to rapists/molesters if they won't allow us to chop certain bits off. In jail of course, so they aren't around kids / woman when the + effect occurs.

- becoming a border line retard, not so much during problem solving but forgetting what you did the day before is not that great, forgetting girls' names you really should remember sucks even more (not that you'll have to, you won't want them anyway and unless they really love you, are your soul mate or really desperate they won't want you either... Given the rest of the list).

- becoming sluggish etc. You just become slow and feel very clumsy. The direct affect of the intoxication is extreme clumsiness. Don't do Lyrica while driving!

- to top it off is the extreme weight gain from the appetite increase and your muscles turning to fat from no exercise. So if you find a girl that will tolerate your slow, moronic dumbass with low sex drive knocking over her ornaments and standing on her toes, she will leave you when you put on 100lbs of fat and 25lbs of the little muscle you have left turns into fat making you even slower and less likely to be voted most likely to succeed.

If you do however need to go on this drug, normal healthy lifestyle choices apply, it can also be a life saver but for the above mentioned reasons I'm not sad to see it on it's way out... I think I would have killed myself had it not been for either this or Gabapentin because my neuralgia did not respond to anything besides it. Not IV morphine, not Carbemazepine or Amytriptilline. Only weed made it tolerable, Lyrica and Neurontin erased it. Neurontin was almost bankrupting me at 12000mg / day (3600 or 4000mg x 3). And yes I'm aware that it's BA is lower at high doses but someone forgot to tell my sciatic nerve that. Lyrica was launched here 2 months after I was injured so it was good timing because I couldn't get more than 1200mg / day of Neurontin on insurance.
i was introduced to lyrica in a treatment center from another guest and i loved it, i had never heard of it before, im curious to try it IV, anyone have a good recomended dose?
Before anyone tells you about shooting pills / caps in general and how bad it is, etc, etc I will say that I know that Lyrica can and has been fatal (directly as a result of the pregabalin causing issues or indirectly as a result of filler in the caps I don't know). Think the mother of the deceased person posted a warning on this site. You might want to check and make sure I'm telling the truth or rethink. The other issue is it has like a 90% oral BA which is like IV efficiency. I find it takes extremely long to start working orally which might reduce it's desire for IV use by not having a discernible rush or being any more potent than oral use.
i was introduced to lyrica in a treatment center from another guest and i loved it, i had never heard of it before, im curious to try it IV, anyone have a good recomended dose?

0 mg, nada, nothing, zero. please do yourself the favour of not destroying your body with a stupid idea. as the poster said above Lyrica has a great oral BA so there is no need to inject it.

maybe djsim might be able to source an article in the Case Studies thread about IV Lyrica abuse.
Tried 300mg of Lyrica orally last night. The high was interesting: the body load was very similar to benzos, as others have said. But I felt like my mind was sharper and clearer than usual, and my thoughts were running more quickly. I had some interesting dreams when I fell asleep, but awoke groggy and lethargic -- I'm just recovering from that.

Overall I prefer opiates for recreation but I can definitely see why people would enjoy using Lyrica. I think it would go very well with a bit of ganja, if I had any. I probably won't repeat the experiment any time soon but I don't regret doing it either.
Lol, pregabalin + ganja = mind fuck. Pregabalin drives my thoughts into a loop with a particular frequency and ganja into a loop on a different frequency. On their own they both resolve into a manageable equilibrium but together (for me, at least, with low dose/hit mj and 900 mg pregabalin) these two consciousnesses could not coexist nicely. Don’t get me wrong, it was interesting but it was like pregabalin was saying to me “trip like this” and mj was saying “no, trip like THIS” and the two could not resolve.
Any synergies with meds? My Lyrica expierence has been a good one but the tolerance is going up sadly very quickly.
Pregabalin and GHB Withdrawal

Swim has been through a major GBL withdrawal before, including being sectioned and hospitalised. This involved him having major delusions and tremors, sweats, high (read: dangerous) blood pressure and more. It was touch and go for a while. In fact Swim would have continued using indefinitely, but his tolerance became so bad he was suffering withdrawals even at the high levels of intake where he would become unconcious. Basically, the dose required to feel "ok" would knock him out.

After release Swim had no intention of ever touching the stuff again. But, again, after a lengthy tapering course of Baclofen and Acamprosate (Gaba-b and -a agonists) he returned to the chemical.

You see, after the course of meds had finished Swim was fine for a while, but then turned to drink - as in litre bottles of vodka - to combat his anxiety and panic attacks and stress. Before using GBL he had never drunk heavily, so he theorised it must have been his GABA receptors crying out ?

Anyway, Swim decided he couldn't go on like this, drinking so heavily, so he thought he'd try a small bottle of GBL. It worked, and he used it responsibility. But after a month or so he had returned to daily, 24-7 use (1.5ml a hr). Using it to sleep, and to get through the day. It put him in an almost manic mode for a while, much preferable to his usual shy, non-talkative self. The usual social-anxiety cause of GBL use for self-medication...

Anyway, vowing to get back off, he discovered his tolerance and habituation were probably still raised from his previous problem many months ago. And he was back in the troublesome stage.

So he ordered some Baclofen from an online pharmacy. It kind of worked, but he was taking it with the GBl. Bad news.

Then he read about Pregabalin.

This stuff was amazing. It completely erased most of the GBL withdrawal symptoms.

Swim tells me he went cold turkey, just using Pregabalin at around the 150mg range every 4-6 hours then tapering back down after a couple of weeks. He also ramped that up as neccessary, and sometimes used some Baclofen to combat tremors.

Pregabalin is amazing, and quite cheap too from his online source.

Apparently here in the UK it's legal to buy in meds that are not controlled, but not to sell them. So it's maybe a grey area, but Swim didn't care. He just loved that it worked, and for now, a low dose fo Pregabalin keeps him well and truly balanced.

Swim knows he needs to see a psychiatrist at some point at get some proper, prescribed meds but Pregabalin / Lyrica is amazing and it just works.

And as for the highs described in this post, Swim can confirm that it does do that, and only needs a dosage of about 450mg or so. However, since Swim loved the Gabaergic feel of GBL he doesn't really want to go there :)

Pregabalin is amazing. It's just that it will be more than likely rescheduled because of the reports coming out, which will be a shame. If you are buying it stock up so you have at least enough to taper off if it becomes more difficult to obtain.
Please cross post to the relevant GBL Withdrawal discussion if you can, since this information may be valuable to those suffering there. Thank you.
I have not yet experienced the pregabalin "high" but I am certainty interested in trying it. I must warn however, that administration of pregabalin IV could be dangerous--you never know about the contents of a pill. Things like polyethelene glycol and other water soluble polymers can cause spotaneious cardiac death.

I agree, I hope he at least used a cotton(Qtip is best) or microfilter.
What are people's experiences with re-dosing on Lyrica? Does it work, or do you have to wait for the drug to cycle itself out of your system before you can feel another dose?

I don't know if it's me but sometimes it seems like re-dosing just doesn't work for me if I do it to early (but this hasn't been the case all the time).

How long does the high usually last for any of you guys?
I wouldn't classify it as recreational, but very useful and sometimes fun. It makes me feel drunk and sleepy, useful for coming down from stims. I also noticed visual distortions in certain lighting that were bordering hallucinations. This was in the 900 mg range.
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