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Gabapentinoids The Lyrica (Pregabalin) Mega Thread v 2.0

Ok this drug has finally pissed me off. After taking Pregabalin 600MG a day for over a month, I have decided to go back to my original plan of just using them in a recreational sense, or when I need a confidence boost. I'm sick of the weight gain (being a person who spent the last 12 months losing weight and felt happier for it, this is a real problem) as even intermittent fasting, drinking loads of water and eating very little isn't shifting it, whereas last year those methods quickly got me down to my ideal weight. I also now have completely zero sex drive (which by itself dictates that I cannot possibly realistically take them for the rest of my life, unless I wish to become a monk!). Above all I no longer feel the enjoyable effects as I did when taking it sporadically.

I will miss the lack of insomnia I seemed to get, but personally I prefer to keep this drug as a when I need it sort of thing, which is only really when I have to get all sociable. That's when I get the most benefit from it.
^^this pretty much sums it up for me, i continue to get lyrica prescribed because it so much more expensive then gabapentin, and my insurance coveres it. I will stock up on it, but continue to use it regularly and switch over to gabapentin 4x300mg. In fact i never stoped the gabapentin and took varieing amounts of lyrica on top (100-500mg). It works bad for pain, kills my sexdrive, increases appetite and make my mind dull.
But still i have a hard time not using it, somehow it relaxes me. And i say to myself it make my pain better in the mornings if i take it in the evening. And i get a good nights sleep from 200mg (which is my sweet spot). And i have a short sleep since i quit opiates, benzos and thc.
do someone use Lyrica and pramolan (opipramoli dihydrochloridum) such antidepresssant?
I use 225mg of Lyrica per day it is 1.5 capsules of 150mg a day 3x75mg three times a day and it is pretty well. I take 2x50mg of pramolan too, both for GAD and depression. it seems fine.
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Been off Lyrica for almost 6-7 months now, feel great for coming off that shit. Horrible stuff.
Why is it a horrible drug? It works for me.... Only thing is that I'm struggling with short term memory loss some times. Other than that I feel normal. My neck pain has ceased and it seems to be working for my anxiety as well.

I took 10 mg of oksazepam 1,5 hours before my flight boths ways and didn't feel any different from before. I got tired as usual and fell into a light sleep and felt relaxed. Nor Lyrica or the benzo were boosted in any way!
It’s effectiveness goes away very fast.

I’m on and off of it every month...

No withdrawal to speak off. Grams gone in a couple days...
acute use for "special" occasions is where this wonder drug shines

if it was up to me id call it " - BaseLine - "

chronic use, aside from actual neuropathy pain is a waste imo
This thread is pretty amazing now that I've gone back over it and really read it. So many different experiences!

When I think back on first taking Lyrica, which at the top was prescribed for Reflexive systemic dystrophy at 450 mg a day, I do remember feeling spacey and more importantly, I lost all emotions, good and bad. No anxiety, but also no joy. No fear, but also no affection. I didn't gain any weight for the first year, then BAM forty pounds! (eating less than I have ever eaten, because I was freaking over the weight).

For everyone who thinks that I had the level of withdrawal because I was expecting it, well the first time I went through cold turkey withdrawal, it was because I had run out over a weekend, and had to wait till my Dr was in to get a refill on Monday. I became really sick with what felt like the flu. I never even thought it was lyrica, since I had been told there was no withdrawal. I just thought I was terribly ill. This went on for two weeks, and I didn't go pick up my refill because I felt so awful. My husband picked up my Lyrica prescription when getting one of his own. I went ahead and took my normal dose, and felt so much better within an hour or two. It was only then I realized I had been in lyrica withdrawal. I know...I'm an idiot, but there it is.

I never took it to get high, or potentiate another drug, and I'm not criticizing anyone who does. Hey, it's your life, your body, caveat emptor and all.

I just want my own experiences written down. Had I known what I would end up going through, there is no way in hell that that drug would enter my body. It sucked balls.
I take 150mg of Lyrica 3x daily. I've been on this dose for a couple months. I'm curious to know how much it would take for me to trip on it again, something I haven't done since a few months ago. I hate taking too little or too much of Lyrica. Too little and it feels like a mild dissociative. Too much and I pass out. The right dose is incredible though! If I take 450mg a day I'm guessing I will need a bit over 1,000 to trip. What do you guys think?
lyrica is one of the most amazing drugs out there for opiate withdrawl. completely obliterated my bad feelings whenever i cold turkey'd off methadone and dope.
I made a very BIG discovery today. If you've read any of my posts, you'll know I have been desperately trying to get off Lyrica for some time, after using it for RSD pain at 450 mg per day for two years. Even though I've been off Lyrica for a short time (after a long taper) I still had some lingering withdrawal symptoms, especially drenching sweats and exhaustion. I found some information about an amino acid available over the counter, called GABA (many of you BL's already are familiar with this). After reading up on Web M.D. and a few other sites, I decided to try it. GABA is analogous to Lyrica (chemically very similar). It is believed to stabilize blood pressure, help your body burn fat, relax you, help you with anxiety, PMS, mood, pain...even ADHD! It works to inhibit brain signals, which is also how Lyrica is believed to work. There is some argument about GABA' s ability to cross the blood brain barrier, but the general consensus seems to be that a portion of it does cross over. I drank some grapefruit juice before taking it, just in case.

I tried the recommended dose, and (drum roll please) it worked. Better, by far, than anything else I have ever tried. This is my experience, I'm only one person, maybe it was placebo (doubtful...I didn't get a placebo effect with anything else), but I am really, really happy, for the first time in a long time.

It cost around fifteen bucks for sixty pills, and the recommended dose is three capsules a day. I don't know if this is the answer, but I'm so happy to be feeling normal. Do some research, see what you can find. I can't go so far as to recommend GABA...I'm not a Doctor, and I'm only responsible for my own body. But for me, finally...FINALLY, some good news.

I also posted the same information on the website Neurotalk, so if you read posts there, You will get more information. I'm just so relieved to finally have something good to report, other than the doom and gloom of my regular posts. Bless you all for lending an eye and being there when everyone else in my life was SO over discussing my Lyrica issues. Peace, love and good health to all!!! :)
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The most remarkable thing about Pregabalin, for me, is that while tolerance builds fast, it also decreases with abstinence more quickly than any drug I have ever taken. 2-3 days without it, or at a reduced dose, and it regains power nearly 100%.

An interesting side note: Pregabalin does not potentiate benzos or opiates for me AT ALL. It does, however, potentiate my daily dose of Adderall... yet I've also used it to practically kill a meth high when I've been up too long or taken too much. It is almost as if it potentiates stimulants when I want it to and yet can also abort a high when I want it to.

Pregabalin is just such a fascinating substance! I truly believe gabapentin and pregabalin represent the first substances in what will prove to a long list of similar drugs that offer many novel therapeutic and recreational benefits.
This was actually a reply I made in another thread but I wanted to post it here to see if anyone could answer the question in it or if anyone had any interesting comments...

Actually, it is a common misconception that Lyrica and Neurontin are GABAergic. They actually bind to voltage gated calcium ion channels and in so doing inhibit the production of excitatory neurotransmitters including Glutamate, Norepinephrine and Substance P. GABA inhibits these neurotransmitters as well, thus the similarity in effect. However, excitatory transmitters also typically inhibit GABA, so it seems reasonable to me that Lyrica, by inhibiting excitatory neurotransmitters, also increases the amount of available GABA. Can anyone offer any insight on this theory?

It is like this...

GABA > Excitatory Transmitters > GABA

Does that make sense? It is kind of circular. GABA is always inhibiting excitatory neurotransmitters which are always inhibiting GABA, which is always inhibiting excitatory neurotransmitters... and on and on...

The thing is EVERY chemical in the brain effects every other chemical in the brain. When you take an SSRI you aren't just effecting Serotonin, you are effecting every neurotransmitter which Serotonin effects and which are effected by Serotonin. The nice, simple ways people explain how drugs work are just that... SIMPLE! The brain is FAR from simple. I once read a marvelous quote; "If the human brain were simple enough for us to understand it, we would be too simple to understand it."
Hi guys, I'm a new user of Bluelight. I would like to know what kind of drinks make you high while taking Lyrica?
My cousin suggested me to take it with Redbull, and it did work. So what do you guys think about that?

I already know about alcohol effects, because I tried it once and it was a horrible experience.

Best regards,
Mohamed from Middle East.
lyrica is one of the most amazing drugs out there for opiate withdrawl. completely obliterated my bad feelings whenever i cold turkey'd off methadone and dope.

Bang on, it is great for doing your rattle. Sure you need a few, but they do a fine job.
Hi guys, I'm a new user of Bluelight. I would like to know what kind of drinks make you high while taking Lyrica?
My cousin suggested me to take it with Redbull, and it did work. So what do you guys think about that?

I already know about alcohol effects, because I tried it once and it was a horrible experience.

Best regards,
Mohamed from Middle East.

Dark brown sodas. I have no idea and this makes no sense but Coke, Pepsi, Dr. Pepper, etc... potentiate the hell out of Lyrica while Sprite does not.
Dark brown sodas. I have no idea and this makes no sense but Coke, Pepsi, Dr. Pepper, etc... potentiate the hell out of Lyrica while Sprite does not.

Thank you very much Dexydevil, your reply was inspirational. I'll give it a try.
I just took 1050mg of it with pepsi few hours ago, I'm just feeling a little drunk. I think tramadol or oxycodone are much better.
The most remarkable thing about Pregabalin, for me, is that while tolerance builds fast, it also decreases with abstinence more quickly than any drug I have ever taken. 2-3 days without it, or at a reduced dose, and it regains power nearly 100%.

An interesting side note: Pregabalin does not potentiate benzos or opiates for me AT ALL. It does, however, potentiate my daily dose of Adderall... yet I've also used it to practically kill a meth high when I've been up too long or taken too much. It is almost as if it potentiates stimulants when I want it to and yet can also abort a high when I want it to.

Pregabalin is just such a fascinating substance! I truly believe gabapentin and pregabalin represent the first substances in what will prove to a long list of similar drugs that offer many novel therapeutic and recreational benefits.


potentiates it when you take the stim after an hour or two on lyrica (the I can sleep if I want to phase :) )

and kills the stim only when on the comedown from it (dose dependant aswell)

also a factor is your mind state at the time. if you want to sleep after any still or psychotropic, nothing beats lyrica + xanax