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Gabapentinoids The Lyrica (Pregabalin) Mega Thread v 2.0

Then I think I will give it a go since I´m very careful with pills in general.

I don´t think you are right about my anxiety related to my pain and yes, I have tried workout. I also see a physioyherapist twice a week but it just staggers the pain then and there... I have also tried different types of workout such as yoga, bosuball etc.
For three years now I´ve had sessions with a psychiatrist, cognitive therapy, but it doesn´t seem to work that much any longer. It all started with a depression when I gave birth to my youngest child in 2006 and things has just escaleted from there. I´ve never taken any meds for my depression.

Just a few weeks ago I had an appointment at the hospital about my lower back and hip and they consider surgery this spring.
I just wish I wasn´t so anxious about taken Lyrica as described for me......I´m a sissy there:\ I think they might help for both my pain and anxiety, but I have to dare take them first. And I thank you for all of your advice and taking your time to answer my questions. It means a lot to me.

Where in Europe are you from?
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I don´t think you are right about my anxiety related to my pain and yes, I have tried workout.

Ok, of course that's not the same for everyone. A lot of my pain is related to anxiety and depression, because if think about things that make me anxious the muscle tension rises plus I grind my teeth (now only at night). Brings me in the wrong posture, more muscles begin to ache and cramp => a man is all pain.

I´ve never taken any meds for my depression.

In my experience (I have experience mainly with venlafaxin and citalopram) that's a good choice. Fast effects, it possibly will help with your pain, your anxiety and maybe even with the depression. SSRI's and SNRI's need time to kick in and I had less benefit from them.

Just a few weeks ago I had an appointment at the hospital about my lower back and hip and they consider surgery this spring.

A lot has to happen before I'll let a surgeon on my spine, if that's what you are talking about.
I've had problems with my lower back for many years and now it's almost gone.
I did workout at Kieser Training, the have some special machines to train the large muscle at your lower back isolated, not everything is positive there, but that really helped me a lot. They are not in Norway, but you can take a look here. The machine is not just for testing, but also for training with assistance. There is also a do-it-all-yourself variant. Maybe you'll find some company who offers sth. similar.
I never really expected for my pain in this part of my body to go away, but it really worked.

And I thank you for all of your advice and taking your time to answer my questions. It means a lot to me.

You're welcome :)

Where in Europe are you from?

I'm from Germany.
A little warning i think i should put here about taking lyrica all the time together with benzo's for the reason that say 600 mg lyrica, 2/3 of my dose, combined with a benzo potentiates the hell out of the benzo, but yesterday i could lay my hands on 180 of the 0.5 mg xanax pills for no prices so i decided to start low and swallowed 3 mg xanax then an hour later i felt nothing so i thought WTF and dropped another 2 mg to find out there was no effect at all and i could not figure out why this was so.

Then this morning when i started my workout my nose kept running and that is not usual then it hit me and i realised that yesterday having to arrange the xanax made me completely forget to take my 600 mg lyrica plus the 75 mg oxazepam, but let this be a warning so that it becomes known that you can help a benzo addiction bigtime by using lyrica, but using a benzo in case of a lyrica dependency is about useless.
It does take a while before lyrica dependence occurs, but behind say 15 months taking it daily at 600-900 mg by then there is some extent of lyrica dependence and only lyrica can help the symptoms further without the lyrica you find out that whatever you took together with lyrica like in my case a lot of benzo and a lot of methadone then the effect from the latter substances is a hell of a lot less until your body caught up with lyrica dependence, however i have no idea howlong that would take if you are already having lyrica to do a taper if not and you do use it i advice you to create a stash in case of emergency.

Ironically people who use lyrica for the lyrica buzz find out that this can be done if lyrica wont be used more often then twice a week so in other words people who abuse lyrica like that wont become dependent while the people who take it as prescribed daily for ages like longer then a year in therapeuthic doses have a much higher chance to become lyrica dependent, but no matter what its not so easy to become lyrica dependent, because the people who take it as prescribed mainly notice that behind a few months the benefit is gone the med will be stopped and that is that.
I think i fucked myself over by taking lyrica for about a year and a half now, but alright i have a decent stash also i dont expect anybody will take it away, because i lost the shrink i used to had, but in spite of saying so i dont have another one yet, which is fine by me, because my meds keep coming every 4 weeks automatically.

Anyway before i talk too much like usual take extreme caution with combining lyrica with whatever else, because upfront you can never predict how a benzo will hit you together with lyrica further when possible try to prevent lyrica dependence by for example every six months a two week or even a one month break in using it. Together with lyrica 1/3 or 1/4 of your used to benzo dose could get you in state you dont want so be warned. So far.
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LYRICA is a wonder drug my nerve pain has dulled 80 percent and I love it I am happy and social for the first time in years with out alcohol thank god for this amazing med!
How many mg do you take to ease the nervepain and do you take it twice a day? Don´t you get dizzy or anything? No side effects?
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in my experience pregabalin is not a terribly addictive drug. i took it at 600mg/day for about 6 months, stopped taking it because the anxiolytic effects were pretty faded, i got it prescribed for generalized anxiety disorder. these days i take it about 2-3 a week on average in higher doses (usually 900-1500mg) and it's a good anxiolytic, the only downside being that it takes forever to kick in. i've been using it now for over 2 years and never experienced ill effects from the substance. it helped me greatly to reduce my benzo intake.
i am on 75 mg twice daily titrating up next week to 150mg twice daily...dont drink on it you become dumber than shit and tired...hope this helps
For me drinking works pretty normal again, wasn't in the beginning of the treatment (started in december).
I'm pretty sure Lyrica interferes with my memory though, which is why I want to reduce dosages.

xxxyyy, no problems with your walking at such high doses?
^ no, pregabalin never gave me any trouble with my balance. sometimes it makes me tremble like fuck if i overdo it though. taking too much pregabalin is not pleasant at all. however since i've been taking it for quite a while i have a robust tolerance to the stuff. friends of mine who never took it before usually got a good effect out of a single 300mg cap.
I've been abusing lyrica for a few years on and off. Let me just say it is right now my DOC and very addictive. Not like everyday addiction(wasteful and tolerance builds so quick), but after a few days and knowing my tolerance has declined I am inclined mentally to take it.

Very enjoyable, but I do suffer from anxiety and depression, which it temporarily ceases.

1400mg of pregabalin and off to work for me.
For me, Lyrica is a wonder drug. At moderate doses (I have a very high tolerance so that's 600-750mg, or 900mg after repeated dosing) I am lifted out of my depression, I am able to deal with major issues in my life that I avoid like the plague and cannot confront normally, and my social anxiety is *completely* eradicated.

I become the person that I feel I was meant to be, outgoing with a positive outlook, more energetic, extremely open, and more appreciative of beauty in the world. And all of this without the dopamine rush that is present with opiates or amphetamines, which I've used in the past in attempts to make myself more functional. Hence it's not terribly addictive, although the functionality that I get out of it makes it addictive. :| Also for me it helps with opiate cravings becaues half of what I crave from opiates is the functionality they give me by putting me in a great mood.

At higher doses (for me 1200-1500mg) I get a heavy alcohol-like effect that I don't really like. But at lower doses there is only a light impairment of my motor skills and it's almost like I'm on a low dose of MDMA with a weed brownie on top. This stuff has great potential for use in psychotherapy; I imagine that if one were to take some lyrica and see a therapist it would be many times more productive than a normal session would be.

I feel like most people don't see Lyrica's magic, or maybe it just isn't there for them. And oddly enough I took it for a couple years before I realized that lower dosing has a much more magical effect than high let's-get-fucked-up dosing.

I would really like to hear from anyone else who gets this quasi-panacea incredible effect from Lyrica. This is probably limited to people who suffer from at least depression *or* anxiety, as those are the things that Lyrica alleviates for me. I've been reading here for years so I know that a lot of Bluelighters do suffer from those things.

I'm going to peruse this huge thread looking for similar experiences, but after reading a few pages and not seeing a lot of experiences similar to mine, I wanted to share my perhaps-somewhat-unique experience with Lyrica and see what you guys thought.



Edit: reading through the thread, there are other people who talk about the antidepressant effect. I honestly think it should be legal to prescribe it solely for depression (even independent of anxiety disorders) in the U.S. and anywhere else. Especially when you consider how shitty and ineffective our current batch of SSRIs and SNRIs are...
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RandomJoy: I was offered and prescribed Cipralex from my psychiatrist, but I said no because of the side effects that comes with it. I don´t want to become a zombie and loosing my sexlife as well among many other things. I´ve also heard from people I know and read in many forums that SSRI´s is a hell to cut out when
it´s time to quit. I still haven´t tried my Lyrica and I got a lot of them from my doctor (for nervepain). I have never tried MDMA, amfetamine og any other drugs besides oksazepam 10 mg and diazepam 5 mg which I take when travelling with planes and sometimes to make me sleep through the night, so I have nothing to compare with........

Do you think Lyrica will help with my depression as well as my anxiety? I have both 25 mg and 150 mg and I´m wondering if I will have any effect of the 25 mg just to see if I react in some way? It´s the side effetcts that keeps me from trying them.......
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Hey all
Im new to the site tho I used use it all the time just for "research". I consider myself a very well educated drug addict. I used to be addicted to heroin and all types of fun back in the day barbiturates like Seconal Tuinal Placyidal- suffice to say I am bummed I Know NEED pain meds..its a bummer and as an addict its a testament to how sober I choose to be being I am now prescribed all the types of stuff I used to WANT.,now I need..(.very ironic this life of ours). ANYWAY..these days I am now on 80 mgs of methadone for the last 10 years on and off-- I smoke weed to stay sane and for my stomach- . I have found the beauty of using psychedelics again- mostly mushrooms. SO (oh and Im a drug counselor as well who does NOT work in 12 step abstinence only programs.cause that's a bullshit treatment plan for addicts- harm reduction in my book works but to get clean hey- for you- whatever works...sorry I got off topic.. the topic is ..wtf is going on with LYRICA??
I was prescribed it for acute chronic pain in my back yesterday- I take 15 mg oxyis for my endometriosis- but I have to take 6 for it too even touch the pain. Regardless of for pain control or to get high- (the Lyrica did take away all the pain and even this morning I was still outta pain which was amazing for me) BUT WTF is up with this Lyrica? I took 100 mgs yesterday - smoked some weed- and have almost no memory of the day. I was nodding out like a junkie. Im staying with a very very anti drug person and well- it was a .tough night trying to keep my eyes open. W HY DID I GET SO HIGH ON THIS DRUG? I have a tolerance to almost all drugs that is quite high- so why did I get so high with this drug? I have done my research on it but need some feedback from you guys..I also am prescribed Addoral which I realized immediately would be insane to take with Lyrica. I really don't think much of Addoral--I used to shoot crystal in LA so I kinda think all those "speed" drugs are a joke. I take my pills for the reasons they are given for the most part. I had no intention of getting high yesterday -well maybe a little;) yet had clue it would make that stupidly stoned. The thought of taking Addoral with that drug to me is nuts- the brain must go crazy and I am shocked I see people writing they take both..if you could see what our brain chemistry is going thru..OMG! So the question here for everyone is- is that the normal reaction to Lyrica? getting nodding stoned? OR was it because I smoked the diesel- and I do take Klonopin but shit- im talking like 4 mgs and I have been taking them for 15 years- my tolerance to benzos is nuts ( i can easily take over 200 mgs of Valium or any benzo and I am fine- plus been taking benzos since I was 12- im in my 40's!) .. I need some help here so I don't take Lyrica and fall into the A train tracks here in NYC....any feedback wold be great..I'm kinda freaked out and a bit nervous as I do have access to other drugs but don't want to take them together and find myself in some silly situation like I did this morning...feeling hung over - wasted- and my non drug taking roomie staring at me like im a serial killer!.
thanks all
I have a real bad habit with it. Took 1400mgs yesterday. Real high.

Took 2000mg today. Not even high.
The thought of taking Addoral with that drug to me is nuts- the brain must go crazy and I am shocked I see people writing they take both..if you could see what our brain chemistry is going thru..OMG!
What exactly do you think of?
Hey everyone, I have been taking lyrics for a few months I normally take it for a week and RU. Out and get my refill 2 weeks later I find in high doses it is amazing a. Very similar feeling to rolling being drunk and heroin all rolled into one little C4 pill. I was curious though from my knowledge of the drug apparently it is supposedto lower the seziure threshold..I ask this because about a week ago I gave a friend of mine a small dose maybe 600mg she is about 105 pounds soaking wet..long story short later on in that night she went to the hospital for a small seizure I was just curious if this has happened to anyone els or is this a totally unrelated incident.. Any feedback is greatly appreciated..thanks!!

In my experience Lyrica in somewhat higher doses 300mg+ range works really well with both depression and anxietly it will also make any opiate withdrawals your going threw about 50% less intense..Everyone is different though start low you can wants take more never less, but Lyrica is very tolerable with massive doses being taken with much I'll effect..good luck hope I could help!!

I was able to go to my daughters spring concert with out klonopin because I honestly believe that Lyrica makes me the person I want and know I can be! Such a miracle. As I have been on every antidepressant known to man. I was started on psych. meds since I was thirteen! Praise be that I am feeling myself again after years of searching!