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  • Film & TV Moderators: ghostfreak

Film The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers

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I just ordered the extended versions of Fellowship and Two Towers. I can't wait until they get here. :)
^^ I'm waitin till next summer for some sort of box set of all the extended editions... may not even be till next xmas, but i have a feeling a box set of all three extended's will coem with some nice extras...
The extended version really rocks. The Boromir / Faramir back story, the slow ease into Gollum finding Frodo and Sam at the beginning, the Rohan funeral (oh yeah, that guy died, didn't he ?). The pace is perfect now.
*spoilers* in case you haven't seen it ;)

I was in shock when I saw the extended version - I couldn't believe they cut such important details from the movie, especially the Boromir / Faramir and Father story. It explained so much, and when I watched Fellowship again, I could really see Boromir's conflict and had so much more understanding as to where it came from.

The funeral scene also added so much more emotion to the movie, and depth to Eowyn's character.

They also gave a further explaination about the goblin orcs vs the Uruk-hai rivalry with the scene where they meet up.

I also loved the ending when the Uruk-hai venture into the woods and are greeted with angry trees ;)

Plus, I throughly enjoyed the documentary portion on the DVD about Gollum and the actor who created him. Andy Serkis
is Gollum, and has totally created the character with movement, voice, and mannerisms, including facial expressions.

Why, oh why were deprived of these scenes???!!!! 8o
Ahh what a grand dvd again, I thought it couldn't get any better than the FOTR extended dvd but it has

if you listen to peter jackson's commentary track he goes into good detail why most of the scenes cut were cut, not cause he wanted too but because they slowed down the movie, yes to about 5% of us who cares the more the merry but people as a whole do not want to sit in a theater for 4 hours, also some would find it rather boring at the pace it is at in the extended edition, my girlfriend liked the theater verison but finds the extended edition a little long and slow, and I imagine out of everyone of us who loves the extra stuff there are probably 2 or 3 that find it goes on just a tad to long, that the pacing of the movie is slow

but I totally agree with what your saying MOS,

Ahh wednesday will be a grand day, I called of from work and plan on spending my entire day watching FOTR then Two Towers and then off to watch ROTK, 10 hours well spent if you ask me
I vowed not to watch the two towers ever again after seeing it at the movies and this pertains to the extended version...

The fellowship of the ring extended DVD did a good job of adding a lot of stuff from the book which could obviously not have been fit into the movie...

Unless someone can verify to me that the two towers extended version cuts out all the crap that they just made up for the movie I am not going to watch it...
I really enjoyed the extended version. I totally agree with MOS about the Boromir/Faramir angle. It made a lot more sense.. and the end was super cool with the trees sounding like they were eating the Uruk-hai... wheee!! fun stuff. can't wait for tuesday night!!!!!1
After every theatrical viewing I'd had with the LOTR Triology, I always say to myself, "Wow I can't wait 11 months for the extended version to come out!"

The Two Towers Extended Version is simply incredible. I personally feel it is better than the first EV, but I have a feeling that the ROTK EV will be just as good, if not better.

"Remember today, brother."
Santa will be bringing me The Two Towers Extended Edition I hope...

And Return of the King = Excellent.