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Opioids The Kratom Mega Thread v3

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Does anyone else find that just about any strain of Kratom will last practically all day? Maeng Da or Borneo White both have me high for 12+ hours, Bali around 7-8, Thai Red Vein like 10-12...certainly this is partially because I don't exactly go light on the doses, but I hear about a lot of people having even a strong Maeng Da dose last only 6 hours. I know this isn't unique to me by any means, but I'm wondering how common it is.

With no tolerance I would assume most people could feel kratom for 12 hours (I would guess 12 hrs would be the max though). the main effects being felt for ~3-6hrs, and a nice "after glow" for the remainder of the time.

Now that Ive taken kratom daily for close to 4 years, the main effects of my average dose (4-6g) lasts ~2-3hours. Then a nice afterglow for another few hours, wearing down around the 7-8hr mark. For me, kratom is pretty inconsistent in effects. Sometimes i can take a dose and feel almost nothing, and later with the exact same dose, stomach conditions and strain will produce a good buzz
since i only take 1-2 grams at a time it only lasts 3-4 hours, but im taking it for oxy withdrawals and since its been two weeks since ive had any oxy, my withdrawals are prob gone. but with that being said i have some friends that take 7-8 grams and it lasts most of the day. i think if you are not taking it for withdrawals it last longer. everyone is different. its good that it lasts so long for you because that means you dont have to take it that often.

I bet if you stop now you will still experience a major withdrawal from the Oxy. Perhaps slightly mitigated, but still a common opioid withdrawal with a hint of a partial agonist withdrawal.
I bet if you stop now you will still experience a major withdrawal from the Oxy. Perhaps slightly mitigated, but still a common opioid withdrawal with a hint of a partial agonist withdrawal.

A typical reaction would be to feel very minor wd at >10gs a day
Does anyone else find that just about any strain of Kratom will last practically all day? Maeng Da or Borneo White both have me high for 12+ hours, Bali around 7-8, Thai Red Vein like 10-12...certainly this is partially because I don't exactly go light on the doses, but I hear about a lot of people having even a strong Maeng Da dose last only 6 hours. I know this isn't unique to me by any means, but I'm wondering how common it is.

Out of the well known plain leaf strains Green Malaysian had the best legs. The only other kind that I have tried that lasted as long was a custom plain leaf blend that contained Maeng Da but I don't know what else.
I bet if you stop now you will still experience a major withdrawal from the Oxy. Perhaps slightly mitigated, but still a common opioid withdrawal with a hint of a partial agonist withdrawal.

I bet not. I'd be surprised if there were any withdrawal from 1-2g unless he was using UEI.
What type of vein is Maeng Da?

Green, White or Red?

Is it more stimulating or more sedating?

Is it a type that most Kratom fans like?

I bet not. I'd be surprised if there were any withdrawal from 1-2g unless he was using UEI.

1-2 g every 3-4 hours (the dose declaration could be more accurate) ~ 6 - 16 g daily. Let's round it to 10g/day. Of course you won't experience "full" Kratom withdrawal effects from that period. All I am stating is, that the (already mitigated) Oxy - withdrawal will still be initiated if he/she stops now after taking 10g for 2 weeks.
The class version is Red, but there is a white vein out there being called Maeng Da too.

Both forms are QUITE stimulating, and I enjoy it in a blend for any dose before 5pm. After 5 I switch to true red veins/Bali.
What type of vein is Maeng Da?

Green, White or Red?

Is it more stimulating or more sedating?

Is it a type that most Kratom fans like?


The Maeng Da that I've had was a white stimulating strain. I mostly use red vein depending on what I plan on doing. White/green (on top of my caffeine) if I take it before work and if I'm just relaxing at home red vein but if I'm at home I usually add in a little weed and/or temazepam to kick it up a notch.
kratom can be so confusing... i have friends use it for 3 weeks to kick oxy and morphine... then they just stop taking the kratom and they are fine... then theres people who say you withdrawl from the kratom and set off oxy withdrawals. is there anyone on here that has used kratom to get off and then was ok?
Does anyone else experience ridiculous diuretic action from kratom? It's making me long for suboxone, ffs. I must have pissed 30 times in the last five hours. I'd like to sleep but I keep needing to piss.

Worse, I still have RLS. I went slightly above my ideal dose and I got slightly wobbly eyed, and the RLS isn't gone.

The longer I'm on kratom the less I like it.
Weird question but the Company Captain Kratom sells a product called Captain Amserdam Premium Bali 15g Capsules.

I'm just wondering if that means that the capsules are individually 15grams or there is 15 grams total in the bag?

I am guessing 15 grams total because from what I've read 15grams seems like a pretty big dose...

If so, anyone know how many grams the capsules are with this brand?

I've used these, well the capt kratom XL 30g capsules as they're all my HS sells as far as plain leaf and when I'm in withdrawal and my package didn't arrive I make these work, however the quality is shit and they are 4x as much as online kratom. Anywho... each capsule contains 500mgs or .5 grams. An effective starting dose for someone with no tolerance should be 6-8 of the capsules, maybe more depending kn how old the capsules have been stocked as these tend to vary in potency batch to batch quite significantly....far more than kratom vendors, well the reliable ones that is...

Does anyone else find that just about any strain of Kratom will last practically all day? Maeng Da or Borneo White both have me high for 12+ hours, Bali around 7-8, Thai Red Vein like 10-12...certainly this is partially because I don't exactly go light on the doses, but I hear about a lot of people having even a strong Maeng Da dose last only 6 hours. I know this isn't unique to me by any means, but I'm wondering how common it is.

I've used too many strains to count (including both strains above) at low to high doses and have never had a high go past 5h nowadays more like 3...maybe 4 hours. Consider yourself lucky ;)

Does anyone else experience ridiculous diuretic action from kratom? It's making me long for suboxone, ffs. I must have pissed 30 times in the last five hours. I'd like to sleep but I keep needing to piss.

Worse, I still have RLS. I went slightly above my ideal dose and I got slightly wobbly eyed, and the RLS isn't gone.

The longer I'm on kratom the less I like it.

Yup, it gets super annoying at night. I piss every 30 mins before bed...it's rediculous. When you start to feel RLS and in a way like your semi-withdrawaling when taking your doses it's time for a break. It'll only get worse if you continue to dose and the higher you dose the more restless you'll get. This is why I frequently take breaks when my tolerance reaches ~10g per dose, though others will have their own limit. Avoid extracts and take either a small 2-3 day break or skip one or two of your doses for a few days... If you don't take a break you'll feel like shit every time you dose eventually...
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Tried some for the first time yesterday (5g of Capt. Kratom Vietnam). I liked the way it felt after the peak settled. I did have some uneasiness in my stomach the morning after. Reminded me a little of the quesiness I get from methadone or codeine, but it wasn't as rough. Didn't really like having to eat so much of it.

Ate 3-4g today and feel great after peaking. I'm not so fond of the intense part, but the mellow feels pretty sweet. Think I'm going to add this to the weekly routine.

Thanks, BL!
So Kratom really makes you piss like crazy?

Does it end when the mental effects wear off or does it continue for a while even after?

Does it also make you really thirsty and want to drink a lot of water?
I have ordered 25grams of the green Malay kratom and although I have never used it before I occasionally take codeine around 300mg for a good buzz but only a couple of times a month as to stop getting too tolerant too it as I love the Euphoria taking that amount gives me. My question to all those that have experience of using kratom what would be a good starting dose for me many thanks
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So Kratom really makes you piss like crazy?

Does it end when the mental effects wear off or does it continue for a while even after?

Does it also make you really thirsty and want to drink a lot of water?

Ehh I wouldn't worry about it, I've only ever heard of 2 other people besides Hammilton make this complaint. In my case it may just be because I chase a cup of tea down with extra water so I basically 2 cups of water off the bat and resume my regular water drinking regimine. I don't notice any excessive thirst unless I'm excercising, even then it's far less dehydrating than marijuana. I do know that kratom contains a diuretic but it totalls at <1% alkaloid content so I'm not sure how crucial that is...I guess if it was extra potent then it can have some but I'm too lazy to look it up, I'm ready for bed lol. It starts about an hour or two after dosing and lasts for about 3-4 hours though if you dose everyday it can feel like you have to pee all the time. For me, I only really notice it at night when I'm laying down getting ready to go to bed... It seems like any liquid I put in goes out 20mins later lol.
You won't find hard evidence for any of these things. For Christ's sake, it's barely been studied. There are zero comprehensive binding assays covering the big receptors for the well known compounds, much less for all of the alkaloids it contains.

Take it or don't take it, stop fretting about it on the forums. Yeah, I get it, you don't want to hurt yourself with it. Good news, it's about as safe as these things get. Bad news, you're gonna have to take that on faith because the sorts of studies you need to answer your questions just don't exist.

Stop posting a million questions and do some independent research. There's nothing we can tell you that you can't figure out on your own. Forums like these are good for passing along anecdote and what we've found worked well, what we liked, etc. They're not so good at providing anxiety ridden members with answers to questions like 'what neural pathways does kratom work on?'

If you're going to insist on knowing every little detail about the potential risks, stop posting here and sending three dozen pm's and expecting us to spoon-feed you every goddamn answer, get the journals and start reading what you can. You can find most of the articles free of you ask nicely and look hard. It shouldn't take you too long to exhaust everything of value. Many of them won't have anything useful to you beyond the available abstract.

I think, perhaps, the biggest risk with kratom is consuming the more coarsly ground leaf and having that gritty stuff cause you ulcers. I think it must because it's definitely the cause of my stomach pain recently. A few days with subs again and it's greatly diminished. Consuming a lot of tums in the meantime.

I blame a combination of the kratom and opioid withdrawal that kratom wouldn't cover for the diuretic action. My mouth was also over-salivating, not drooling bad, but annoying when try it to sleep. When I'm in withdrawal, I notice these things more, in addition to the relentless RLS.
The intense part?

I guess I should just call it the peak. Lasted like 45 min or so.

It wasn't intense like an acid trip or anything. Just relatively intense when compared to the smooth mellow feelings that followed afterwards.

fwiw, I don't like the peak of a lot of substances. I prefer the part that comes afterwards..
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