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Opioids The Kratom (Mega)Thread v2

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For legal reasons I do not wish to keep a scale at my house. I was wondering about how many grams a table spoon of powdered kratom contains?
depends on the kratom. Some of the powdered stuff I get is more like talc in consistency, I'm guessing, maybe 8-10g in a tablespoon. But the fluffier, less finely ground stuff might be 4-6g per tbsp. Those are just guesses. If you get a new bag, spoon it in to different bag, count, and divide the grams by the number of spoonfuls.
For legal reasons I do not wish to keep a scale at my house. I was wondering about how many grams a table spoon of powdered kratom contains?
Just use a scale once, weigh out 3 grams, put it in a special plastic cup and mark with a pen how much it takes up in the cup
It depends on the strain and how you react to it. At lower doses it has stimulant properties and at higher doses it has more sedative properties, in general. I have found that a dose might have both properties at different times, usually stimulating first and then sedating. Once you're used to it, it can be good for anxiety, but once you're used to it, you're probably addicted. And if you use it for anxiety you are quite likely to get addicted. I am hooked on it, and it's not cool. It gets expensive eventually and once tolerance starts to build, at least for me, it builds fast. PM me if you have more questions.

Is this stuff any good for anxiety/panic attacks?
:( My last batch of kratom just boiled over on the stove. While forcing back tears i was desperately contemplating licking or sucking it up somehow. The feeling reminded me of meth. I prob would have if there weren't other people around. ffs. Bad sign i guess. God im so sad now.
:( My last batch of kratom just boiled over on the stove. While forcing back tears i was desperately contemplating licking or sucking it up somehow. The feeling reminded me of meth. I prob would have if there weren't other people around. ffs. Bad sign i guess. God im so sad now
My advice is just buy powder dude. Its much easier to work with, you just dissolve 3 grams into hot tapwater and drink that shit
Okay guys (and girls), pay attention to what I'm going to say here:

Its easy as hell to withdraw from kratom if you use "kratom stem powder". You take 3 grams every 3 hours or so when you first WD's start coming on. The first 2 days are the worst, day 3 it gets better and day 4 you only need the stem powder every 4 to 6 hours or so. On day 5 you dont need it at all anymore.

Stem powder works GREAT for relieving restless legs at night so you can sleep. You need to put 4 OO capules besides your bed in case you wake up at night. Also I take melatonin 5mg and doxylamine 25mg and I sleep fucking great!

The stem powder itself doesnt get you high, nor does it cause WD when you stop using it

My advice is just buy powder dude. Its much easier to work with, you just dissolve 3 grams into hot tapwater and drink that shit

Thanks yeah, it was normal powder, but I boil tea since I have always needed a large volume (40g) from day 1. Eating that amt of powder was impossible.

You mention hot tap water only, is that just as effective as a 15 min boil? I coffee filter it though, can't drink the unfiltered mush... How long do u strain in hot tap water.
Thanks yeah, it was normal powder, but I boil tea since I have always needed a large volume (40g) from day 1. Eating that amt of powder was impossible.

You mention hot tap water only, is that just as effective as a 15 min boil? I coffee filter it though, can't drink the unfiltered mush... How long do u strain in hot tap water
No, you just take 3 grams of leaf powder, put it in a plastic cup, add hot water, turn it into a mush and drink it. It doesnt taste that bad, you actually get used to the taste after a while
You're wasting a lot of goodies by discarding the powder, even after brewing. It's probably not a very high percentage of active alkaloids coming out through the filter. Try 4 or 5g at a time, toss and wash. Dump it on your tongue, pour some juice or yummy flavored drink, not carbonated, in your mouth, swish until it's all wetted through, then gulp and chase with more drink. Do this a few times if you need a higher dose. But I'd guess you'd need a fraction of what you brew if you toss an wash, I just don't know what that fraction would be.

Thanks yeah, it was normal powder, but I boil tea since I have always needed a large volume (40g) from day 1. Eating that amt of powder was impossible.

You mention hot tap water only, is that just as effective as a 15 min boil? I coffee filter it though, can't drink the unfiltered mush... How long do u strain in hot tap water.
You're wasting a lot of goodies by discarding the powder, even after brewing. It's probably not a very high percentage of active alkaloids coming out through the filter. Try 4 or 5g at a time, toss and wash. Dump it on your tongue, pour some juice or yummy flavored drink, not carbonated, in your mouth, swish until it's all wetted through, then gulp and chase with more drink. Do this a few times if you need a higher dose. But I'd guess you'd need a fraction of what you brew if you toss an wash, I just don't know what that fraction would be.

Yeah i used to do t a w, even got a thread here with my own method, it worked well for me but for some reason after a while the taste started getting worse and worse to the point where any in my mouth would make be gag which caused many a problem with trying to eat like 20g (which is what i needed in powder form). For some reason I have always needed a big amount as soon as i started with zero opiate tolerance.

I have not tried drinking the power in water though, ill give it a try.
^you should try seattlestranger's method of filling a 20oz bottle with a couple inches of orange juice, pour some kratom, shake, and chug. Its the only way I can keep the stuff down.

Ive been using enhanced bali at night to sleep and maeng da in day to get through bupe w/d's. I also have bali powder enhanced with an indo extract. I know it varies from person to person, but would the indo extract be good to take at night or is it more stimulating?
I know it varies from person to person, but would the indo extract be good to take at night or is it more stimulating?
No, use Bali plain leaf powder only for sleep. All the others will keep you awake staring at your ceiling for half the night

Ive been using enhanced bali at night to sleep and maeng da in day to get through bupe w/d's
Just curious, but how well does kratom work for bupe WD's??
^ It has been an absolute god send. Ive been sniffing 4mgs of sub daily for a year and since ive started the kratom the only time I feel anything close to sick is towards the end of a long shift at work.
^ It has been an absolute god send. Ive been sniffing 4mgs of sub daily for a year and since ive started the kratom the only time I feel anything close to sick is towards the end of a long shift at work.
Oh good for you!! I'm so happy for you.

And remember to withdraw from kratom is incredibly easy, all you need is the stem & vein powder which is cheap to buy
I dont do heroin (strongest opiates I've taken were pills), but to get off heroin should be very easy. Just go on bupe for 2 weeks, then go off bupe and take kratom for 2 weeks. Then to get off kratom use the kratom stem & vein powder for 5 days and you should be clean relatively pain-free in about 5 weeks
Kratom tastes delicious mixed with Dole Pineapple Peach Mango Juice and oj, I use about 5 oz of it mixed with about 5 oz of orange juice with 3 tsps of borneo kratom leaf powder 1 tsp sugar shaken up hard for about 30 secs, it blends in really well and can't really taste the kratom much at all. I still haven't found a way to make kava taste good, but thats another story...
I found, finely powdered, I could consume up to 6 gr in one strong black coffee. Two cups per session twice daily for 8 months. Mixture of white vein Malay and BRV. Although the taste is never going to be good, I agree with those above who say you get used to it. Incidentally, treated myself to my first Kratom for a couple of weeks over the w/e.2x8g Maeng Da and 2x1g 15x extract. Noticeable "hangover" but no real craving for more.
a few quick questions - this thread is really long so my questions may have already been answered. if so, i apologize for being a pain.

is it normal to run super hot and super cold? this is a new substance for me and i'm flying solo - no big brother to guide me on this one. i'm either sweating and shaking or shivering in cold. is this a typical side effect?

also, i've done a fair amount of research, but if there's anything you guys want to throw out that i should absolutely know right away - i'd be grateful if you shared! THANKS!! :)

edit: and also the itching, that pretty standard?
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