The Industrial Thread

Tactical Sekt - Dark Skies​

Since this thread seems to have a revival not sure what rules are for linking to other forums?
But if your into industrial & ebm & the like check out
I was a member when it was violentplayground but since the change & some time away;
from computer & most everything I have lost login.

ATM it seems it's not accepting new members or perhaps just a bug?
But regardless many of the bands that are posted on this thread post on that forum.
The band members that is.
Beats the fuck out of side-line and all that old shit.

So if you wanna see what they're up to/talking about as there mostly regular guys
like you & me, ebm/industrial isn't exactly mainstream in general.
Besides maybe Combichrist or something no one's heard of most of this stuff.
If your interested check it out.
Figured I'd throw out a heads up as I was happy to find it back in the day.

BTW I'm in no way associated with said forum just thought some of you would enjoy;
getting to see &/or talk with band members once joining is fixed.

Oh & by any chance other than the listed forum, anyone know where to get info on upcoming tours?
I can't seem to find a good aggregate of tours in the genre other than the thread on that site.
I'm not really sure what passes as industrial in this thread:
Can't be more industrial than steel works samples.
^I'll go with this frame of reference.

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Posted for the lyrical greatness.
Whole album is great IMHO if you like that style.
I thought they were great live, had VIP.
Band is very friendly & down to earth, unlike Psyclon Nine.
Well the band was cool but Nero was an ass turned down my offer to go get him opiates.
Then proceeds to fuck the show up with terrible vocals & pass out on the stage from w/d's.
But if you know Psyclon Nine you know the whole Nero saga.

Dismantled - Insecthead​

I prefer Gary's older work but he's a great guy.
Met him a few times when I still had the health to go to gigs.
Me & my girl had VIP at Combichrist show he was opening at & he was a real nice guy.
Judging by the video Nero playing guitar with em on tour rubbed off on him. :\
Still not a bad album overall compared to some stuff out there.
While we're on decent people in bands...

Aesthetic Perfection - The Great Depression​

Daniel from the above, met him VIP opening for either Combichrist again or maybe The Cruxshadows.
Again real nice guy can't recall offhand which band he was opening for though.
Fucking withdrawals, I just can't think straight. Oh well.
Again I prefer his older work, but his newer stuff is decent & the production value;
of his newer videos is quite decent & he seems to be doing well for himself.
Considering his origins & his associations with what is somewhat of a dead genre.
IMHO he has done a good job of branching out even if it can only loosely be termed EBM.

As from what I can tell this thread is more of a Industrial/EBM/Synth-Pop/Related Genres;
thread than anything else, not just Industrial...
Which is fine by me as most of the world seems to think of the genres as related.
Even if there not all that similar I hate debating genre semantics so I figure that if the;
shoe seems to fit might as well let it & allow this thread to hold the various sub-genres.

Though if someone is opposed I could always start a EBM/Etc. thread but considering;
the few posts we manage to get in here, though since the revival this thread has been;
by the standards of the thread quite hoppin. :)
Apparently you can only post 2 videos per post so I guess I have to double post.
Excuse the faux pas, but it's on my mind so...
I'll just leave with another band that I sadly missed when they were small;
& playing at a relatively local venue which is rare as I live in a rural middle of nowhere.
Which I regret as there music is a bit different & they have an interesting aesthetic;
as well as there products & zine & the like, I regret not seeing them.
Sadly was unaware at the time. Again I prefer there older stuff, but isn't that always the case?
But maybe someday I'll be healthy enough again to go to shows would be so great.
But I digress getting off topic, on to the music. :\

Angelspit - Vena Cava​
Sorry to re-post this track from ages back but it kind a fits with the flow; if you willing to taper down a notch or two.

This was the album that got me into industrial, central.
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Aphex Twin:
I'm trying to resist putting anything non-industial
Girl # Boy Song.

Trying to resist.
Why does da choob sound so much worse.
That's what keeps in above bored is my best guess :/
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Suicide Commando - Waiting For The Gnomes​

Off his first 1988 self titled album, rarely heard as just a few cassettes were made if I recall.
I just love it though, for some reason can't get enough of it.
Hell sometimes I'll go to sleep with it on repeat, seeing as I'm about to crash might do so... :\
Somebody retro-shocked this thread back into cohesion, wow a big jump from 2007... when was that again?
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In all honesty which sounds better...
The you choob version or this, prolly both equally as naff.
the transients on this version are much more clear, to my ear at least.
More punchy?
Here's the choob version:

It's dull and lifeless.
This is why we don't listen to muslim guaze or meat beat manifesto.
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:Wumpscut: - Embryodead

Didn't look back can't remember what's been posted & what hasn't.
But as long as you ignore some of the newer stuff the old work is classic.

Another personal favorite, just always loved this song.

Chemlab - Suicide Jag​

@Wasted_Talent Venetian Snares works, some good stuff.
Besides they have Trevor Brown artwork on some albums. <3
The artwork? Your american aren't you ;)
I'm allowed to say that coz I just renewed my passport.... 110 bucks.
maybe some nine inch nails? I'd prefer some bad ass tool.
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I scoured texas and the deep south, have you got anything to say apart from the deep thrash; melancholy.
We've heard the nine inch nails already.