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The fish thread

You can buy freeze dried brine shrimp. Just like you can buy freeze dried blood worms. The only difference is they dont magically reanimate! There dead as a dead dingo's donger! ;)

tapout said:
Good to hear that your fish are doing well!! youve done the right thing by separating out the smaller fish and the bigger fish. Just a quick note though, is the "special stuff" malachite green? If it is, just be careful. Malachite green is a mutagen and a carcinogen, whilst you'd need to drink the stuff to really hurt you, its worth at least knowing what your exposing yourself to, the most dangerous part of it is the dried flakey stuff around the top of the bottle. If you've got Cichlids and platties with no plants your probably best just to use a weak salt solution, about 5ppt (5 grams of salt per litre) of course salt without iodine and anti caking agents should do the trick, works wonders on skin infections as it kills the infective agent and helps the fish maintain osmotic balances (freshwater fish are "saltier" than the surrounding water so they "leak" there salts out if they have skin infections) no good for soft water species like tetra's and anything else from the amazon though.

Thanks for that :) All fish are alive and doing well. Done the 25% water change that was needed after treatment and they seem like happy campers since moving them around in their tanks. Just awaiting the arrival of baby guppies now =D
Heres a Pic of mine and my G/F marine tank.

the rabbi: thats the size i want for our cichlids. IS there any fish in there? I cant see any :S
That would be a very decent size for cichlids

Just dont put an oscar in there
Gawd - Lighten up. It will only ruin it if you let it. Having a sense of humour is fun too! You should try it out some time! :D
I eat my pet fish from time to time. Whenever I feel like some fresh fish for dinner I just catch a few out of the tank and chuck them straight on ice. A few hours later they're on my dinner plate, doesn't get much fresher than that!
Mind you, these fish are >500g barramundi. Not your usual ornamental ;)
*starfalls69* said:

an oscar wouldnt like that size??

Yeah thats true, but if you want to be technical I personaly think that an Oscar would be a poor choice. Given they are extremely territorial and aggressive to other species, the Oscar would be the only fish you could keep and with a tank of that size it wouldn't be the best utilisation of space.

If you want to explore the topic a bit deeper SF I personally would suggest the following -

1) Plant some long grasses and weeds on a few bits of drift wood and keep 6 or 8 Discus. This would be first my choice if I had the time for maintenance;

2) Frontosas and a range of other community cichlids;

Or take the non cichlid route and go for -

1) Creek habitat with a either Barramundi or Saratoga

2) Giant Gourami
Back when I used to live with those crazy people known as the 'family' and I wasn't this old, categorised as a 'child,' we had an Oscar and it killed nearly every other fish in the tank. What a jerk off.

Some fish need anger management.

Oh and if you put your fingers in the tank it used to bite them.

The angry older guy, titled as 'Dad,' sold it back to the pet shop.
NickyJ I may be wrong, but I have a feeling that the idea of having pets is to get attached to them, not subsist off them.
lostpunk5545 said:
NickyJ I may be wrong, but I have a feeling that the idea of having pets is to get attached to them, not subsist off them.

Well lets not call them pets. Lets just call them the fish I feed and look after for later consumption.
^ You have a very "chinese restaurant" approach to fish keeping

Do you have another tank filled with king crabs?