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RCs The Ethylphenidate (Ethyl phenyl(piperidin-2-yl)acetate) Megathread V3

Yeah, changing a sleeping pattern is really no big deal (at least it never has been for me) and def shouldn't need ephylphenidate. If I need to get up far earlier than usual, I use doxylamine for sleep and strong coffee to wake up. You may feel disorientated for a while, but adjusting to a new routine isn't too difficult.
Yeah I've managed to make this type of transition before, it just usually takes at least a month. This time around may be a bit more difficult as I'm currently tapering off of a nightly dose of etizolam which is sure to cause additional insomnia. Doxy usually knocks me out but leaves me feeling very dull the next morning regardless of the dose. I plan to only use EPH early in the morning when I'm running on less than 3 hours of sleep. I used to work these early shifts all the time but back then I was the boss, this time around I will be working 1 on 1 with my boss who currently thinks very highly of me. I'm hoping this stuff will keep me from making an ass of myself. I've successfully used d-amp as well as methylphenidate for similar purposes
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I dabbled quite a bit with EPH quite a bit for rec, mostly vaping it, but I mostly found it a functional stim, lacking in euphoria. I do have a stash for if if I have to stay up and alert for lengthy periods of time though; I prefer it to amphetamine for this, as the crash is no big deal.

ROXIE, how long have you been using etizolam for btw? I've been using it myself quite regularly, and was wondering how long it takes to form a dependence to it. Apparently it's slower to happen than similar drugs?
Hello, I am wondering if there is any point to ordering a gram or so of EPH even if I have pretty decent access to focalin XR, concerta, ritalin, vyvanse, and adderall IR? I've always loved methylphenidate mixed with alcohol but wonder if this substance is any better than dex/methylphenidate?
If you've got access to those kind of drugs, there's no point whatsoever in buying ephylphenidate. Just look at Ritalin; the active drug is methylphenidate-EPH is just an analog with similar effects.

The only reason to buy EPH if you've access to Ritalin, is that EPH can be smoked.
Hello, I am wondering if there is any point to ordering a gram or so of EPH even if I have pretty decent access to focalin XR, concerta, ritalin, vyvanse, and adderall IR? I've always loved methylphenidate mixed with alcohol but wonder if this substance is any better than dex/methylphenidate?

If you can get pretty much any legal stimulant that's actually approved by the FDA, then why would you bother taking a RC?
what is this like compared to MPA? I found MPA Good for getting stuff done but no real euphoria
If you can get pretty much any legal stimulant that's actually approved by the FDA, then why would you bother taking a RC?

The joys of living in Europe, the only stimulant available from your doc is mpa, and even that is really hard to get.

Hi black! I know you specifically mentioned "low oral doses" but you know stimulant junkies never keep it low, and are rarely satisfied w/ taking them orally. Been agreeing w/ most everything you've said elsewhere. especially regarding psychedelics, but it's been my experience that ethylphenidate, when used frequently, begins to show a lot of bad side effects over time, including deleterious effects on the heart, and especially anxiety. Plus there's that nasty corrosive alkalinity that's just hell on the mucous membranes. I haven't touched ethylphenidate since late August.


yeah I know, controlling your dose is hard, especially with a drug you enjoy. But eph used infrequently/and or at low oral doses doesn't feel harmful to me (and it's close cousin mph is proven to be safe at normal doses). Now high doses + nasal administration will fuck you up sooner or later, don't really thing that many people disagree with that.
If you can get pretty much any legal stimulant that's actually approved by the FDA, then why would you bother taking a RC?
I guess I don't really have one, just wanted to know if any of them were any more worth while since I haven't tried any RC stims except 4-methyl-pentedrone. Which sucked.
well one good thing for me this stuff and mpa have not damaged my heart bit above normal rate but i am a heavy smoker so that was most likely why so bad side effects physically as of yet
well one good thing for me this stuff and mpa have not damaged my heart bit above normal rate but i am a heavy smoker so that was most likely why so bad side effects physically as of yet

Glad to hear your heart 'aint about to explode.
cheers mate seem ok just blood tests now guess it was just warming signs from the mpa stay the fuck away from that brown shit white bad enough but that brown fucks your blood pressure
I played around with RC Stims for a couple weeks and was very disappointed, especially considering the price; most of these are even more expensive than amphet sulphate or base, and for inferior effects (at least for rec use). I'd call a lot of the Stims being punted right now "study aids" more than party drugs...and I've no use for a study aid right now.

The only one I've really heard rave reviews of was mephedrone, but I arrived to the party too late; it was a scheduled drug by the time I'd even heard of RC's. I've heard the comedown on mephedrone was a nightmare tho.
^I actually didn't find the come down from 4- mmc too bad, of course I never used more than a gram in one night. The eph I have coming is of the d-isomer. Is all of the eph being sold the d isomer as well? Or are there different isomers out there, which would explain why effects vary from batch to batch.
I really have no idea about that tbh. the EPH I've been sold by numerous vendors has been identical in appearance, effect, etc. would d-isomer EPH have noticeably different effects from other types of the same drug?
Of the two vendors I've asked both say they are selling racemic eph. One said that he did have a small amount of d-dph, but that it didn't sell very well because it cost more.
yeah I know, controlling your dose is hard, especially with a drug you enjoy. But eph used infrequently/and or at low oral doses doesn't feel harmful to me (and it's close cousin mph is proven to be safe at normal doses). Now high doses + nasal administration will fuck you up sooner or later, don't really thing that many people disagree with that.

I hope this is the case, dosed no more than 100mg oral today with little to no side effects and got some important stuff done, and it was done properly and good.

If staying way from abusing is the key then im all for it, its so mild and 'vanilla' you barely notice the work your doing. It just flowed out of me naturally.

If you want to get fucked up invest in some MDPV and enjoy your sanity whilst it lasts.
Hello, I am wondering if there is any point to ordering a gram or so of EPH even if I have pretty decent access to focalin XR, concerta, ritalin, vyvanse, and adderall IR? I've always loved methylphenidate mixed with alcohol but wonder if this substance is any better than dex/methylphenidate?

In case you're not aware, taking methylphenidate with alcohol results in ethylphenidate as a metabolite. It's a simple substitution reaction from my understanding. This is my only experience with ethylphenidate (ie ritalin+booze), but like you, I love the synergy.