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RCs The Ethylphenidate (Ethyl phenyl(piperidin-2-yl)acetate) Megathread V3

> wow 10 pages to find this thread guess the popularity of the drug is waning a bit ?
Perhaps or maybe it's just there isn't much more to say about it?
could be both but look at the mpa thread its never hardly of the front page and this is meant to be the better drug
could be both but look at the mpa thread its never hardly of the front page and this is meant to be the better drug

MPA is best because you don't need downers on the comedown. EPH is just mehh when taken alone, it's short lasting and the comedown is pretty shitty. I had some EPH the other day and I thought there was someone hiding in my cupboard on the comedown. With alcohol it is really nice but alone pretty shit imo. Also it doesn't give me enough energy for my liking.

I like the sober feeling of MPA and the extreme mental alertness and bouncy energy it gives me with little euphoria. The only time you need benzos with MPA is when you need to sleep cos it stays in your system for about 12 hours. MPA feels worse on the heart though and it can make you smell pretty bad with the theophene sweats and gas xD
I`ve had (what I`m guessing) a chest cold for about 2 weeks. Nothing super major,just a lot of snot in my nose and spitting out some extra thick loogies.
I also got screwed with asthma since I was 10 or 11(I`m 32 now).

So now,whenever my asthma combines with a chest cold,my weeze kicks up into high gear and I use my inhaler/meds much more than normal.

A few days ago I noticed something different after I dosed anywhere from 20mgs to 60mgs of ethylphenidate. If I was sitting down reading a book or playing video games I was fine. But if I walked up a flight of stairs or shoveled my drive way(Western New York had a Blizzard here last week) my asthma became horribly worse.It wasn`t so much that I weezed more but a total inability to catch my breath. It was actually very scary for me. The only thing that seemed to help was trying to stay calm.
Looking back on it,it was almost like a heavy asthma attack mixed with a panic attack once I realized I wasn`t catching my breath.
My meds had no effect.

My girlfriend asked me if the EPH could be making my breathing worse. I didn`t think it was,so I told her no. The next day I did a small test.
I went up and down the stairs a few times when I woke up(bedrooms upstairs and living room,kitchen,etc,etc) and noticed only my regular chest cold symptoms : out of breath/light weeze,neither last more than 2 or 3 minutes.

Then I took 20mgs of EPH(a light dose for me). After feeling the effects,I went up and down the stairs again. Only this time I had more intense and a longer lasting "episode". It was nowhere near as bad as the first 2 asthma attacks I had from the previous day( I had also taken a 40-60mg dose and dosed more than twice that day).
I was surprised that the EPH turned out to be a factor.

I`ve been using EPH on and off for about a year. This is the first time that I`ve noticed it having a negative effect on my breathing. Seeing as how I still have my cold,I`ve also taken a break with the EPH. Hopefully once my health returns I wont have the same negative issues with the ethlyphenidate.

One thing I wanted to mention. One of those attacks happened early in the morning after a full nights rest. If any EPH was in my system it was from the day before.
Otherwise I would be wondering if this was a kind of amphetamine psychosis.
well i am a bit pissed seems my vendor has a habit of not having good stims had some inactive mpa of them and synthacaine which lead to a o.d. now their eph is meant to be crap as well great o well we will see in a few hours .

going to testing out a mix of this and Diphenidine over the next few days .

thing is these could be my last tests as i am going to try and get clean going to see a drugs counselor later today lol yer great start but with out something to motivate me il never make it
well i am a bit pissed seems my vendor has a habit of not having good stims had some inactive mpa of them and synthacaine which lead to a o.d. now their eph is meant to be crap as well great o well we will see in a few hours .

going to testing out a mix of this and Diphenidine over the next few days .

thing is these could be my last tests as i am going to try and get clean going to see a drugs counselor later today lol yer great start but with out something to motivate me il never make it

I understand how you feel, FG! Set your mind to it. It don't come easy, but can you imagine what a difference it would be? Maybe I'll see you down in Sober Living, eh?
MPA is best because you don't need downers on the comedown. EPH is just mehh when taken alone, it's short lasting and the comedown is pretty shitty. I had some EPH the other day and I thought there was someone hiding in my cupboard on the comedown. With alcohol it is really nice but alone pretty shit imo. Also it doesn't give me enough energy for my liking.

I like the sober feeling of MPA and the extreme mental alertness and bouncy energy it gives me with little euphoria. The only time you need benzos with MPA is when you need to sleep cos it stays in your system for about 12 hours. MPA feels worse on the heart though and it can make you smell pretty bad with the theophene sweats and gas xD
This really is a personal thing. I've tried MPA and it was just disappointing, felt like a caffeine pill. None of that good stuff you're describing.

Now eph even taken alone is pretty good. Low oral doses are a nice functional stim without many bad sides (ok, you do sweat like a pig). And dosed a bit higher it's quite euphoric. The comedown was never particularly bad. It could last longer, you're right about that... And with alcohol, yeah it's really good.
Hi black! I know you specifically mentioned "low oral doses" but you know stimulant junkies never keep it low, and are rarely satisfied w/ taking them orally. Been agreeing w/ most everything you've said elsewhere. especially regarding psychedelics, but it's been my experience that ethylphenidate, when used frequently, begins to show a lot of bad side effects over time, including deleterious effects on the heart, and especially anxiety. Plus there's that nasty corrosive alkalinity that's just hell on the mucous membranes. I haven't touched ethylphenidate since late August.
anyone tried that evoke novelty snuff sold on a legit vendor, its prety much eph minus the nose pain, possibly more euphoric

i reccomend it
Mystery solved. I really am having a hard time breathing....unrelated from the EPH.

Went to my doctor`s last week and it turns out I have a chest infection along with bronchitis(along with my asthma). Taking a course of oral steroids and antibiotics to knock it out.

I`m going to wait till I feel better to start doing EPH again.
^ perhaps you breathed some of that corrosive stuff into your lungs?
Just a theory, but from what you've said, ethylphenidate being responsible seems hard to totally rule out.
It might be a factor,if I snorted EPH. However I only take oral doses(in caps) or plug it. So off hand I don`t think the EPH is related to my health issue. I could be wrong tho...
got a gram of eph last week was nice but lacking in some thing just cnt place my finger on it
I understand how you feel, FG! Set your mind to it. It don't come easy, but can you imagine what a difference it would be? Maybe I'll see you down in Sober Living, eh?

hey man after last week your lucky to be seeing me at all second o.d. in a month
You are either fearless, out of your mind, or both if you don't do something about it now. Saw on another post you were getting yourself checked out. I had the inhalation hiccups (cigs) all the time too. Haven't had a cigarette since the 10th! Good luck my friend.
fucked in the head mate simple as yer got doctors Monday all ready on a 12 week drug counselling course just got to see how shit go now the cigs are going as well hopefully ive got just over a weeks baccy left then that's it because ive lost my benefits because i am not coping well with things
Go into this as if you were taking a step outside a burning building, breathe the fresh air, and live. Stay in touch, J.
will do T :) going o fun trying tapering my intake is the first step i think not sitting here going mad because ive nothing to take making my mental state worse
So my company just switched me from a shift that usually has me coming home around midnight to a shift where I'm required to be there at 530am. This is a bit of a problem as my current sleep schedule has me going to bed around 4 am. I was wondering if ethyl would work as a functional stimulant to take in the morning to help me with the transition? How short lived are the effects when taken orally? What would be a good starting dose for someone who usually insufflates 20mgs/eats 30 mgs of methylphenidate?
Reset your sleep rhythm with some melatonin and you won't have to mess with ethylphenidate.