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RCs The Ethylphenidate (Ethyl phenyl(piperidin-2-yl)acetate) Megathread V2

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pain killers and food i got the same problem last time i plugged it and watch out for blacking out that way i did like you get from drinking
im not to sure because i was on a bender of chemicals just remember plugging 150mgish Wednesday next thing its Sunday and iv no drugs left thing is its me and im not your normal user iv an insane tolerance
Intranasal has by far been my favorite route. If it wasn't so caustic I would do it much more often. I always took my ethylphenidate using the bendy straw method so as to not get any eph in my lungs and the burn was significantly less with the bendy straw method. Im gonna play around with a nasal mister next time I order EPH so i can hopefully lessen the damage. Any long term (not like addiction just 1-3 times a week) ethylphenidate in nasal mister users care to talk about what kind of negative effects it has on their sinuses?

What do you mean with "bendy straw method"?

I did this compound in early 2012, early experiments yielded results similar to coke (was dosing 50-80mg lines a time, up to 300mg or so in a 7 hour session), but further expermintation got a bit weird, I remember one night literally jabbering, like I had a stutter...

Has it improved since? I'm getting sick of paying 60+ notes a night out for sniff so I'm considering getting half a gram in for a night out in a few weeks, and possibly snorting 80mg (I know it's brutal) or so and bombing some more. How effective is it oral at what doses? I'm experienced with MDMA doses around 250mg at a time up to 800mg over a whole night and coke with 150mg lines up to about 1.5g over a full night.
I really don't get this drug 30mg snorted gives me a lovely rush of euphoria but even 60mg orally hardly creates any, accept mild stimulation with a very very minute ego boost.

Oh, it's my 1000th post. xD
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^Snorting delivers the substance all at once whereas oral consumption is a much more gradual process. You would probably need quite a bit more than 60mg orally to get a pronounced effect if you enjoy 30mg nasally.

Mild stimulation and confidence boost as you describe sound about right for 60mg if you don't use it often.

As a regular user, I take 50mg lines snorted or 150mg orally.
well second session of 24h-30h awake i feel much better now after a good breakfast vitamines and anxiolitics and a little walk outside, i woke up yesterday 8am and i wasn t feeling that good over the day thu with this i was feeling uncomfortable actually most of the time because of the loss of my usual rythm i guess, not eating enough spending too much time alone in my room and i was quite concerned by my roomates at the time who were hearing me sniffing all the time and snorting, iwould have prefered they don t figure out what was going on with me, but anyway no big deal it had to happen. So overall this product is safer than meth yet much weaker as i snort a line the mild euphoria lasted sometime a minute and i redosed it every 1-2 hours, no huge crash like meth for now, so far i took arround 1 gram and now i ll slow it down
Sounds interesting, but i'm concerned to blow the load straight into my lungs with this method :\

Thanks for the link!
i think im going to quit eph..

i think ive had my time with it, starting october last year then every weekend since. ive started realising just how harsh the comedowns actually are from this.. it makes me feel depressed all week worse than if i took aload of mdma over the weekend.

ive had enough, time to move on
i think im going to quit eph..

i think ive had my time with it, starting october last year then every weekend since. ive started realising just how harsh the comedowns actually are from this.. it makes me feel depressed all week worse than if i took aload of mdma over the weekend.

ive had enough, time to move on

I did... but now I'm craving something again. Actually 6-APB. Thanks to the ban, I can't find it. Afraid to play with the 5-MEO-DALT after my reckless OD a while back. Maybe I should just stick to bud. :)
Intranasal has by far been my favorite route. If it wasn't so caustic I would do it much more often. I always took my ethylphenidate using the bendy straw method so as to not get any eph in my lungs and the burn was significantly less with the bendy straw method. Im gonna play around with a nasal mister next time I order EPH so i can hopefully lessen the damage. Any long term (not like addiction just 1-3 times a week) ethylphenidate in nasal mister users care to talk about what kind of negative effects it has on their sinuses?

Its pretty harsh, even in a nasal mister. I don't recommend it at all really. In retrospect, plugging it on a regular basis to avoid the nasal damage/pain was a really bad idea.

On occasion, i guess its alright, but the dosage required, even dissolved in saline and misted, really fucking burns, leaves your mucous membranes all dried out, and just sucks. I tried it a few times, and just stuck to rectal admin from there on.

Since then, i stopped using EPH, realizing my stimulant consumption was a serious addiction, and have since made the switch to nasal administered MDPV. I know that sounds like BS, but i don't take more than maybe 20mg a week tops, nasally administered. Much better on the nose, and with a bit of aloe vera/saline nasal spray, and some xylitol, i don't notice much damage at all.

EPH is nice, but in my experience, the only way to take it, if your goign to do so on a regular/semi-regular basis is orally. Just too caustic and not potent enough for nasal/rectal without causing damage. MDPV is potent enough to get away with that. But, still is a bad idea.

Just to make it clear, i only made the switch to MDPV, since i knew i was taking way too much EPH, and dri/ndri's in general. I slowly cut back my pv usage to not have to deal with any kind of w/d's, and stop fucking up my rectum and nose so bad. Ideally I don't want to use either of them any more frequently than once a week max, if at all. Since then i've drastically cut back on the pv usage, that i once needed to get the high i got from EPH. PV can be used responsibly, so can eph, similarly they can both fuck your health/life up big time if you abuse them.

But PV can open another can of worms entirely, my point being, is that IF you can control your usage and use eph/pv responsibly, and you want to administer it nasally, i'd go with pv.

I reallly don't like EPH nasally misted, even only on special occasions. Burns like a motherfucker, and is hell on your nose. Even just a few times a week, i noticed how it was damaging my nose. PV doesn't do this, but imho, that makes it more addictive since there's less side affects.

Personally, i'd steer clear of nasal EPH under any circumstances. But that's just me.

And speaking from personal experience, be extremely careful with compulsive/habitual dosing of either substances. I got caught up in that cycle of shittyness a few times, and pretty much learned my lesson there. Well, to be fair, it was a couple mescaline and lsd trips after a almost half year break from psychs, during which i was using alot of eph/pv, and figuring out it was just a road to disaster. Thats usually how i get out of addictions, not actively, but passively through introspection under the influence of a psychedelic drug.
i think im going to quit eph..

i think ive had my time with it, starting october last year then every weekend since. ive started realising just how harsh the comedowns actually are from this.. it makes me feel depressed all week worse than if i took aload of mdma over the weekend.

ive had enough, time to move on

i don't think ill stop but definitely have slown down, it does have an impact on my other drug use like mdma, methylone, mxe.
i get much less of an effect after using eph regularly leading to a "trip" on substances that i used to look forward too.
(non-abuse substance use versus abuse substance (eph))

and i do take my vitamins regularly .
So what's with the sweet smell? I just got a batch that smells funny and it's never smelled like anything before, even from the same vendor. Obviously this is a different batch. Anyone know? I don't know what cathinones smell like, unfortunately, so I can't say whether it's that or what. It's not like the weird APB smell, and it doesn't smell like acetone... It's almost fruity? Anyway, if anyone can shed some light on this I'd appreciate it.
foolsgold goes through 5gs a week, no rest. thats like someone drinking litres and litres of vodka warning you about alcohol..

moderation, time to heal, easy does it

just looking back for an answer to something and saw this made me smile :) but this is the new me http://www.bluelight.ru/vb/threads/...ctor-to-get-on-a-stimulant-maintenance-course any help ideas would be appriated :)

Originally Posted by Wintermute
So what's with the sweet smell? I just got a batch that smells funny and it's never smelled like anything before, even from the same vendor. Obviously this is a different batch. Anyone know? I don't know what cathinones smell like, unfortunately, so I can't say whether it's that or what. It's not like the weird APB smell, and it doesn't smell like acetone... It's almost fruity? Anyway, if anyone can shed some light on this I'd appreciate it.

that sweet smell is an impurity that has been causing all the problems check back a few pages to round where i started complaining and some said what it was i cnt remember what its called though but thats what has been rotting our nose out but then if i read what just a guy had put he answers it doh lol
anyone noticed that the strength of eph is going down? well from one certain vendor ive noticed anyway, its one of the top vendors too
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