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The EADD Trifle Annoyed Thread - Wobbly & Custard

Wow small world.

Kinda. I do live in Wales though and the event is for everybody who works with or attends (or knows somebody who does) any addiction or recovery service in Wales. Come along next time - is a nice walk (although a damn sight harder than it looks ><).

(oh, and the "bbq" is actually the world's shitiest burger van - in no way a barbecue - but it's warm (well, kinda stewed after being kept in those metal containers for hours stewing in their own juice) and free so... no veggie option though which rather annoyed the veggies who had to get by on a fried onion bap)
Annoyed because I have to get up at 7 in the morning to get ready for my 2 and a half hour train journey, am absolutely knackered after no sleep last night and yet the fucking cat hasnt come back so I have to wait until he does so I can close the windows. I have also drunk a bottle of prosecco and a bit of vodka and am falling asleep fast, if I do then fuck it. It's not like there's cat eating vampires out there or something.
Ha :D

Phoned for weed two hours ago, need a shit but daren't go because they absolutely will turn up then
Good stuff! Mine's just been, spliff then bed, no longer annoyed :D
Tis the worst! Though to be fair never left waiting much more than an hour and usually closer to half an hour so all good :D

Remants of last night's migraine won't fuck off, had all on even getting to work. Not had one since I was little, fucking horrible.
Do you roll the shell to crush it a little bit first? I find that makes them peel easily.

I've just spent a frustrating few hours trying to teach myself to use Volvo diagnostic equipment for heavy machinery. Head spinning a bit. Time for beer.
Seems while I was in rehab someone found my stash of 4-HO-MET..

Fly the BL flag at half mast.. :|

@Scots - I can almost see the smirk on your face when you do get a 2 peice shell.. :D
Those somebodies would of being my parents. It would of been fuckin hilarious if they'd took it.=D Chances of that happening are on a par with me predicting the lottery results for every draw from now until they put me in the ground...

It's in the bin :|
I wondered how they seemed to not mind you taking drugs in their house. My parents would have had a fit. They're anti drugs though.

They did mind. I can only imagine what it's like to watch your child destroying themselves.

They put aside their views on drugs and preferred me being at home and safe I guess. Relatively anyway. I loves them dearly.. <3
I know, right? I sound ridiculous don't I.. 8)

I'm blessed to have them, I'm glad I've realised this now and not before it was too late..
some people need to learn they have no say in my life and if they want to fuck around with me they know where i am
I hired three Indian mechanics a few months ago to come to Cambodia and work with my company.

I'm their immediate superior/boss and currently I'm staying at our work accommodation with them.

They are extremely conservative, speak almost no English and are damn uptight. I suspect they are also a bit homesick and a bit bored.


One of them has the extremely fucking annoying habit of just wandering into the room and silently standing just over my left shoulder staring at my computer screen for twenty minutes or half an hour at a time. Twice today, including just now.

I'm not watching a movie or anything, I'm sending work and personal emails, reading things. Eventually I just stopped and stared at a blank screen for ten minutes until the awkwardness became too much for him and he slunk off somewhere.
Does he know that you know he's standing there?

That is quite odd. Perhaps try and engage him? Thumb of war?
No, I'm just going to put on Testuo: The Iron Man next time.

We'll see what he makes of THAT!
Hah.. I've had the same experience when working in Egypt and Jordan. I think it's just their way of learning when the lingo doesn't work.

I used to have 1,2,3 or more standing by my bench watching me weld - no screens - grind, put valves together etc.. The following day they're experts and telling me how to do my job :D
Ugh so damn frustrated. These darkncircles round my eyes have appeared n I've gone to look really old. I'm 35 ffs. Why am I bothering doing all this exercise, trying to eat more healthily when I'm STILL going to
Look UGLY n hideous no matter what I do? It's like trying to turn the river themes into a canal. It's impossible.

Ten weeks I've been at this n these dark circles had gone now THEY'RE FUCKIN BACK AGAIN. Why am I fkn bothering?

Also while I'm at it I hate the way people are judged based on looks. For instance, if a good looking girl had an attitude problem this is seen as sexy n blokes will still vie for her attention. Why? She's earnt NOTHING! Now if she'd worked hard getting a fit body I could understand the admiration but just automatically looking good???

If an ugly person like me had an attitude problem this is the most likely reaction "no wonder you've not got a bloke with an attitude like that."

So then why I would I have to work hard to press but the pretty one can be as rude as she wants n that's ace cause she's beautiful

Note: not saying I wish to be rimude, just an example of how us ugly people are judged.

Fucks me off because I didn't say to God "yes make my a cocked eyed ugly looking thing that repulses everyone" did I.

People are seriously messed up.

Ok whinge over

Kill it with whiskey.

If I'd seen that last night I woulda!

edit: girlfriend is sat in a huge inflatable chair and is too stoned to get out of it. She's already made me fetch the home phone and now she's trying to get me to get the TV remote even though it is literally about half an inch from her big toe. Hell no I am not moving.
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