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The EADD Trifle Annoyed Thread - Wobbly & Custard

I just don't think it's right to publicly pin something on someone unless you know it is someone for sure. I have no bias towards anyone btw.

I agree. Though by this point I can spot alt's of Mr Mystery in a split second anyway.
I find their apparent personal disgust at my existence pretty hilarious, though it is hampered by being so terrible in identifying the best piece of shit to throw - I actually got offended by someone going to such effort to disparage me with "not heterosexual and takes too many drugs!".
I'm worth more than amateur-hour shite, right? 8)
I was actually suprised when "this person" had such a foul go at you (and Busty, MrScientist, Pagey etc.)

Me, Evey or SHM I could understand but he just seemed sooooo mad with everyone... And for a new member he seemed to know A LOT of existing members :)
Yeah, and that reposted selfie of me in my prettiest and pinkest of pink outfits -- to people who had already seen it -- was just pathetic.

Nobody's excusing the behaviour, and it gets cleaned up as quickly as we can manage for a rag-tag bunch of volunteers contending with some combination of day jobs, habits and assorted personal matters; but we must respect the rights of the individual if we are to call ourselves civilised. Otherwise, it leads to paediatricians' houses getting burned down. Mob justice is no justice .....
If they can't even hide behind any encryption while using an alt then jeez. Obviously you know who it was then. So you can see an IP of user as a mod. With Vbulletin isn't there a way any user can see another users IP?
Youre aware of the existence of TOR and IP encryption? If someone is hiding their IP address then there's no way of knowing who it is untill they start posting.....all to obvious then. Deleting the posts after the event is all that can be done
Then how can they "obviously know who it was" regardless of whether they can see the IP address or not.
I wasn't being sarcastic mate. Sprout said he can tell who an alt is in a split second. And he's a mod. So assumed he just clocked the IP. So fucking what?
An IP address does not identify you uniquely. It's more like knowing at which junction someone joined the main road, than knowing where they actually came from.

Even if you use the same broadband connection, your IP address usually changes from time to time (unless you pay extra for a static IP address) and some ISPs use proxy servers to even out resource usage by routing data along several alternate paths.

There is potentially a fragmentated trail, if you trawl through the right log files (which are the property of the owners of the various pieces of equipment through which the data passes on its way) you should be able to join the dots, but it would require the co-operation of multiple parties (and log files get wiped periodically; only so many days' worth are ever retained at any one time).

As maddening as it is, the effort (think: herding cats, each cat on a different drug) and the risks (to various Bluelight users' privacy) involved simply don't justify the payoff at this stage.

P.S. Ordinary mods don't have direct access to anyone's IP address anyway (we have to go through a procedure). Just a sort of spidey-sense .....
I wasn't being sarcastic mate. Sprout said he can tell who an alt is in a split second. And he's a mod. So assumed he just clocked the IP. So fucking what?

That doesn't even make fucking sense...
There is also, as any decent criminal behavioural profiler will tell you, the matter of patterns of behaviour, including, in this instance, the language the offender (and by God he is an offender) may use along with, crucially, patterns in the timing of the postings. Imagine someone who largely only used to post on BL from his job, often logging his first post at 9.05am (so fucking boring and worthless it must be working in a lighting factory in an admin sales position) and who followed that pattern day after day for years. Imagine that person being a genuinely quite educated person and posting in sentences well formed with regular patterns of quite clever, never misspelled vocabulary.

Yeah. Imagine that. Proves nothing. But, to us "mobsters", certainly points in Sammy's Harry's one direction.
Herding fucked up felines is more our day to day job, no? ;)
FTR: I am not privy to IP addresses of any poster, as Miss J doth stated we have protocol to follow regarding checks for alt's/trolls.
Spidey-sense? Silk plucked by an insect radiates minute acoustic vibrations. Surely the polished size-13 boot he can't quite fill hitting the decking in our garden is better suited to a different reference...?
Look, here are the facts as we know them:
  1. There is a person who appears to be behaving despicably because they are ill.
  2. It is not their fault that they are ill.
  3. It is their fault if they are behaving that way.
  4. They have a known profile that someone could imitate in order dishonestly to discredit them.
  5. The Law of the Land is in their favour, in the absence of proof of guilt beyond reasonable doubt.
  6. Actually proving that it is this person who is doing it will be next to impossible.
  7. Trying and failing to prove guilt could potentially inflict a shitstorm of Biblical proportions on otherwise innocent(ish) parties.
Please bear that last one in mind. Some people really do not deserve the potential adverse consequences.
You really think someone is creating an alt and trolling BL by impersonating in a flawless way a banned member with known mental health problems and a huge grudge against the site and it's members? Just purely so we will think Its SG in order to discredit a person who has already comepletely discredited himself by his own actions ..?

I fully get your argument about not having absolute proof and the law etc. but have a hard time thinking that you actually believe that Julie. Youre too clever a person to be that nieve.

I know you cant post what you probably think but come on.....you dont believe that I'm sure.
You really think someone is creating an alt and trolling BL by impersonating in a flawless way a banned member with known mental health problems and a huge grudge against the site and it's members? Just purely so we will think Its SG in order to discredit a person who has already comepletely discredited himself by his own actions ..?
Well, if you were in his situation, how would you try to weasel out of it? [wails]Bluelight is a community of reprobates, they are obviously trying to frame poor wee mentally ill me for a hate crime I did not commit! This is victim-blaming! This is harassment![/wails] ..... You know who you should really be going after?
I fully get your argument about not having absolute proof and the law etc. but have a hard time thinking that you actually believe that Julie. Youre too clever a person to be that nieve.
Absolute proof? Let me tell you about proof.

Ohm's Law, the most fundamental law of electricity (that's "E = I * R", not "if it plugs in, it can and will go wrong" -- but that's a good one to remember anywa, along with "it's the volts wot jolts, but it's the mils wot kills" -- but you already knew that last one, being a paramedic) has to be taken on faith, because any instruments which you might use to measure E, I and R all depend on the relationship being true in the first place. Any electronic appliance that works, no matter how complex, provides only corroborating evidence -- not proof. Someone could earn a Nobel prize by finding a case where E was not equal to I times R, and disprove the whole of electronics. But nobody's even tried that for years. We keep building electronic stuff that will only work as long as this equation is satisfied, the equation is invariably satisfied and the kit behaves the way it was intended to ..... but ultimately, we have still not proved Ohm's Law, and we never can. Even if the Heat Death of the Universe came about before someone managed to disprove it, that would not be considered proof even if there were anyone around to consider anything.
I know you cant post what you probably think but come on.....you dont believe that I'm sure.
You're dead right, I can't post what I really think. And anybody who doesn't get to see where a disappeared post used to have been (and believe me: there have been times when that has been more a curse than a blessing), might never even find out that my Sammy-sense has been set tingling.

I'm genuinely sorry that anyone has to see this happen; but I also know things that I can't forget. Things that show not picking fights one is not certain to win to be the lesser evil .....
The shit I don't get is why has no one gone round his place yet and laid the law low on him?

Monstapoodle should know where he lives?
It's the only language the cunt understands and to blame it on illness is like saying short dresses make woman ask to be raped in my mind.
It's bullshit I've known people who've been through worse than him and they're no where near as bad as him.
The shit I don't get is why has no one gone round his place yet and laid the law low on him?

Monstapoodle should know where he lives?
It's the only language the cunt understands and to blame it on illness is like saying short dresses make woman ask to be raped in my mind.
It's bullshit I've known people who've been through worse than him and they're no where near as bad as him.

The blokes a fucking dog. Mental illness or not some people are just born cunts. I imagine getting a good slap is pretty much a daily occurance for him anyway so doubt It would have much of an impact.
If it is Sam. Who do you think is living the most hhappiest and content. You? Or him?

Or whoever it is for that matter. If they've got time to set up proxies, email addies and then post, at most, 15/20 posts before been hit with a hammer. What a sad state of affairs, and my affairs are pretty sad.

I'm not condoning any of it. BL staff can only do so much, if you've serious issue and laws are broken, take it up with those who have more clout than a ban button.