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The EADD 2C-x Megathread

Plenty of discussion of bk-2C-B in the RC's Thread (you'll have to have a poke about to find it if the search button won't help). Short version is that opinion is very mixed. Some rave reviews which sound brilliant, some reporting little or no effect. I personally got no effect whatsoever from it when I tried it. I get the impression something went wrong with the synth but for some reason they decided to sell it anyway. I don't think it should be as strongly caustic as it is (don't try snorting it - you really don't want to do that :|). Some reports seem to suggest that taking it orally after an acidic drink (fruit juice or whatever) seems to make it more effective. There's not really a clear picture of it at all - reports seem to be a bit all or nothing which is very strange. You'd expect a range of effects but seems to be either you trip pretty hard or you don't feel anything beyond maybe a bit queasy and with a very, very sore nose (or rectum for that matter) if you went for an ROA other than oral. It seems promising in some ways but there's definitely something not quite right about that synth in my (totally speculative) opinion.
Cheers Shammy.
Looks like I'll give it a miss, for now at least. May have to 'collect my stamp' so to speak on some other occasion.
Ya, it does sound rather good from the reports of it actually working but think I'll be waiting for a new - and hopefully cleaned-up a bit - synth before I consider buying again. I bought 500mg and tried the various ROAs (aside from injection) and everything other than oral dosing hurt like fuck and none of them did a damn thing else. Was greatly disappointed as it kinda seems like it should be the tits... maybe it is but I don't trust that synth at all. I know YMMV but not to the extent this stuff seems to V.
Ya, it does sound rather good from the reports of it actually working but think I'll be waiting for a new - and hopefully cleaned-up a bit - synth before I consider buying again. I bought 500mg and tried the various ROAs (aside from injection) and everything other than oral dosing hurt like fuck and none of them did a damn thing else. Was greatly disappointed as it kinda seems like it should be the tits... maybe it is but I don't trust that synth at all. I know YMMV but not to the extent this stuff seems to V.

I got it through the original vendor, some time before it's started being marketed. Effects were fairly pleasant, standard PEA in low doses. My material tasted worrying metallic though & I called it pretty early in my experiments, after suffering a debilitating headache, post trip, that lingered all night & into the next day. I have to confess, it's only fair, that Phenethylamine Psyches tend to produce post-trip headache for me, but this one was worse & longer lasting. I had a feeling my sample wasn't clean enough hence the metallic taste.

If not for the headache I may well have gone further coz I was quite happy with the actual effects.
My first experience with 2c-c was excellent. Had 30mg towards the end of a night on MXE. Really peaceful, not many visual, probably could of slept on it. (I didn't though). Thourily good night and day.

Will be trying it on its own, earlier and higher dose next time.
had some 2-CB last wend at a festival, on the Sunday - day 3 i was gifted a sugar cube with a single dose of Al= Lad and followed that up a few hrs later with a small pill with II on the front and CB on the back.

imo the pills are about 8/10mg 2cb, with it being day 3 i dropped a 2nd pill about 2 hrs later.

the al lad crept up nice n slow but lifted my mood and energy levels and while i didn't get any crazy visuals or to many tracers from the CBs i was on a really happy buzz and my dancing shoes took off like a mad man.

was bopping away to bands from about 7 till 11 then to DJs and electronic bands till 5 in the morning.
What are the differences between 2ct7 and 2cb. The former was my first rc psychedelic in around 2001. I found it unbelievably intense with almost synthasaia and a half hour of thinking I was dying each time I tried it.i have done lots more psycedelics since. But it had unique amazing visuals and buzz but with a weird comeup.
You can snort 2C-B without risking death. But will have a sore nose for a while. Beyond that I couldn't say having never managed to track down the former (at least not at a time when ordering stuff was feasible).

2C-B is very visual, very euphoric. Party psyche not deep introspective psyche - even at high dose. It's popular for a reason ;)
3C-P guys, expensive but totally worth it, amazing chem, it seriously blew me. Takes ages to come up and has very long legs but it lacks the bad body load a lot of 2Cs have, it's mildly euphoric but produces great visuals and music appreciation. I took a walk in the countryside on the second day of the trip(started with 60mgs oral, then kept on snorting 20mg bumps for the next three days), everything looked amazing, the sky, the plants, the smells.

It rivals LSD as one of my top psyches.

I threw some BK-2C-B on top of it at the tail end and got rushes like on MD and a change in visuals, as in the type of visuals I was getting changed and became more cartoonish, while before the visuals were more geometric and logical.

It felt like San Pedro and speed mixed together, but in a positive way. Seriously good stuff, I was dancing on my own for hours, then explored the garden, stared in awe at a thunderstorm, fuck it was good.

I went through 350mgs from wednesday lunchtime till friday night, but for a single trip you can just dose 60 mgs oral plus a wee bit snorted a couple of hours later and you'll be going for ages.

Even after days I didn't want to come down, defo amphetamine feeling in that as in with normal psyches after a few hours I want to come down, with this I binged for three days and when I finished the bag I was sad, could have kept it up for more(which I did by switching to bk-2c-b)
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Noticed that 3C-E is also available now. If the relationship is the same it should be a more reasonable duration but broadly similar in effects. They are a bit pricey but definitely considering giving 'em a go. You've done a fine sales pitch, MK ;)
Noticed that 3C-E is also available now. If the relationship is the same it should be a more reasonable duration but broadly similar in effects. They are a bit pricey but definitely considering giving 'em a go. You've done a fine sales pitch, MK ;)

I really can't comment on duration as I kept on redosing, but my original 60mg dose plus the 20mg nasal booster I did a couple of hours after ingestion lasted for a good 20 hours before I felt the need to redose. Long lasting, but as I said it has a marked speedy feeling that makes you wanna keep on going forever, unlike most other psychedelics I've tried.

If I had half a gram instead of 350mgs I would seen the end of it. Bit moreish even.

Very good stuff.
20h or so sounds more or less in line with 2C-P which perhaps suggests that 3C-E would come in around the more standard 8-10h as 2C-E does. The 2C versions are always said to feel more or less identical so if that also carries over it's sounding rather promising. As is extra speediness cos I don't find the 2Cs speedy other than 2C-I which is more jittery than speedy.
came across some nice white rabbit cut out 2cb pills yesterday, tried a half and they seem decent enough. 1.5 would probably be my sweet spot with them.
It was a different time when you had to read out a disclaimer on a answer phone, things are a lot easier now. Fancy 2cb as it sounds easy going. I like mescaline and doing mdma with 4 aco DMT so I guess it is similar.
I find it hard to imagine anybody not liking 2C-B to be quite honest. Probably the prettiest of all the 2Cs (at least of those I've tried) and the most euphoric whilst being psychedelic without hint of headfuck. At least I've never had hint of headfuck and I have been known to use rather a lot when it's available in suitable quantity. Somebody gave me a gramme of it for me b'day that year we had the most snow in decades - one of the prettiest things I ever did see was walking at night with a headful of 2C-B <3
Sounds amazing. Can get hold of 15mg. pills so might get some. One of my best psychedelic moments I have had was listening to Big Time Sensuality by Bjork on 2-ct7 on a really difficult come up with the lyric 'It takes courage to enjoy it' and at that moment seeing a corn field moving in the wind and instantly switching from awful angst ridden to having a brain filled with love and euphoria. So I reckon I might like a go on 2-CB