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The Cuddle Puddle vers. Need gum for 3rd Degree Gurns!

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Smoking is always so unpleasant for me on any kind of speed... tastes so bad...

Nice though Snow, Ive been in the woods behind my house rolling before, not anywhere near as cool as psychs in the woods though... but of course rolling makes every thing amazing =D
lol yep. that was my summer after i graduated.. lots of cid and shrooms and tons of stateparks= epic times... this time we will have a 6x6 gator so it will be interesting lol
Lol yeah tripping in the woods is awesome... Did it once, and we were like 5 minutes away from the road... but those mushrooms made me think i was in a fucking jungle miles away from civilization lol
tell you what you dont want to do... get pulled over while peaking on cid lol... i got pulled over once cuz my friend was sticking his head out the window as we were driving by a bowling ally/volleyball court... as soon as the lights were turned on i instantly sobered up.. cop was asking why he was sticking his head out the window and i said he was looking for a friend at that volleyball game we drove past.. luckly my town is small and where everyone knows everyone including the cop. luckily the cop knew who i was but he didnt figure out i was fucked up cuz at that second i wasnt... as soon as he pulled away i let myself go and started tripping again... luckily we were only 1 mile away from our destination...
maybe that is why after that only tripped/rolled out in the middle of no where or at least we had a dd driver lol
I love having parents that dont care about weed lol

I just smoke my room everyday, unless Im smoking blunts or joints the smell seems to stay in here

One time my dealer bought a pound of Trainwreck (literally the smelliest weed Ive ever had, one bowl would smell though 3 bags) to my house and we just let it sit out for a while haha... it seriously made the entire downstairs of my house smell like DANK for a week.

GOD DAMN I feel good though lmao... time to go get more weed, a fat joint of purp awaits =D then more drink... I wish it wasnt Sunday lol, I want to stay up all night getting fuckkeeedd up
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Why wouldnt you use the meme? :(

more weed, speed and booze for me
I don't have anything other than a small amount of alcohol and some benadryl to help stop the anxiety...

It's going to be a long night :/
Whatcha on mate?

I had a lot earlier, some shots it helped a good amount. I get anxiety a lot actually, but I kinda just ignore it till it goes away lol
Im wondering if getting stoned will help

Just gotta love this feeling of constantly fearing my heart seizing up. The fact that my left arm is always a little tingly/sore doesn't help.
uuuhhhhh DUH lol.. especially if you have some indica.

Take like a hit a minute though, not really enough to get high, but just to relax.
Lol I wouldn't do that lmao. smoking in an anxious state makes it 10 times worse for me... Why don't you go play bf3 or something and have a few drinks lol...
I was playing a video game, but the thoughts got to strong I couldn't concentrate.

brb finishing this vodka.
brb never taking a stimulant again without a benzo handy just in case.

Stupid congenital conditions... Well at least I have a road block from becoming a tweaker.
Having a panic attack is like the opposite of being a badass lol.

But I guess if you can function normally throughout one, you're pretty pro.
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